apneadiving / Google-Maps-for-Rails

Enables easy Google map + overlays creation in Ruby apps
MIT License
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uninitialized constant ::Gmaps4rails #442

Closed sharmaansh21 closed 10 years ago

sharmaansh21 commented 10 years ago

I am using rails 4 and gem 'gmaps4rails', in controller

@hash = ::Gmaps4rails.build_markers(@lessons) do |lesson, marker| marker.lat lesson.latitude marker.lng lesson.longitude marker.infowindow lesson.description end

On development it is working fine but on production NameError (uninitialized constant Gmaps4rails):

On production Using gmaps4rails 2.1.2

apneadiving commented 10 years ago

No idea whats going on

apneadiving commented 10 years ago

any update?

sharmaansh21 commented 10 years ago

Restarting production server fixed this issue.

zachalewel commented 8 years ago

Restarting the server also fixed the issue for me too. Thanks!