apockill / uArmCreatorStudio

uArm Creator Studio is a Visual Programming Language for robot arms, with a heavy emphasis on computer vision and usability for both low experience and high experience programmers. It's written entirely in Python, and supports python scripting within the application.
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contributing guide #22

Open wisechengyi opened 7 years ago

wisechengyi commented 7 years ago


I was wondering if we can have a contributing guideline, as things are still a bit unclear to me.

  1. What shall we use to track the issues, this repo, uarm's fork, the forum?
  2. What should the PR go? this repo, or uarm's fork?
  3. Do you think it would be a good idea to a slack team for dev conversations?

Thanks, Yi

wisechengyi commented 7 years ago

cc @altjz @yuntian1019

apockill commented 7 years ago

Hi Yi,

So full disclosure: I'm not working for uFactory right now, the internship ended and now I'm busy on an internship at a different robotics company (not in the robotic arm field though, so it's not competition). However, that's been making it difficult to keep up with updating UCS, even though its the biggest project I've ever done, and I definitely want to do my best to keep it relevant.

I know for sure that uFactory is interested in maintaining it, at least for the near future, so their branch would be a good bet. However, I would like to maintain my branch as the "it WILL work" branch, so anything added to it is solid code and relevant to everyone.

1) I think that uArm's fork is the best place to track issues, since there is a company dedicated to working on it.

2) PR should go to uArm's fork, as much as it pains me to say- because I would love to pull all code into this branch, but I simply don't have time to test things myself.

3) I'd love a slack team for dev conversations, but I know that uFactory wouldn't use it, since they pretty much only use WeChat for everything. If you make a slack team though, I'll probably be more active then :D

Is there way to give you access to making and accepting pull requests? I'd hate for this repository to no longer be active. I don't trust uFactory to do things quickly and efficiently with this codebase, since it's not super high priority for them.

wisechengyi commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the clarification, and congrats on the new gig!

  1. I also brought up https://github.com/uArm-Developer/uArmCreatorStudio/pull/3. The 'issue' page isn't available on their fork yet. @apockill @altjz do you think that can be activated?

  2. Yeah it would be unrealistic to maintain separate forks with the current amount of resources. @altjz can we work out a contributing guide? As I'd want to frequently push out code

  3. I use wechat myself too, but am still slightly surprised it is used for in a dev team setting. I can set up the slack, and a self inviting system. @altjz @yuntian1019 slack.com is an awesome enterprise messaging service. 最后一点我可以说中文。

wisechengyi commented 7 years ago

bam! self inviting bot: https://slackin-pjjuyftsvw.now.sh/ for https://uarmcreatorstudio.slack.com