apohllo / rod

Ruby Object Database
15 stars 4 forks source link

strange test errors on BSD and PowerPC #219

Closed apohllo closed 12 years ago

apohllo commented 12 years ago
Feature: collection proxy specification

  Background:                                   # features/collection_proxy.feature:3
    Given the library works in development mode # features/steps/rod.rb:5

  Scenario: deleting and appending items                 # features/collection_proxy.feature:89
    Given the initial size of the collection proxy is 5  # features/steps/collection_proxy.rb:18

  Scenario: deleting and appending items                 # features/collection_proxy.feature:89
    Given the initial size of the collection proxy is 5  # features/steps/collection_proxy.rb:18
    When I append a new item 5 times                     # features/steps/collection_proxy.rb:31
    Then the size of the collection proxy should be 10   # features/steps/collection_proxy.rb:76
    And the collection proxy should behave like an array # features/steps/collection_proxy.rb:81
    When I delete an item at position 0                  # features/steps/collection_proxy.rb:61
    Then the size of the collection proxy should be 9    # features/steps/collection_proxy.rb:76
    And the collection proxy should behave like an array # features/steps/collection_proxy.rb:81
    When I delete an item with rod_id = 6                # features/steps/collection_proxy.rb:69
    Then the size of the collection proxy should be 8    # features/steps/collection_proxy.rb:76
    And the collection proxy should behave like an array # features/steps/collection_proxy.rb:81
    When I append a new item                             # features/steps/collection_proxy.rb:31
    Then the size of the collection proxy should be 9    # features/steps/collection_proxy.rb:76
    And the collection proxy should behave like an array # features/steps/collection_proxy.rb:81

Feature: Access to objects with indexed fields
  ROD allows for accessing objects via fields with indices.

  Background:                                   # features/flat_indexing.feature:4
    Given the library works in development mode # features/steps/rod.rb:5

  Scenario: simple indexing                                                        # features/flat_indexing.feature:8
      Rod should allow to access objects via values of their fields,
      for which indices were built.
    Given the class space is cleared                                               # features/steps/rod.rb:26
    And the model is connected with the default database                           # features/steps/model.rb:84
    And a class Caveman has a name field of type string with flat index            # features/steps/model.rb:99
    And a class Caveman has an age field of type integer with flat index           # features/steps/model.rb:99
    And a class Caveman has an identifier field of type ulong with flat index      # features/steps/model.rb:99
    And a class Caveman has a height field of type float with flat index           # features/steps/model.rb:99
    When database is created                                                       # features/steps/rod.rb:9
    And I create a Caveman                                                         # features/steps/model.rb:142
    And his name is 'Fred'                                                         # features/steps/model.rb:187
    And his age is '25'                                                            # features/steps/model.rb:187
    And his identifier is '111222333'                                              # features/steps/model.rb:187
    And his height is '1.86'                                                       # features/steps/model.rb:187
    And I store him in the database                                                # features/steps/model.rb:213
    And I create another Caveman                                                   # features/steps/model.rb:142
    And his name is 'Barney'                                                       # features/steps/model.rb:187
    And his age is '26'                                                            # features/steps/model.rb:187
    And his identifier is '111222444'                                              # features/steps/model.rb:187
    And his height is '1.67'                                                       # features/steps/model.rb:187
    And I store him in the database                                                # features/steps/model.rb:213
    And I create another Caveman                                                   # features/steps/model.rb:142
    And his name is 'Wilma'                                                        # features/steps/model.rb:187
    And his age is '25'                                                            # features/steps/model.rb:187
    And his identifier is '111222555'                                              # features/steps/model.rb:187
    And his height is '1.67'                                                       # features/steps/model.rb:187
    And I store him in the database                                                # features/steps/model.rb:213
    And I reopen database for reading                                              # features/steps/rod.rb:45
    Then there should be 3 Caveman(s)                                              # features/steps/model.rb:258
    And there should be 1 Caveman with 'Fred' name                                 # features/steps/model.rb:369
    And there should be 1 Caveman with 'Wilma' name                                # features/steps/model.rb:369
    And there should be 1 Caveman with 'Barney' name                               # features/steps/model.rb:369
    And there should be 2 Caveman(s) with '25' age                                 # features/steps/model.rb:369
    And there should be 1 Caveman with '26' age                                    # features/steps/model.rb:369
    And there should be 1 Caveman with '111222333' identifier                      # features/steps/model.rb:369

    And there should be 1 Caveman with '111222444' identifier                      # features/steps/model.rb:369
    And there should be 1 Caveman with '111222555' identifier                      # features/steps/model.rb:369
    And there should be 2 Caveman(s) with '1.67' height                            # features/steps/model.rb:369
    And there should be 1 Caveman with '1.86' height                               # features/steps/model.rb:369
cp: RodTest::Caveman RodTest::TestModel
    And some Caveman with 'Fred' name should be equal to the first Caveman         # features/steps/model.rb:418
      Database not selected for class Rod::Model!
      Provide the database class via call to Rod::Model.database_class. (Rod::MissingDatabase)
      ./lib/rod/model.rb:695:in `database'
      ./lib/rod/model.rb:142:in `count'
      ./lib/rod/model.rb:393:in `find_by_rod_id'
      ./lib/rod/collection_proxy.rb:45:in `[]'
      ./lib/rod/collection_proxy.rb:203:in `block in each'
      ./lib/rod/collection_proxy.rb:200:in `times'
      ./lib/rod/collection_proxy.rb:200:in `each'
      ./features/steps/model.rb:421:in `any?'
      ./features/steps/model.rb:421:in `/^some (\w+) with '([^']*)' (\w+) should be equal to the (\w+) (\w+)$/'
      features/flat_indexing.feature:48:in `And some Caveman with 'Fred' name should be equal to the first Caveman'
    And some Caveman with 'Barney' name should be equal to the second Caveman      # features/steps/model.rb:418
    And some Caveman with 'Wilma' name should be equal to the third Caveman        # features/steps/model.rb:418
    And the first Caveman with 'Fred' name should be equal to the first Caveman    # features/steps/model.rb:425
    And the first Caveman with 'Barney' name should be equal to the second Caveman # features/steps/model.rb:425
    And the first Caveman with 'Wilma' name should be equal to the third Caveman   # features/steps/model.rb:425

Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/flat_indexing.feature:8 # Scenario: simple indexing
  Rod should allow to access objects via values of their fields,
  for which indices were built.

2 scenarios (1 failed, 1 passed)
58 steps (1 failed, 5 skipped, 52 passed)
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (1): [bundle exec cucumber --tags @wip features/...]

So far it seems that the call to RodTest::Caveman.find_by_rod_id is not executed in the context of this class but Rod::Model class.

apohllo commented 12 years ago

This was caused by mocha 0.11.x. The version was restricted to 0.9.x.