apollack11 / vive_tracker_loc

A software package to determine the pose of the HTC Vive Tracker with only an HTC Vive Lighthouse
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Is it possible to get raw imu data from tracker? #1

Open pangfumin opened 6 years ago

pangfumin commented 6 years ago

Hi , thank you for sharing this code.

What I have know is that you can get angles between vive tracker and lighthouse, if there a way to get imu data from tracker ? How about libsurvive?

apollack11 commented 6 years ago

Yes libsurvive interfaces with the Vive components and is capable of getting IMU data. The IMU data is being stored in the Survive Object object. There is an example of pulling the IMU data in this file https://github.com/apollack11/vive_tracker_loc/blob/jarvis_edits/src/vive_pose_node.cpp

jarvisschultz commented 6 years ago

@apollack11 is correct: you can definitely get IMU data through libsurvive. As an additional note, I tried working with the IMU data a bit, and was not really sure what data I was actually seeing. I felt like it must have needed a calibration or something, but I never really looked into it. So just note that while you can access the IMU data, there might still be some work required to do anything useful with it.

pangfumin commented 6 years ago

@apollack11 @jarvisschultz Thank you for your reply, I will try it.