apolloconfig / apollo-use-cases

Show various usage scenarios and sample codes of the Apollo configuration center, welcome to share more configuration use cases in your daily work!
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@ApolloConfigChangeListener 无效 #51

Open Sam0913 opened 2 years ago

Sam0913 commented 2 years ago

` @Slf4j @Component public class ApolloConfig implements ApplicationContextAware {

private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

public void onChange(ConfigChangeEvent changeEvent){
    log.info("apollo conf update starts!");
    // 更新configrationProperties
    applicationContext.publishEvent(new EnvironmentChangeEvent(changeEvent.changedKeys()));
    log.info("apollo conf update success!");

public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
    this.applicationContext = applicationContext.getParent();

} `

这边能取到最新配置,但是使用@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource")的配置还是久的值

Anilople commented 2 years ago

Spring Boot version?


mvn dependency:tree > tree.log

get it.

Sam0913 commented 2 years ago

Spring Boot version?


mvn dependency:tree > tree.log

get it.


Sam0913 commented 2 years ago

Spring Boot version?


mvn dependency:tree > tree.log

get it.

@RefreshScope 如果使用这种方式虽然可以动态更新了,但是会导致eureka 注册当前服务进行先down 在 up操作。

nobodyiam commented 2 years ago

You could refresh the specific bean with the bean name, e.g. https://github.com/apolloconfig/apollo/blob/96ee53a2c98da763ef0e7557af33c03a8d2ae297/apollo-demo/src/main/java/com/ctrip/framework/apollo/demo/spring/springBootDemo/refresh/SpringBootApolloRefreshConfig.java#L47-L53

nobodyiam commented 2 years ago

BTW, I verified EnvironmentChangeEvent also works in spring boot 2.4.12 and spring cloud 2020.0.4. If it doesn't work for your scenario, please take a look at your ConfigurationProperties setup and make sure it is not annotated with RefreshScope.

Sam0913 commented 2 years ago

BTW, I verified EnvironmentChangeEvent also works in spring boot 2.4.12 and spring cloud 2020.0.4. If it doesn't work for your scenario, please take a look at your ConfigurationProperties setup and make sure it is not annotated with RefreshScope.

恩,是我只写取application错误了,请问@RefreshScope 会导致服务重启的问题您遇过吗?

nobodyiam commented 2 years ago

恩,是我只写取application错误了,请问@RefreshScope 会导致服务重启的问题您遇过吗?

@Sam0913 You need to refresh a specific bean instead of refresh all. But I think even refresh all will only trigger eureka to unregister and register itself but won't restart the service.