apollographql / apollo-client-nextjs

Apollo Client support for the Next.js App Router
MIT License
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apply documentTransforms before rerunning simulated queries #257

Closed phryneas closed 1 month ago

phryneas commented 1 month ago

I believe this would fix #256

While the __typename transform normally is applied in both queries happening during SSR, and in the Browser, in the case where a query could not fully be transported from SSR to the Browser (e.g. in the case an error was thrown on the server, or because the stream closed before it was fully transported over), these would be replayed as "simulated queries", and in that case the transform was not applied.

Hint for review: hide whitespace :)

phryneas commented 1 month ago


github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

size-limit report πŸ“¦

Path Size
{ ApolloNextAppProvider, NextSSRApolloClient, NextSSRInMemoryCache } from '@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/ssr' (Browser ESM) 7.8 KB (+0.09% πŸ”Ί)
{ WrapApolloProvider, ApolloClient, InMemoryCache } from '@apollo/client-react-streaming' (Browser ESM) 1.41 KB (+0.7% πŸ”Ί)
{ buildManualDataTransport } from '@apollo/client-react-streaming/manual-transport' (Browser ESM) 6.25 KB (+0.21% πŸ”Ί)
@apollo/client-react-streaming (Browser ESM) 2.12 KB (+0.51% πŸ”Ί)
@apollo/client-react-streaming (SSR ESM) 1.72 KB (0%)
@apollo/client-react-streaming (RSC ESM) 1020 B (0%)
@apollo/client-react-streaming/manual-transport (Browser ESM) 6.43 KB (+0.13% πŸ”Ί)
@apollo/client-react-streaming/manual-transport (SSR ESM) 6.32 KB (0%)
@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/ssr (Browser ESM) 8.4 KB (+0.12% πŸ”Ί)
@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/ssr (SSR ESM) 8.31 KB (+0.04% πŸ”Ί)
@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/ssr (RSC ESM) 839 B (0%)
@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/rsc (RSC ESM) 261 B (0%)
relativeci[bot] commented 1 month ago

Job #75: Bundle Size β€” 1.01MiB (~+0.01%).

a66ad6c(current) vs 77e6327 main#65(baseline)

[!WARNING] Bundle contains 1 duplicate package – View duplicate packages

Bundle metrics  Change 2 changes Regression 1 regression
Job #75
Job #65
Regression  Initial JS 890.38KiB(~+0.01%) 890.35KiB
No change  Initial CSS 0B 0B
Change  Cache Invalidation 21.07% 0.03%
No change  Chunks 24 24
No change  Assets 45 45
No change  Modules 512 512
No change  Duplicate Modules 30 30
No change  Duplicate Code 1.29% 1.29%
No change  Packages 29 29
No change  Duplicate Packages 1 1

Bundle size by type  Change 1 change Regression 1 regression
|            |       Current
[Job #75](https://app.relative-ci.com/projects/fukE5WxC5RnzLcZncFJw/jobs/75-aH1b9ZwnTq2uJMOeSTDb?utm_source=github&utm_medium=pr-report "View job report") |      Baseline
[Job #65](https://app.relative-ci.com/projects/fukE5WxC5RnzLcZncFJw/jobs/65-OnzZo70HR7CRs3YyTX4o?utm_source=github&utm_medium=pr-report "View baseline job report") | |:--|--:|--:| | Regression  [JS](https://app.relative-ci.com/projects/fukE5WxC5RnzLcZncFJw/jobs/75-aH1b9ZwnTq2uJMOeSTDb/assets?ba=%7B%22filters%22%3A%22ft.CSS-0_ft.JS-1_ft.IMG-0_ft.MEDIA-0_ft.FONT-0_ft.HTML-0_ft.OTHER-0%22%7D "View JS assets") | `1023.64KiB` (`~+0.01%`) | `1023.61KiB` | | Not changed  [Other](https://app.relative-ci.com/projects/fukE5WxC5RnzLcZncFJw/jobs/75-aH1b9ZwnTq2uJMOeSTDb/assets?ba=%7B%22filters%22%3A%22ft.CSS-0_ft.JS-0_ft.IMG-0_ft.MEDIA-0_ft.FONT-0_ft.HTML-0_ft.OTHER-1%22%7D "View Other assets") | `5.99KiB` | `5.99KiB` |

View job #75 report View pr/fix-simulatedQueries branch activity View project dashboard

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

A new release has been made for this PR. You can install the package you need using one of