apollographql / apollo-client-nextjs

Apollo Client support for the Next.js App Router
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Newbie question: can this be used for browser-side Apollo queries/mutations too? #275

Open therealgilles opened 1 month ago

therealgilles commented 1 month ago

I'm trying to use this package on a new project. I am wondering if it can be used for browser-side Apollo queries/mutations too. The RFC mentioned providing a useApolloClient() hook but I don't see one available from this package.

In my scenario, I need: 1) An RSC Apollo client for static generation, using client/password authentication to retrieve data. 2) A "client" Apollo client for user queries/mutation, using credentials (cookie authentication). This client would be mostly used on the browser, but I guess during SSR too.

(1) is working as expected, but (2) is not. Despite the ApolloWrapper, Apollo is complaining there is no ApolloProvider. If I try to use useQuery(), I see it's making graphql request to localhost instead of the URL I configured. Meaning it looks like it's using an non-configured client.

What am I missing? Help and advice welcome.

therealgilles commented 1 month ago

Ah it looks like I tried to use process.env.SERVER_GRAPHLQ_URL inside ApolloWrapper and it didn't get transformed into the proper URL. Still curious about the useApolloClient() hook though, as I need the client to run client.clearStore().

phryneas commented 1 month ago

At this point, you should be able to use all hooks just directly from @apollo/client. In the past, some of the hooks needed to be imported from "@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/ssr", but that's not the case any more. As long as you use the NextSSRApolloClient with the ApolloNextAppProvider, all hooks should work just like you expect them to.

therealgilles commented 3 weeks ago

After fixing the URL, it started working as expected. I also discovered I can get the client in queries/mutations result. Not sure if possible, but a check to make sure the URL is not empty would be useful. The error messages I got did not point me there.

One thing that's not completely clear to me if whether credentials (auth cookies for instance) would work during SSR, but I'm guessing they should?

phryneas commented 3 weeks ago

You would manually need to "forward" auth cookies during SSR. You'd need to access the cookies during RSC (SSR cannot access them), pass them into a prop to your ApolloWrapper component, and protect them with https://github.com/phryneas/ssr-only-secrets so they don't leak into the browser.

therealgilles commented 2 weeks ago

@phryneas Thank you for the answer and pointer.

PS: The README file of ssr-only-secrets has a few inconsistencies, with missing await call, SECRET_MY_VAR in the wrong spot or missing in the function call.

phryneas commented 2 weeks ago

The README file of ssr-only-secrets has a few inconsistencies, with missing await call, SECRET_MY_VAR in the wrong spot or missing in the function call.

PRs to fix things like that up are very welcome! I just put up the library to help people, but it's not very polished.

SheshoVega commented 2 weeks ago

graphql request to localhost instead of the URL

hi, how could you fix the URL, I have the same issue, if I use environment variables in ApolloWrapper when configuring HttpLink like this:

const httpLink = new HttpLink({ uri: process.env.GRAPHQL_URL, headers: { authorization:Bearer ${process.env.TOKEN}, }, fetchOptions: { cache: "no-store" }, });

same problem with my token, but if I hard code the variables everything works fine.

therealgilles commented 2 weeks ago

Assuming you are using NextJS, a process.env.VAR variable will only be made available client-side (or more precisely replaced during transpiling) if VAR has a NEXT_PUBLIC_ prefix, so name your variable NEXT_PUBLIC_TOKEN or something alike.

See: https://nextjs.org/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/environment-variables#bundling-environment-variables-for-the-browser

SheshoVega commented 1 week ago

@therealgilles thanks so much for the clarification.