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Wrapping a REST API in GraphQL #379

Closed dalgard closed 8 years ago

dalgard commented 8 years ago

The article Wrapping a REST API in GraphQL describes how to use a client-side schema to resolve queries against a REST endpoint.

The schema is inserted as a network layer in Relay – can something similar be achieved with Apollo Client?

dalgard commented 8 years ago

Seems easier than I expected: Custom network interface

stubailo commented 8 years ago

Yep, that's it! Very similar to the Relay approach.

linonetwo commented 8 years ago

Great, I'm currently seeking for this. @dalgard Have you tried it yet?

stubailo commented 8 years ago

By the way, if someone wants to write a post about this it would be awesome!

dalgard commented 8 years ago

@linonetwo Not yet. Don't know whether I'm going to need it within the next couple of months. Still interested, though!

linonetwo commented 8 years ago

OK I'm trying it...

what can be inferred from apollo's docs is just:

import { addQueryMerging } from 'apollo-client';

class REST2GraphQLInterface {

  query({ query, variables, debugName }) {
    return Promise.resolve({ data: {}, errors: [{ code: 0, msg: 'errorMsg' }] });

export default addQueryMerging(REST2GraphQLInterface);

I need to refer to relay's doc for further implementation examples...

linonetwo commented 8 years ago

So I don't need a 「graphql」 package, instead a 「graphql-tool」 at the client side?

linonetwo commented 8 years ago

Well, I think writing REST2GraphQL on the client side is much similar to what we usually wrote on the server side.

The only difference is that we use the connector to get data from database usually, now we use the connector to get data from REST endpoint.

I'm not sure whether I'm on the right path or not.

stubailo commented 8 years ago

@linonetwo you're definitely on the right path. What you are basically doing is writing a "GraphQL server", but on the client, so any of the GraphQL server docs will apply.

You don't need apollo-server or express-graphql for this - those packages are for attaching GraphQL to a real web server, which you don't have or need on the client. You just need to get a GraphQLSchema instance and call it yourself via the graphql function from the graphql package.

linonetwo commented 8 years ago

Thanks for guiding.

Another question: One REST endpoint would give me tons of data. Typically if I want to fill in blanks for this type;

# /api/account/whoami
type User {
  login: Boolean!
  username: String!
  password: String!

  id: Int!
  name: String!

  companyId: Int
  companyName: String
  departmentId: Int
  departmentName: String
  role: String

I will write resolver functions, each will just getting small piece of data. though /api/account/whoami will return

  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "companyId": 1,
    "companyName": "Company1",
    "departmentId": 1,
    "departmentName": "工程部",
    "id": 7,
    "name": "用户3",
    "role": "Customer",
    "username": "Customer3"

which covers many of fields of User type.

should I still write resolving functions for every field? And addQueryMerging(REST2GraphQLInterface) will do some magic for this?

I think I can cache data inside connector. if /api/account/whoami returns

  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "companyId": 1,
    "companyName": "Company1",
    "departmentId": 1,
    "departmentName": "工程部",
    "id": 7,
    "name": "用户3",
    "role": "Customer",
    "username": "Customer3"

and I only need departmentName and companyName for this time, I can cache the whole json inside User model, and set an expire time or so. When next query about role goto User model will hit this cache .

But it looks redundantly with apollo-client 's client side cache.

So my opinion is to simulate the batching again here. If two queries come together within 10ms, second one will hit the cache.

Another option is caching at Model level and use graphQL decorator or so, to pass an 'force fetch' argument to this level. In this way, "client side server" 's caching won't be obscure to user.

Which way is better still need experiment.

linonetwo commented 8 years ago

I will write a post after this...

I'm currently using「graphql」package to parse executeableSchema like this:

const executableSchema = makeExecutableSchema({
  typeDefs: schema,

class REST2GraphQLInterface {
  query({ query, variables }) {
    return graphql(
      undefined, // should be rootValue here, I don'k know what its used for
        Config: new Config({ connector: serverConnector }),
        User: new User({ connector: serverConnector }),

export default addQueryMerging(new REST2GraphQLInterface());

And it doesn't work, throwing Error: Must provide a schema definition from \node_modules\graphql\utilities\buildASTSchema.js

Maybe executableSchema is not what it wants?

stubailo commented 8 years ago

What is schema? perhaps it's not the right kind of object?

stubailo commented 8 years ago

Also, you don't need to write resolvers like ({ field }) => field - that's the default behavior. So you only need explicit resolvers for the case where you need to do some transformation on the data.

linonetwo commented 8 years ago

OK, My only reference is GitHunt... Learnt from it :

type Entry {
  repository: Repository!
  postedBy: User!
  createdAt: Float! # Actually a date
  score: Int!
  comments: [Comment]! # Should this be paginated?
  commentCount: Int!
  id: Int!
  vote: Vote!

export const resolvers = {
  Entry: {
    repository({ repository_name }, _, context) {
      return context.Repositories.getByFullName(repository_name);
    postedBy({ posted_by }, _, context) {
      return context.Users.getByLogin(posted_by);
    comments({ repository_name }, _, context) {
      return context.Comments.getCommentsByRepoName(repository_name);
    createdAt: property('created_at'),
    commentCount({ repository_name }, _, context) {
      return context.Comments.getCommentCount(repository_name) || constant(0);
    vote({ repository_name }, _, context) {
      if (!context.user) return { vote_value: 0 };
      return context.Entries.haveVotedForEntry(repository_name, context.user.login);

that every field we are using should a resolver function, or we can't get data for it.

Are there any edge case learning material?

stubailo commented 8 years ago

Note that id doesn't have a resolver. createdAt has one because we are renaming the field from created_at.

We're probably going to write a complete GraphQL server guide in the future, but it's not our top priority right now.

linonetwo commented 8 years ago

I found that there were lots of posts on the Medium written by your team, which are extremely useful for beginners.Thank you guys!

But were they be linked or merged to docs, I won't spending so much time learning and experimenting it...

Now building a wrapping for RESTful endpoint is a very easy job, I'm almost done. I'll write a post soon.

linonetwo commented 8 years ago

I have my try to make it my experiment repo

though my writing of resolver is kind of verbose...

linonetwo commented 8 years ago

(I record my research path here just for indexing reference, providing help for who need it.) ( Problem figured out, it's due to apollo-client returning an object rather than string for query )

@stubailo You mentioned that I can call executableSchema via the graphql( ) function from the graphql package, I'm doing it like this:

// http://dev.apollodata.com/core/network.html#NetworkInterface
class REST2GraphQLInterface {
  query({ query, variables }) {
    console.log(executableSchema); // GraphQLSchema {_queryType: GraphQLObjectType, _mutationType: GraphQLObjectType, _subscriptionType: null, _directives: Array[3], _typeMap: Object…}
    console.log(query); // Object {kind: "Document", definitions: Array[1]}
    console.log(variables); // I'm not using it currently
    return graphql(
        Config: new Config({ connector: serverConnector }),
        User: new User({ connector: serverConnector }),
        PowerEntity: new PowerEntity({ connector: serverConnector }),
        FortuneCookie: new FortuneCookie(),


But query it will throw out { errors: [ [TypeError: source.body.split is not a function] ] } just like this graphql-js issue descripes

Relay have a different NetworkInterface from Apollo, It has sendMutation(mutationRequest), sendQueries(queryRequests), supports(...options) .

While Apollo use single query(request: GraphQLRequest): Promise. So I can't use package relay-local-schema as Facebook mentioned directly too.

But I believe @stubailo is right, since graphql( ) receives these arguments... Oh! I found it! The query receive from ApolloClient is mismatching the second argument of graphql( ) !

query is now an Object {kind: "Document", definitions: Array[1]} but graphql( ) needs a string.

How I can convert query to string remains a mystery. Since as document read query is just a string. I tried to remove addQueryMerging( ) and

queryTransformer: addTypename,
shouldBatch: true,

from new ApolloClient({ }) but query still being an object.

linonetwo commented 8 years ago

Ok, I made it on the react-native side, in production!

I will link my blog post here later. Chinese Version: 把REST包装成GraphQL Translation is in progress.

So, @dalgard Apollo is proved to be capable of wrapping REST endpoint, on the server side, on the client side, and on the react-native side! : D

Urigo commented 7 years ago

@linonetwo I would love to see an English version of that post! If you need help with that I would love too

linonetwo commented 7 years ago

@Urigo Ok, I'm working on that, please wait for a while.

linonetwo commented 7 years ago

@Urigo http://onetwo.ren/wrapping-restful-in-graphql/

Were there any bug or issue please point out. Any question, ask me and I will add some content. But what I want to say is that

Setting up an REST-GraphQL gateway is quite similar to set up a simple and naive GraphQL server

lucasconstantino commented 7 years ago

I've being working on a project with apollo-client/server both on the browser wrapping a rest api. I works smoothly, with File upload support, Apollo client dev tools working properly, etc, etc. I'm working on a post in portuguese, but I guess I can make a copy in english and put in on Medium or similar. Does anyone have a better or more contextualized place to publish it, in case it fits?

Urigo commented 7 years ago

@lucasconstantino Medium sounds great. If you want we can review it and in the case will fit and a lot of people will be interested, publish it also under our Apollo publication

lucasconstantino commented 7 years ago

Here it goes: https://medium.com/@constantinoyo/graphql-today-using-apollo-for-applications-that-still-depend-on-rest-apis-839895ce20d0

SeanBannister commented 7 years ago

For anyone else stumbling across this you might like to check out https://github.com/mstn/apollo-local-network-interface

jozanza commented 6 years ago

Looks like the approach with Apollo 2.0 is different with the "link" approach replacing network interfaces. Here's how I personally got my plain old GraphQLSchema instance working:

import { Observable, ApolloLink, execute, makePromise } from 'apollo-link'
import { InMemoryCache, IntrospectionFragmentMatcher } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory'
import { ApolloClient } from 'apollo-client'
import { graphql, print } from 'graphql'
import schema from './schema' // should be an instance of GraphQLSchema

const link = new ApolloLink(
  operation =>
    new Observable(observer => {
      const { query, variables, operationName } = operation
      graphql(schema, print(query), {}, {}, variables, operationName)
        .then(result => {
        .catch(e => observer.error(e))
const cache = new InMemoryCache()
//  Note: if your schema contains interfaces / union types, ApolloClient can't infer possibleTypes out-of-the-box
//  You'll have to let it know manually via a fragmentMatcher. For example:
//  const cache = new InMemoryCache({
//    fragmentMatcher: new IntrospectionFragmentMatcher({
//      introspectionQueryResultData: {
//        __schema: {
//          types: [{
//            kind: 'INTERFACE',
//            name: 'Either',
//            possibleTypes: [
//               { name: 'Left' },
//               { name: 'Right' },
//            ]
//          }] 
//        }
//      },
//    }),
//  })
const client = new ApolloClient({ link, cache })
Vanuan commented 6 years ago

Here's an example for Apollo client 2.0:
