apollographql / meteor-integration

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Out of sync with NPM versions again... #96

Closed csillag closed 7 years ago

csillag commented 7 years ago
WARNING: npm peer requirements (for apollo) not installed:
 - graphql-server-express@0.7.2 installed, graphql-server-express@^0.6.0 needed

Read more about installing npm peer dependencies:
xavxyz commented 7 years ago

Instead of annoying warnings throw by the meteor npm requirements package for being too much up-to-date, I'm thinking that a "crash feature" if you don't have the package installed would be great?

Something that doesn't check package versions but rather check if they exist (can be required) and crash with an explicit error telling which packages are missing?

What do you think of this feature? Would you be OK for a PR on that? 😊

jshimko commented 7 years ago

Yes please! Seriously, anything but that awful version checker package. I am SO sick of the excessive console warnings from that. Tons of Meteor packages use that and it feels like pointless warnings come up every other week. Honestly, I'd rather just have my build fail from a missing dependency than have to look at that message over and over for a version mismatch that isn't actually a problem.

Ok, mini rant over. :)

xavxyz commented 7 years ago

So anyone wanna tackle this issue over the weekend with a PR ? 💯

csillag commented 7 years ago

So anyone wanna tackle this issue over the weekend with a PR ?

If there are no takers, how about just updating the referenced version numbers, for now?

xavxyz commented 7 years ago

@csillag please open a PR for the version numbers meanwhile and ping me, I'll merge it and publish the package right away. I'll see what I can do in the following days for "fail early" and now more warnings.

xavxyz commented 7 years ago

Ok, removed the check completely.

lorensr commented 7 years ago

it's important to let people know what versions of peer deps we're compatible with. perhaps in the case in which the installed dep is newer, we can say "might be incompatible" instead of just "incompatible"