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`test_defer_is_not_buffered` missing mock query #3403

Open BrynCooke opened 1 year ago

BrynCooke commented 1 year ago

The snapshot for this test contains:

"message": "couldn't find mock for query {\"query\":\"query TopProducts__reviews__1($representations:[_Any!]!){_entities(representations:$representations){...on Product{reviews{__typename id product{__typename upc}}}}}\",\"operationName\":\"TopProducts__reviews__1\",\"variables\":{\"representations\":[{\"__typename\":\"Product\",\"upc\":\"1\"},{\"__typename\":\"Product\",\"upc\":\"2\"}]}}",

This is surely wrong, and probably means the test is not testing what we think it is.

o0Ignition0o commented 10 months ago

The snapshot is wrong, we should update the mock, and save the correct one.