apoorvpandey-ap / teraform-_with_linode_cloud

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How to make instance on linode through terraform #1

Open apoorvpandey-ap opened 2 years ago

apoorvpandey-ap commented 2 years ago

Step 1. Login to Linode.

Step 2. Install terraform on your machine and set the environment


Step 3. Open VS code and write this code

official link -https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/introduction-to-hcl/

terraform {
  required_providers {
    linode = {
        source = "linode/linode"

provider "linode" {
    token       = "b3ce0bae96f2ab33abf9d0e93083c708e7b60746bf21061dbb679742c5d5673f"
    api_version = "v4beta" 


# Linode
resource "linode_instance" "example_instance" {
    label       = "example_instance_label"
    image       = "linode/ubuntu18.04"
    region      = "us-east"
    type        = "g6-standard-1"
    root_pass   = "vdoxx999" 


# Domain

# firewall

Step 4. Run terraform command on terminal

terraforn init terraforn plan terraform apply

apoorvpandey-ap commented 2 years ago

Step 5. Add Domain


resource "linode_domain" "example_domain" {
    domain      = "virtualdoxxindia.com"
    soa_email   = "apoorvcreate@gmail.com"
    type        = "master"
# domain record
resource "linode_domain_record" "example_domain_record" {
    domain_id =  linode_domain.example_domain.id
    name = "virtualdoxxindia.com"
    record_type = "A"
    target = linode_instance.example_instance.ip_address
    ttl_sec = 300

apoorvpandey-ap commented 2 years ago

Step 6. Add Firewall


resource "linode_firewall" "example_firewall" {
    label = "example_firewall_label"

  inbound {  
    label       = "allow-http"
    action      = "ACCEPT"
    protocol    = "TCP"
    ports       = "80"
    ipv4        = [""]
    ipv6        = ["ff00::/8"]  
  inbound_policy = "DROP"

  outbound_policy = "ACCEPT"

  linodes = [linode_instance.example_instance.id]
