Closed Djokovic0311 closed 3 years ago
These are wikidata IDs for entities. They could be browsed at wikidata_big/kg/wd_id2entity_text.txt
Thanks a lot for your replay! So if I want to build up my own qa dataset (nq-open), should I form those corresponds like wd_id2entity_text.txt as the paper? And are qa pairs enough in the dataset enough?
I am not sure if I understood the details of the dataset you want to create.
Hi all! @apoorvumang @soumen-chakrabarti @theartpiece
Could you please tell me what every field means in the wikidata .pickle you kindly offered in the repo? To be more specific, what do IDs like "Q5256864" mean in the 'answers'? How should I build the correspondence between them and some possible original data?
Thanks a lot in advance and look for your reply!