DEPRECATED - FOR APOSTROPHE 0.5 SITES ONLY - BUILT IN TO APOSTROPHE 2.X. Allows any object to have a schema of properties that can be edited in the browser, sanitized on the server and easily saved in Mongo. Schema types include text, select, tags, Apostrophe areas and singletons, and joins (one-to-one and many-to-many relationships), among others.
It currently does not work to have a conditional field nested within a field that is displayed as a conditional I.E. Show B only if A is selected, and then show C only if a certain choice within B is selected --- currently, C is always displayed in this scenario.
Conditional fields are initially hidden in afterPopulateFields(), and are rechecked with every enhance event. The toggleHiddenFields() function will likely need extending.
It currently does not work to have a conditional field nested within a field that is displayed as a conditional I.E. Show B only if A is selected, and then show C only if a certain choice within B is selected --- currently, C is always displayed in this scenario.