apostrophecms / apostrophe-events

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fix recurring event error #49

Closed ETLaurent closed 2 years ago

ETLaurent commented 2 years ago

PRO-2827 PRO-2756


When saving an event that's configured to be recurring several times a week or a month, an error occurs. To fix that, attach a new generated workflowGuid to the cloned events (which are inserted as many times as the event is recurring).

What are the specific steps to test this change?

No error should occur and new events matching the recurring dates should have been created.

What kind of change does this PR introduce?

(Check at least one)

Make sure the PR fulfills these requirements:

If adding a new feature without an already open issue, it's best to open a feature request issue first and wait for approval before working on it.

Other information:

linear[bot] commented 2 years ago
PRO-2827 Error occurs when I try to save a recurring event.

[https://tomtest-howto-2.preprod.kimpton.apos.dev/](https://tomtest-howto-2.preprod.kimpton.apos.dev/private)login admin / demo To reproduce: * Create an event and add an image (not sure if this is relevant) * Select recurring in Advanced and fill out date details * Save