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MVC Components for Rails.
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SQL injection security hole in the documentation example code #31

Open cie opened 13 years ago

cie commented 13 years ago


Sorry for the hair-splitting, I know that it's just an example, but just in case someone copies it, would you consider changing items = Tweet.find(:all, :conditions => "text LIKE '%#{param(:term)}%'"). to something like items = Tweet.find(:all, :conditions => ["text LIKE '%' || ? || '%'", param(:term)]). or maybe items = Tweet.where("text LIKE ?", "%#{param(:term)}%"). on http://apotomo.de/peters-guide-1.1/autocomplete.html in line 9 of app/cells/quick_search.rb because its a security hole.

Cheers, Bernát

p.s. Apotomo is awsome. It solved nearly all problems I currently had with rails. Many thanks :)

apotonick commented 13 years ago

Hi Bernát,

ouch! I'll fix that in the next screencast. Thanks man!

cie commented 13 years ago

You're very welcome :) I'm glad to have helped a bit

cie commented 13 years ago

oops cliked the wrong button:)