app-generator / docs

App Generator - The Official Documentation | AppSeed
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Deploy DO Django #43

Open app-generator opened 1 year ago

app-generator commented 1 year ago

@sgnd, please proceed with the task.


luxpir commented 11 months ago

Hi - was directed to this issue, hopefully relevant, here's the discord query:

Got set up with Corporate in the end, thanks again @Sm0ke - made a few customisations and it's going OK, 
but when I committed the updates the deployment worked, 
but I had to run migrate and createsuperuser again to get it working. 

Assume there's a better way of doing that?

Apparently this happens automatically on Render, but not on DO - any solutions you can think of? I wouldn't like to lose every user and wipe the tables every time I updated the app!
