app-generator / docs

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[Needs Rewrite] Django - Add multiple languages #89

Open app-generator opened 1 month ago

app-generator commented 1 month ago


Intro: What we offer

Imagine a single web application seamlessly adapting its content to speak the language and resonate with the unique preferences of every user. Craft immersive experiences that resonate with every user, regardless of their language. sample-django-multi-lang offers multilanguage support for English, German and Italian. This is done using Django's internalization and localization feature.


How to use it

This feature is currently supported in the i18n.html page, which is accessible via http://localhost:8000/i18n/

# locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
#: templates/pages/i18n.html:32
msgid "test4"
msgstr "Danke fürs Folgen"
# locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
#: templates/pages/i18n.html:32
msgid "test4"
msgstr "grazie per aver seguito"

As a convenience, each message includes, in the form of a comment line prefixed with # and located above the msgid line, the filename and line number from which the translation string was gleaned.

This tool runs over all available .po files and creates .mo files, which are binary files optimized for use by gettext.

This is for English


This is for Japanese


This is for German



Ready to unlock the power of multilingual web experiences? Unlock the power of internationalization and localization to transform your web application into a global storyteller! With Rocket Django PRO's seamless localization, you're not just translating words, you're building bridges to an entire world of users.

✅ Resources