app-json / app.json

A node module for working with app.json files and deploying app.json apps to Heroku. Designed to work on the server, the browser, and the command line.
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Feature: allow for (health)check specification #29

Open fruitl00p opened 7 years ago

fruitl00p commented 7 years ago

Currently the spec doesn't support any type of procfile definitions nor does it have support for healthcheck specifications. I'd like to address the latter.

Being able to configure the healthcheck itself via a declaration makes this a powerfull tool to centralize and keep all information regarding the app in a single (versioned) place. The spec i'd like to propose looks a lot like the spec from Consul but is more heroku/dokku centric.

In fact i've already proposed this to the dokku team and they pointed my (rightly so) to this repo. As Dokku is very much Heroku-like i would expect other Heroku users to benefit from this addition as well. It would really increase the interoperability between the two platforms (and might even increase adoption of the app.json specification even further to other PaaS like platforms)

I'd be really interested in what you think about this (or do you already have such plans in the works?)