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use es2040 for browserify transform and linting #31

Closed davidmarkclements closed 7 years ago

davidmarkclements commented 7 years ago

This enforces a subset of useful ES6 features and prevents the others by matter of course

Transpiles this es6 subset for older browsers (obviously faster because it's more focused)

No need for a server side transpile step - all of es2040 is supported in v6

It could be useful to figure out a way to make it a secondary linter (after standard) - maybe start with something simple as attempting to transpile and then "oops that's not es2040"

ES2040 supported features:

If we want to be even more strict, we could go with ES2020 is:

Which would be probably be wicked fast at transpiling.

In either case, much faster than babel.

Thoughts? @mcdonnelldean @lucamaraschi @mcdonnelldean @mcollina

mcollina commented 7 years ago

Why do we need to transpile/browserify here? We just need to run browser tests. The target application will transpile, and it's their decision.

As for what is supported here, targeting node v4+ is a must, so we are limited to what is there.

lucamaraschi commented 7 years ago

I agree with @mcollina

davidmarkclements commented 7 years ago

In that case (v4 support) we could still go with es2020, at least have const, template strings and fat arrows, and add es2020 as browserify transform in package.json - when a user browserifies at the app level browserify will know to use es2020 transform for our lib. This can be independent of their choice to transpile.

But it may be a bit too much of an investment (figuring out usage edge cases) to justify the three features. Template strings is mainly what I'm wanting

davidmarkclements commented 7 years ago

have come to conclusion that we're better of staying simple for infrastructure - agreed