I want to set up a completely custom html page as a front page. I set indexHtml in docbaseConfig as ./html/custompage.html.
It is working fine in local machine. The front page is custom and the docs are in the default layout. However, when I push the changes, it timeout in travis ci.
No output has been received in the last 10m0s, this potentially indicates a stalled build or something wrong with the build itself.
Check the details on how to adjust your build configuration on: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/common-build-problems/#Build-times-out-because-no-output-was-received
The build has been terminated
After going through grunt-docbase code, I added a #navbar-collapse and .map_folder for checkLoadedSelector and checkNavbar checks.
I also tried setting manual_override to true.
What am I missing. What is the correct way to set a custom front page?
I want to set up a completely custom html page as a front page. I set
.It is working fine in local machine. The front page is custom and the docs are in the default layout. However, when I push the changes, it timeout in travis ci.
After going through
code, I added a#navbar-collapse
checks.I also tried setting
.What am I missing. What is the correct way to set a custom front page?