appbaseio / reactivesearch

Search UI components for React and Vue
Apache License 2.0
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Error if no credentials in ReactiveBase even if not using AppBase #2204

Open scottroot opened 1 year ago

scottroot commented 1 year ago

Affected Projects React

Library Version: x.y.z "@appbaseio/reactivesearch": "4.0.0-rc.3"

Describe the bug With ReactiveBase, if there are no credentials provided for AppBase then there is a breaking error. Even if connecting to your own ES instance. I had to look up my credentials on appbase from a trial I did and enter that and it doesn't error now.

Expected behavior I am connecting ReactiveSearch to my own ElasticCloud instance, not to AppBase so should not need appbase credentials in this component.

parthvnp commented 1 year ago

Happy to look into this and provide a fix.

SavvyShah commented 1 year ago

Only appbase instance is supported from v4 of library i.e enableAppbase is true always. You would either need to setup a gateway using reactivesearch-api or use Reactivesearch managed elasticsearch instance which would need no setup.

noams-unbiased commented 9 months ago

@SavvyShah is this a bug? will the package maintain support of the old way? or is this a breaking change that's here to stay?

siddharthlatest commented 9 months ago

@noams-unbiased This is a breaking change that's here to stay. ReactiveSearch UI kit requires use of ReactiveSearch cloud as a backend, more on this in the migration guide.

rgb-panda commented 4 days ago

Only appbase instance is supported from v4 of library i.e enableAppbase is true always. You would either need to setup a gateway using reactivesearch-api or use Reactivesearch managed elasticsearch instance which would need no setup.

@SavvyShah We've been using reactivesearch for a while, but are stuck on v3.45.0 since this change. Unfortunately we're not able to move away from elasticsearch native, but still want to leverage the enhancements in v4. Would using the reactivesearch-api as a gateway enable us to start using v4?