appbaseio / reactivesearch

Search UI components for React and Vue
Apache License 2.0
4.89k stars 471 forks source link

How to add a custom search backend? #2290

Open lyra-white opened 3 months ago

lyra-white commented 3 months ago

@siddharthlatest Thank you for the project, it looks dope. For my college project, algorithms class, we have an assignment on writing search engine. I am wondering if it is possible to use my custom search engine with UI components. If yes, how to do that? This would give my project some cool look and feel.

Edit: Our assignment is just creating a basic traditional search engine. The aim of the project is to learn data structures and algorithms in depth. We already have a REST API that can accept query and return results in json format. I am looking to inject my results into ReactiveList, ResultCard, and using SearchBox for query.