appditto / natrium_wallet_flutter

Natrium - Fast, Robust & Secure NANO Wallet, now written with Flutter.
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[bug] sending Ӿ adds to the balance (temporarily) #153

Open filipesmedeiros opened 2 years ago

filipesmedeiros commented 2 years ago

I was showing natrium to my dad and making transfers to show how ӾNO works and stuff, all was good.

Then he read my qr code and the txn went with no problem, but his balance showed as greater than before (by the amount he sent me). This was, afaik, just a display bug.

I will try to help the resolution, just wanted to document it here!

EDIT: btw, everything was fine once we restarted the app!

filipesmedeiros commented 2 years ago

ok i know nothing about dart tbh so i will wait and only help if truly needed, sorry 😢