Open fields opened 12 years ago
It shouldn't be an app-level TOS violation to receive messages that the app wouldn't allow you to send. Perhaps the API TOS could specify that.
@fields I'm not sure I'm following what the objection here is. It would help if you could provide a concrete example.
In general I think ADN should provide an application ToS guideline that outlines what options an app developer has in terms of restricting core rights or granting extra rights such that the app's ToS remains compatible with the ADN ToS. If these were enumerated well, ADN could even provide a ToS generator tool on the developer portal. I'm visualizing something like how Creative Commons enumerates the different options and the pros and cons of each.
As long as the core ADN ToS gives app developers enough flexibility, I'm imagining three core variations. I'll describe them in terms of restrictions on use of content submitted through the app. That is just one axis, but there could be others or some finite choices that are separate.
One variation of the above might be protocol-limited apps which allow content exchange with apps from other developers that support the same protocol, such as a chess-game protocol. Those apps might fall under #2 or #3 depending upon whether they also submit regular ADN posts (such as for an in-game chat room) to the general network, or just within the protocol network.
Presumably, there will be a ToS / community guidelines for each app, and one much less restrictive one for the API. If we're talking about app-level filtering so that messages can be targeted to a certain type of app (but maybe not a specific app), will there be a collision if those apps have different terms?
What's the thinking on how this will work?