I have donwloading this tile : "SENTINEL2B_20210110-105806-431_L2A_T31TEM_D.zip" on theia muscate.
i create a db with this file :
tile <- "SENTINEL2B_20210110-105806-431_L2A_T31TEM_D"
img_mensuel_col <- gdalcubes::create_image_collection(paste0("/media/obstetar/Seagate Expansion Drive/shiny_cnes/data/", tile, ".zip"),
unroll_archives = TRUE
vuem <- gdalcubes::cube_view(
srs = "EPSG:2154",
extent = list(
left = 797972.4,
right = 833590.6,
top = 6621103.5,
bottom = 6562586.2,
t0 = strftime(as.Date(str_sub(tile, 12, 19), format = "%Y%m%d"), format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
t1 = strftime(as.Date(str_sub(tile, 12, 19), format = "%Y%m%d"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")
dx = 100,
dt = "P1D",
resampling = "bilinear",
aggregation = "median",
keep.asp = TRUE
I have donwloading this tile : "SENTINEL2B_20210110-105806-431_L2A_T31TEM_D.zip" on theia muscate. i create a db with this file : tile <- "SENTINEL2B_20210110-105806-431_L2A_T31TEM_D" img_mensuel_col <- gdalcubes::create_image_collection(paste0("/media/obstetar/Seagate Expansion Drive/shiny_cnes/data/", tile, ".zip"), "Sentinel2_L2A_THEIA", "/home/obstetar/Bureau/image_collection.db", unroll_archives = TRUE )
vuem <- gdalcubes::cube_view( srs = "EPSG:2154", extent = list( left = 797972.4, right = 833590.6, top = 6621103.5, bottom = 6562586.2, t0 = strftime(as.Date(str_sub(tile, 12, 19), format = "%Y%m%d"), format = "%Y-%m-%d"), t1 = strftime(as.Date(str_sub(tile, 12, 19), format = "%Y%m%d"), format = "%Y-%m-%d") ), dx = 100, dt = "P1D", resampling = "bilinear", aggregation = "median", keep.asp = TRUE )
s_rgb_preview <- gdalcubes::raster_cube(img_mensuel_col, vuem) %>% gdalcubes::select_bands(c("B2", "B3", "B4")) %>% plot(rgb = 3:1)
All the plot is gray no color ??? Or with tile SENTINEL2B_20210226-104809-432_L2A_T31TEM_D.zip no problem @+