Thanks for a great hugo theme! I migrate my personal blog from octopress to hugo and use your theme there.
Within this theme are some components already bundled (e.g fontawesome), but some not (e.g. angular.js, google fonts). For my sites I usually try to avoid any not needed requests to other sites (performance, stability, privacy..).
So the question, are you open to have other things here bundled as well? If yes, I could provide some PRs
Thanks for a great hugo theme! I migrate my personal blog from octopress to hugo and use your theme there.
Within this theme are some components already bundled (e.g fontawesome), but some not (e.g. angular.js, google fonts). For my sites I usually try to avoid any not needed requests to other sites (performance, stability, privacy..).
So the question, are you open to have other things here bundled as well? If yes, I could provide some PRs