appernetic / hugo-nederburg-theme

Nederburg is a fast and secure hugo theme and is a port of the Tracks WP theme
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"map[]" above every post tile #38

Closed pks111607 closed 5 years ago

pks111607 commented 5 years ago

On the homepage there is the following text shown above every post tile:



This occurs with the latest version of the theme. Is there something I am doing wrong?

pks111607 commented 5 years ago

Did some further investigation. Turns out it is mandatory to have the [params.writers."Some Writer"] parameter in the configuration. My workaround for now is to set a dummy writer:

    [params.writers."Another Author"]
      link = ""
      email = ""
      bio = [
        "Another author is a something</a>. This is the author bio shown after posts."
      facebook      = "full profile url in facebook"
      googleplus    = "full profile url in googleplus"
      twitter       = "full profile url in twitter"
      linkedin      = "full profile url in linkedin"
      stackoverflow = "full profile url in stackoverflow"
      instagram     = "full profile url in instagram"
      github        = "full profile url in github"
      pinterest     = "full profile url in pinterest"

Would it be possible to either make this a little clearer in the documentation, or change so that the params.writers.* is not necessary for the homepage to load correctly?

MatthewMcD commented 5 years ago

There is a related issue that the Author link in the Single.html does not show up if you are not using params.writers. This is not the case in Portfolio.html where the .Site.Params "authorlink" conditional works.

appernetic commented 5 years ago

Ok, better documentation is needed and one more iteration of this "feature"..

MatthewMcD commented 5 years ago

I have fixed this and one other bug I haven't reported related to categories with two words in my build. I'll submit a PR later today.

appernetic commented 5 years ago

Ok, perfect!

MatthewMcD commented 5 years ago

OK, by "later today"' I really meant "later..." hopefully this week.

agustinf commented 5 years ago

"hopefully this year".. oh wait!

😄 I'm just kidding, but in case you have at least a partial fix, could you point me to it ?

MatthewMcD commented 5 years ago

Yikes, how bad am I at estimating. Let me re-fetch the code and get back to you.

MatthewMcD commented 5 years ago

OK, you can easily repro if you comment out the

[ params.writers ]

section of the config file (leaving the [] intact). This causes the


to show up on the home page before every post.

I have traced it to the portfolio.html page and line 10:

07 {{ if .Site.Params.writers }}
08    {{ $scratch.Set "writer" (index .Site.Params.writers (lower .Params.writer) | default dict) }}
09  {{ else }}
10    {{ $scratch.Set "writer" | default dict }}
11  {{ end }}

I don't know how to debug this further. In my case I didn't "fix" it I just added a bogus [ params.writers ] entry. HTH

MatthewMcD commented 5 years ago

OK, I have this all fixed but in doing so I ran into something that could be interpreted as a bug, so before I submit a PR to fix this issue let me ask. If the author of the post leaves the writer empty in the post front matter like this:

writer = ""

What would the expected behavior be? It currently defaults to the fields and uses If you remove the writer attribute all together it displays instead.

Tell me what you think and I'll submit the PR accordingly.


MatthewMcD commented 5 years ago

I opted to just document the behavior. PR Submitted.