appersonlabs / MakeTi

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Titanium SDK not found #48

Open ivanjimenez opened 11 years ago

ivanjimenez commented 11 years ago

Hey, I have tried to deploy an Alloy sample application which works in Titanium Studio normally. But I can't deploy because "make run" don't find Titanium Path. (OS 10.6.8)

I did this operations in console:

James:alloy03 ivanjimenezutiel$ ls -l /Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/ total 0 drwxr-xr-x 4 ivanjimenezutiel admin 136 4 mar 11:02 mobilesdk drwxr-xr-x 6 ivanjimenezutiel admin 204 15 dic 14:28 modules

James:alloy03 ivanjimenezutiel$ export TITANIUM_PATH=/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/ James:alloy01 ivanjimenezutiel$ pwd /Users/ivanjimenezutiel/Documents/Dropbox/Titanium_Studio_Workspace/alloy01 James:alloy01 ivanjimenezutiel$ ls CHANGELOG.txt MakeTi.tmbundle app plugins LICENSE Makefile bin tiapp.xml LICENSE.txt README build MakeTi README.textile build.log MakeTi.sublime-package Resources manifest James:alloy01 ivanjimenezutiel$

...and then I tried to do "make run"...

James:alloy01 ivanjimenezutiel$ make run make: *\ No rule to make target `run'. Stop. James:alloy01 ivanjimenezutiel$ make run No platform selected... running as iphone. Building with Titanium... as PROJECT_ROOT='/Users/ivanjimenezutiel/Documents/Dropbox/Titanium_Studio_Workspace/alloy01' DEVICE_TYPE= bash './/bin/'

[WARN] Only action=install and action=adhoc are supported. Choosing action=install.

[WARN] Defaulting profile_file to 'development'.

[ERROR] Titanium SDK for 3.0.2.GA not found. You could try setting TITANIUM_PATH. make: *\ [run] Error 1

Some help it would appreciated. Thanks

P.D.: Makefile was set with ANDROID_SDK path

holms commented 11 years ago

i had same problem.. script just can't find your titaniumsdk directory, particular 3.0.2.GA version. ls~/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/ this should list "3.0.2.GA" directory in there, if version differs, change it in tiapp.xml, in sdkversion tag.

ghost commented 11 years ago

I ran into the same warnings/errors when trying to run MakeTi for the first time today:

No platform selected... running as iphone. Building with Titanium... as PROJECT_ROOT='/Users/johnpersson/Development/TitaniumStudio/Hello World' DEVICE_TYPE= bash './/bin/'

[WARN] Only action=install and action=adhoc are supported. Choosing action=install.

[WARN] Defaulting profile_file to 'development'.

[ERROR] Titanium SDK for 3.1.0.GA not found. You could try setting TITANIUM_PATH. make: * [run] Error 1 John-Persson-4:Hello World johnpersson$ make install make: * No rule to make target `install'. Stop. John-Persson-4:Hello World johnpersson$

My SDK version exists in the mentioned directory and the version matches what i got in tiapp.xml Any news on this issue or what might be causing it?

Thanks, /John

solisoft commented 10 years ago

I fixed the issue by modifying the bin/ file

TI_SDK_VERSION=cat tiapp.xml | grep "<sdk-version>" | sed -e "s/<\/*sdk-version>//g" | tr -d ' '

This will remove any spaces in the sdk version. (notice the | tr -d ' ')