appfeel / admob-google-cordova

AdMob ads Cordova/Phonegap/Intel XDK plugin for Android iPhone with latest SDK's
MIT License
133 stars 127 forks source link

Ads are working on both apps (IOS and Android). but reporting is 0 #128

Open manpreetpc opened 2 years ago

manpreetpc commented 2 years ago

Hi All,

I have implemented admob and its successfully working . I have implemented 6 month ago. but till now reporting is 0. anybody know what its is wrong here.

And I have research. might be we need to implement APP_ID as well. but in this plugin there is not recommendation of APP_ID And I am also don't know where I need to add APP_ID.


          bannerAdId:         'ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx',  // Required
          interstitialAdId:   'ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx', 

         bannerAtTop:true // Optional
jucedadev commented 2 years ago

correct => publisherId : for banner , not bannerAdId