appfeel / admob-google-cordova

AdMob ads Cordova/Phonegap/Intel XDK plugin for Android iPhone with latest SDK's
MIT License
133 stars 127 forks source link

Ads work, but no data fed to AdMob #88

Open doineedajacket opened 6 years ago

doineedajacket commented 6 years ago

I am having the same issue as #62 except my code/publisherId is correct. I have setup my admob account, created the banner code, and the ads are working in my app. This was weeks ago and i still have 0 impressions & clicks despite 1000s of app installs. Can't find any help or contact info in admob portal.

My code is simply in my index.html file:

 document.addEventListener("deviceready", function( ) { admob.createBannerView( "ca-app-pub-[pubID]/[bannerID]" ); } , false);

(all defaults are fine and don't want interstitials), and in config.xml:

<plugin name="phonegap-admob" source="npm" /> There is no way to contact anyone at Google AdMob except the developers forum and they said to check with you... any help would be extremely appreciated.

Thank you, DINAJ