appfeel / admob-google-cordova

AdMob ads Cordova/Phonegap/Intel XDK plugin for Android iPhone with latest SDK's
MIT License
133 stars 127 forks source link

requestInterstitialAd() instantly shows ad #94

Open kjartank13 opened 6 years ago

kjartank13 commented 6 years ago

I'm having an issue wherein when I call admob.requestInterstitialAd(), the ad is immediately displayed. This happens even though I have set admob.options.autoShowInterstitial = false.

Anyone else had this issue and/or knows of a possible solution?

swapnilraja1212 commented 5 years ago

I think, this plugin fetch the plugin package from NPM online and it places it's own ads rather than the publisher ads.

Whatevers2011 commented 3 years ago

I realise this is an old issue, but I had the same one today. I solved this by making sure I had a banner ID as well as an interstitial ID - even though my app does not use banners I think the plugin requires an ID.