appfeel / node-pushnotifications

Push notifications for GCM, APNS, MPNS, AMZ (automatic detection from device token)
MIT License
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node-gcm library is End of Life on June 21st, 2024 #208

Closed giantslogik closed 1 week ago

giantslogik commented 1 week ago

node-pushnotifications uses which is EOL. This package will stop working on June 21st, 2024, as it depends on the [Legacy FCM API]( We urge you to migrate to another library that supports the FCM HTTP v1 API before the June 20th deadline

Is there a migration path forward?

More information on the firebase API deprecation here:

giantslogik commented 1 week ago

This PR exists. Are there plans to merge it in / test, and continue to maintain this library ?

alex-friedl commented 1 week ago

We would love to continue maintenance on this library and merge the open PR for FCM support, if you can confirm that it works properly. Personally I don't have a working setup anymore for testing Android push notifications

giantslogik commented 1 week ago

Just noting that this EOL also impacts the web-push library used by node-pushnotifications

alex-friedl commented 1 week ago

I released #207 with some minor linter fixes now.

Let's see how it goes with that version in the wild and deal with eventual bugfixes once people adapt the new version.

I will also look into removing the legacy isAlwaysUseFCM parameter if I find the time (PRs would of course be welcome)