appfolio / ae_page_objects

Page Objects for Capybara
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Issues using Paths with parameters in Rails 3 app with minitest #129

Closed mark-ellul closed 9 years ago

mark-ellul commented 9 years ago

Hi, I am having an issue with paths with parameters in my Rails 3.2 app testing with minitest.

I am using integration tests, with capybara, spork, poltergeist, and ae_page_objects. To complicate things our app is subdomain based and I am calling host! after creating the subdomain necessary.

Below is a snippet of the page I am trying to use.

require "pages/shared/network_menu"
require "pages/pathway_sets_page"
require "pages/base_signed_in_page"
require "test_helper"
module Pages
class EditPathwaySetPage < BaseSignedInPage
   path  :edit_pathway_set #"/pathway_sets/:id/edit"
   element :name, locator: "#name"

This is the code I use to initialise the site...

@@site =   FactoryGirl.create(:site, :has_col)
host! "#{@@site.subdomain}"
Capybara.app_host = "http://#{@@site.subdomain}"

I won't give you all the cruft of the test but the line below fails with the error below that....

ps = PathwaySet.last
within(".pathway_set_#{}") do

The error thrown is....

#<NoMethodError: undefined method `host_with_port' for nil:NilClass>

Is there something I have to do so that the paths in the visitable concern generates the full_url correctly?

I have not set the router to anything specific, so I am sure I am missing something simple.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

mark-ellul commented 9 years ago

After investigating I found that there were two issues occurring, #1 the route was not being found, and if it was found there was the error thrown above.

1 is an issue with the Rails router having problem recognising routes that have constraints.

2 when it comes to use named paths it needed a host passed into the args when converting a named_route in the generate_path

In my app I have a subdomain constraint so I created the below router to pass in a subdomain and host, even though I don't use those exact subdomains it was enough for the router to recognise the correct route and with the generate pathway host arg it stopped the recorded path

Please feel free to add this to the project if and where you think its appropriate.



dtognazzini commented 9 years ago

Hi @mark-ellul. I'm glad you found a workaround. If this is something you'd like AePageObjects to support, feel free to open a pull request and we can make it happen.


mark-ellul commented 9 years ago

@dtognazzini I would need some time to clean up a few things to make it more flexible before I think its in the main code base. Once I get that time to do that I will create a pull request, but for now the gist should help anyone else with this constraints issues.

Regards Mark