appimage-packages / kmail

KDE Kmail Appimage
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Wrong update information embedded in AppImage #3

Closed probonopd closed 7 years ago

probonopd commented 7 years ago
me@host:~$ /home/me/Downloads/kmail-git20170206-x86_64.AppImage --appimage-updateinformation

This is not going to work, AppImageUpdate has no way of knowing where to download the zsync file from. As per the spec, it needs to be:

ScarlettGatelyMoore commented 7 years ago

I see where I went wrong. commiting fix.

probonopd commented 7 years ago
$ /home/me/Downloads/kmail-git20170208-x86_64.AppImage --appimage-updateinformation

ends in .AppImage and not (as it should) in .AppImage.zsync; looks like theappimagetool -u` argument was missing the ".zsync" at the end.

probonopd commented 7 years ago

With, this is in the Update Information: but a file with this name does not exist on the server...

ScarlettGatelyMoore commented 7 years ago

ok paths fixed now. still not updating :(

probonopd commented 7 years ago

In the last version, the correct paths are in. Running into now. Not specifically related to this AppImage, which most likely is fine.

probonopd commented 7 years ago

Good news, identified the root cause of the remaining issue,

probonopd commented 7 years ago

AppImageUpdate version 443 and later should be able to download from S3 now, because they are using the semistatic build of zsync-curl (that links to libcurl statically but to OpenSSL dynamically).

wget -c ""
./AppImageUpdate-443.g69bf471-x86_64.AppImage /home/me/kmail-git20170214-13\:41\:28-x86_64.AppImage 

Works for me: File is delta-updated, 98.1% are reused from the old version and only 1.9% are downloaded.

Please reports how it works for you.

ScarlettGatelyMoore commented 7 years ago

This is now fixed. Thanks!