appium / appium-flutter-driver

Appium Flutter Driver is a test automation tool for Flutter apps on multiple platforms/OSes. Appium Flutter Driver is part of the Appium mobile test automation tool maintained by community
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Real iOS device automation is getting "xcodebuild failed with code 70" error with "automationName: Flutter" setting, however, XCUITest is working fine #633

Closed ozgurkaya-mobven closed 7 months ago

ozgurkaya-mobven commented 7 months ago

Hi to all,

I am running on a real iOS device and it's working with automationName: XCUITest setting. When I want to change this to automationName: Flutter it's getting an error. "Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: xcodebuild failed with code 70"

What should be the problem, Am I missing something?

{ "appium:automationName": "XCUITest", "appium:app": "", "appium:udid": "", "appium:deviceName": "", "appium:autoAcceptAlerts": true, "appium:autoDissmissAlerts": true, "platformName": "iOS", }

Test framework: WebdriverIO (typescript) latest MacOS: Sonoma 14.0 Xcode 15.0 NodeJS v20.8.0 Appium server: 2.0.1 ✔ Listing available drivers

The target device is iPhone 14 pro max - iOS 17 (Apple developer signed provisioning profile for WebDriverAgentRunner). I also tried with the iPhone 8, 12 pro and much more phones, same result.

KazuCocoa commented 7 months ago

Please attach the full appium log with appium:showXcodeLog appium capability.

hakantektas commented 7 months ago

The log is as follows.

Command line invocation: 2023-12-08 09:09:34:740 - [Xcode] /Applications/ build-for-testing test-without-building -project /Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -derivedDataPath /Users/mobven/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-fhefzhxjejxrpthbjtlmfrejfnaw -destination id=00008120-000919880107C01E IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=17.0 GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=0 COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO 2023-12-08 09:09:34:740 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:34:740 - [Xcode] User defaults from command line: 2023-12-08 09:09:34:740 - [Xcode] IDEDerivedDataPathOverride = /Users/mobven/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-fhefzhxjejxrpthbjtlmfrejfnaw 2023-12-08 09:09:34:740 - [Xcode] IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES 2023-12-08 09:09:34:740 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:34:740 - [Xcode] Build settings from command line: 2023-12-08 09:09:34:740 - [Xcode] COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE = NO 2023-12-08 09:09:34:740 - [Xcode] GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS = 0 2023-12-08 09:09:34:740 - [Xcode] IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 17.0 2023-12-08 09:09:34:740 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:34:740 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:34:740 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Waiting up to 60000ms for WebDriverAgent to start 2023-12-08 09:09:34:740 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus' 2023-12-08 09:09:34:740 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body 2023-12-08 09:09:34:744 - [debug] [iProxy@00008120:8100] Connection was refused to port 8100 2023-12-08 09:09:34:744 - [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] socket hang up 2023-12-08 09:09:35:007 - [Xcode] Prepare packages 2023-12-08 09:09:35:007 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:35:007 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:35:007 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:35:151 - [Xcode] ComputeTargetDependencyGraph 2023-12-08 09:09:35:151 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:35:171 - [Xcode] note: Building targets in dependency order 2023-12-08 09:09:35:171 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:35:171 - [Xcode] note: Target dependency graph (2 targets) 2023-12-08 09:09:35:171 - [Xcode] Target 'WebDriverAgentRunner' in project 'WebDriverAgent' 2023-12-08 09:09:35:171 - [Xcode] ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'WebDriverAgentLib' in project 'WebDriverAgent' 2023-12-08 09:09:35:171 - [Xcode] Target 'WebDriverAgentLib' in project 'WebDriverAgent' (no dependencies) 2023-12-08 09:09:35:171 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:35:172 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:35:172 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:35:172 - [Xcode] GatherProvisioningInputs 2023-12-08 09:09:35:173 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:35:182 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:35:182 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:35:186 - [Xcode] CreateBuildDescription 2023-12-08 09:09:35:186 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:35:223 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:35:223 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:35:223 - [Xcode] /Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj: error: Signing for "WebDriverAgentRunner" requires a development team. Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor. (in target 'WebDriverAgentRunner' from project 'WebDriverAgent') 2023-12-08 09:09:35:223 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:35:228 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 12:09:35.227 xcodebuild[79657:10355276] Writing error result bundle to /var/folders/p6/jstxtsfn0pz3s0fnhhks0np40000gp/T/ResultBundle_2023-08-12_12-09-0035.xcresult 2023-12-08 09:09:35:228 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:35:745 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus' 2023-12-08 09:09:35:745 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body 2023-12-08 09:09:35:750 - [debug] [iProxy@00008120:8100] Connection was refused to port 8100 2023-12-08 09:09:35:751 - [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] socket hang up 2023-12-08 09:09:36:351 - [Xcode] xcodebuild: error: Failed writing xctestrun file: The folder “WebDriverAgentRunner_iphoneos17.0-arm64.xctestrun” doesn’t exist.. 2023-12-08 09:09:36:351 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:36:355 - [Xcode] xcodebuild exited with code '70' and signal 'null' 2023-12-08 09:09:36:356 - [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Launching WebDriverAgent on the device 2023-12-08 09:09:36:356 - [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] There is no need to perform the project cleanup. A fresh install has been detected 2023-12-08 09:09:36:356 - [debug] [WebDriverAgent] Killing running processes 'xcodebuild.00008120-000919880107C01E' for the device 00008120-000919880107C01E... 2023-12-08 09:09:36:369 - [debug] [WebDriverAgent] 'pgrep -if xcodebuild.00008120-000919880107C01E' didn't detect any matching processes. Return code: 1 2023-12-08 09:09:36:369 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Beginning test with command 'xcodebuild build-for-testing test-without-building -project /Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -derivedDataPath /Users/mobven/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-fhefzhxjejxrpthbjtlmfrejfnaw -destination id=00008120-000919880107C01E IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=17.0 GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=0 COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO' in directory '/Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent' 2023-12-08 09:09:36:369 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Output from xcodebuild will be logged. To change this, use 'showXcodeLog' desired capability 2023-12-08 09:09:36:752 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus' 2023-12-08 09:09:36:753 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body 2023-12-08 09:09:36:756 - [debug] [iProxy@00008120:8100] Connection was refused to port 8100 2023-12-08 09:09:36:756 - [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] socket hang up 2023-12-08 09:09:36:787 - [Xcode] Command line invocation: 2023-12-08 09:09:36:787 - [Xcode]
2023-12-08 09:09:36:787 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Waiting up to 60000ms for WebDriverAgent to start 2023-12-08 09:09:36:787 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus' 2023-12-08 09:09:36:787 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body 2023-12-08 09:09:36:788 - [Xcode] /Applications/ build-for-testing test-without-building -project /Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -derivedDataPath /Users/mobven/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-fhefzhxjejxrpthbjtlmfrejfnaw -destination id=00008120-000919880107C01E IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=17.0 GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=0 COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO 2023-12-08 09:09:36:788 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:36:788 - [Xcode] User defaults from command line: 2023-12-08 09:09:36:788 - [Xcode] IDEDerivedDataPathOverride = /Users/mobven/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-fhefzhxjejxrpthbjtlmfrejfnaw 2023-12-08 09:09:36:788 - [Xcode] IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES 2023-12-08 09:09:36:788 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:36:789 - [Xcode] Build settings from command line: 2023-12-08 09:09:36:789 - [Xcode] COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE = NO 2023-12-08 09:09:36:789 - [Xcode] GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS = 0 2023-12-08 09:09:36:789 - [Xcode] IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 17.0 2023-12-08 09:09:36:789 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:36:789 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:36:792 - [debug] [iProxy@00008120:8100] Connection was refused to port 8100 2023-12-08 09:09:36:793 - [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] socket hang up 2023-12-08 09:09:37:061 - [Xcode] Prepare packages 2023-12-08 09:09:37:061 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:37:062 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:37:062 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:37:197 - [Xcode] ComputeTargetDependencyGraph 2023-12-08 09:09:37:197 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:37:216 - [Xcode] note: Building targets in dependency order 2023-12-08 09:09:37:216 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:37:217 - [Xcode] note: Target dependency graph (2 targets) 2023-12-08 09:09:37:217 - [Xcode] Target 'WebDriverAgentRunner' in project 'WebDriverAgent' 2023-12-08 09:09:37:217 - [Xcode] ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'WebDriverAgentLib' in project 'WebDriverAgent' 2023-12-08 09:09:37:217 - [Xcode] Target 'WebDriverAgentLib' in project 'WebDriverAgent' (no dependencies) 2023-12-08 09:09:37:217 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:37:218 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:37:218 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:37:218 - [Xcode] GatherProvisioningInputs 2023-12-08 09:09:37:218 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:37:225 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:37:225 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:37:229 - [Xcode] CreateBuildDescription 2023-12-08 09:09:37:229 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:37:256 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:37:257 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:37:259 - [Xcode] /Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj: error: Signing for "WebDriverAgentRunner" requires a development team. Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor. (in target 'WebDriverAgentRunner' from project 'WebDriverAgent') 2023-12-08 09:09:37:259 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:37:263 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 12:09:37.262 xcodebuild[79669:10355342] Writing error result bundle to /var/folders/p6/jstxtsfn0pz3s0fnhhks0np40000gp/T/ResultBundle_2023-08-12_12-09-0037.xcresult 2023-12-08 09:09:37:263 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:37:449 - [debug] [AndroidDriver] Established a new logcat listener web socket connection from 2023-12-08 09:09:37:757 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus' 2023-12-08 09:09:37:757 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body 2023-12-08 09:09:37:762 - [debug] [iProxy@00008120:8100] Connection was refused to port 8100 2023-12-08 09:09:37:762 - [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] socket hang up 2023-12-08 09:09:37:793 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus' 2023-12-08 09:09:37:794 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body 2023-12-08 09:09:37:798 - [debug] [iProxy@00008120:8100] Connection was refused to port 8100 2023-12-08 09:09:37:798 - [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] socket hang up 2023-12-08 09:09:38:390 - [Xcode] xcodebuild: error: Failed writing xctestrun file: The folder “WebDriverAgentRunner_iphoneos17.0-arm64.xctestrun” doesn’t exist.. 2023-12-08 09:09:38:390 - [Xcode] 2023-12-08 09:09:38:394 - [Xcode] xcodebuild exited with code '70' and signal 'null' 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Event 'wdaStartFailed' logged at 1702026578395 (12:09:38 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00)) 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: xcodebuild failed with code 70 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] xcodebuild error message: 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Command line invocation: 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)]
2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] /Applications/ build-for-testing test-without-building -project /Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -derivedDataPath /Users/mobven/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-fhefzhxjejxrpthbjtlmfrejfnaw -destination id=00008120-000919880107C01E IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=17.0 GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=0 COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] User defaults from command line: 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] IDEDerivedDataPathOverride = /Users/mobven/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-fhefzhxjejxrpthbjtlmfrejfnaw 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Build settings from command line: 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE = NO 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS = 0 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 17.0 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Prepare packages 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] ComputeTargetDependencyGraph 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] note: Building targets in dependency order 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] note: Target dependency graph (2 targets) 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Target 'WebDriverAgentRunner' in project 'WebDriverAgent' 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'WebDriverAgentLib' in project 'WebDriverAgent' 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Target 'WebDriverAgentLib' in project 'WebDriverAgent' (no dependencies) 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] GatherProvisioningInputs 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] CreateBuildDescription 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] /Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj: error: Signing for "WebDriverAgentRunner" requires a development team. Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor. (in target 'WebDriverAgentRunner' from project 'WebDriverAgent') 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] 2023-12-08 12:09:37.262 xcodebuild[79669:10355342] Writing error result bundle to /var/folders/p6/jstxtsfn0pz3s0fnhhks0np40000gp/T/ResultBundle_2023-08-12_12-09-0037.xcresult 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] xcodebuild: error: Failed writing xctestrun file: The folder “WebDriverAgentRunner_iphoneos17.0-arm64.xctestrun” doesn’t exist... Make sure you follow the tutorial at Try to remove the WebDriverAgentRunner application from the device if it is installed and reboot the device. 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Quitting and uninstalling WebDriverAgent 2023-12-08 09:09:38:395 - [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Shutting down sub-processes 2023-12-08 09:09:38:608 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Uninstalling WDAs: 'com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner.xctrunner' 2023-12-08 09:09:38:762 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus' 2023-12-08 09:09:38:762 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body 2023-12-08 09:09:38:766 - [debug] [iProxy@00008120:8100] Connection was refused to port 8100 2023-12-08 09:09:38:767 - [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] socket hang up 2023-12-08 09:09:38:798 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus' 2023-12-08 09:09:38:798 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body 2023-12-08 09:09:38:803 - [debug] [iProxy@00008120:8100] Connection was refused to port 8100 2023-12-08 09:09:38:804 - [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] socket hang up 2023-12-08 09:09:38:873 - [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] {} 2023-12-08 09:09:38:874 - [DevCon Factory] Releasing connections for 00008120-000919880107C01E device on any port number 2023-12-08 09:09:38:874 - [DevCon Factory] Found cached connections to release: ["00008120-000919880107C01E:8100"] 2023-12-08 09:09:38:874 - [DevCon Factory] Releasing the listener for '00008120-000919880107C01E:8100' 2023-12-08 09:09:38:874 - [debug] [iProxy@00008120:8100] Closing the connection 2023-12-08 09:09:38:874 - [debug] [DevCon Factory] Cached connections count: 0 2023-12-08 09:09:38:874 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@8530 (cf214a06)] Not clearing log files. Use clearSystemFiles capability to turn on. 2023-12-08 09:09:38:874 - [FlutterDriver@4660 (7b85237b)] Deleting Flutter Driver session 2023-12-08 09:09:38:874 - [FlutterDriver@4660 (7b85237b)] Cleanup the port forward 2023-12-08 09:09:38:874 - [AppiumDriver@4349] Command 'createSession' was not handled by the following behaviours or plugins, even though they were registered to handle it: ["default"]. The command was handled by these: ["relaxed-caps"]. 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] Encountered internal error running command: Error: Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: xcodebuild failed with code 70 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] xcodebuild error message: 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] Command line invocation: 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349]
2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] /Applications/ build-for-testing test-without-building -project /Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -derivedDataPath /Users/mobven/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-fhefzhxjejxrpthbjtlmfrejfnaw -destination id=00008120-000919880107C01E IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=17.0 GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=0 COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] User defaults from command line: 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] IDEDerivedDataPathOverride = /Users/mobven/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-fhefzhxjejxrpthbjtlmfrejfnaw 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] Build settings from command line: 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE = NO 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS = 0 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 17.0 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] Prepare packages 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] ComputeTargetDependencyGraph 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] note: Building targets in dependency order 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] note: Target dependency graph (2 targets) 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] Target 'WebDriverAgentRunner' in project 'WebDriverAgent' 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] ➜ Explicit dependency on target 'WebDriverAgentLib' in project 'WebDriverAgent' 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] Target 'WebDriverAgentLib' in project 'WebDriverAgent' (no dependencies) 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] GatherProvisioningInputs 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] CreateBuildDescription 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] /Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj: error: Signing for "WebDriverAgentRunner" requires a development team. Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor. (in target 'WebDriverAgentRunner' from project 'WebDriverAgent') 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] 2023-12-08 12:09:37.262 xcodebuild[79669:10355342] Writing error result bundle to /var/folders/p6/jstxtsfn0pz3s0fnhhks0np40000gp/T/ResultBundle_2023-08-12_12-09-0037.xcresult 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] xcodebuild: error: Failed writing xctestrun file: The folder “WebDriverAgentRunner_iphoneos17.0-arm64.xctestrun” doesn’t exist... Make sure you follow the tutorial at Try to remove the WebDriverAgentRunner application from the device if it is installed and reboot the device. 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] at quitAndUninstall (/Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/lib/driver.js:794:15) 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] at /Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/lib/driver.js:880:13 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] at wrapped (/Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/asyncbox/lib/asyncbox.js:93:13) 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] at retry (/Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/asyncbox/lib/asyncbox.js:66:13) 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] at retryInterval (/Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/asyncbox/lib/asyncbox.js:103:10) 2023-12-08 09:09:38:888 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@4349] at /Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/lib/driver.js:819:7 2023-12-08 09:09:38:889 - [iProxy@00008120:8100] The connection has been closed 2023-12-08 09:09:38:889 - [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session 500 7384 ms - 5212 2023-12-08 09:09:38:889 - [HTTP]

hakantektas commented 7 months ago

I started webdriveragentRunner from the folder specified in the error log, installed the certificate, and when I wanted to run the test again, the error message changed.

Failed to create session. An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Cannot determine the Dart Observatory URL after 10 retries. Original error: No observatory URL matching to '/(Observatory listening on |An Observatory debugger and profiler on\s.+\sis available at: |The Dart VM service is listening on )((http|\/\/)[a-zA-Z0-9:/=_-.[]]+)/' was found in the device log. Please make sure the application under test is configured properly according to and that it does not crash on startup.

KazuCocoa commented 7 months ago

It usually means the app under test did not print any observatory URL. Was the app under test built with profile mode?

showIOSLog caps would help to check if the system log prints the observatory URL

hakantektas commented 7 months ago

I am sharing the first 1000 lines appium with device log , because its trying the same things forever .

2023-12-11 08:00:48:160 - [AppiumDriver@dd0b] Plugins which can handle cmd 'createSession': relaxed-caps 2023-12-11 08:00:48:160 - [AppiumDriver@dd0b] Plugin relaxed-caps is now handling cmd 'createSession' 2023-12-11 08:00:48:163 - [Appium] Attempting to find matching driver for automationName 'Flutter' and platformName 'IOS' 2023-12-11 08:00:48:163 - [Appium] The 'flutter' driver was installed and matched caps. 2023-12-11 08:00:48:163 - [Appium] Will require it at /Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver 2023-12-11 08:00:48:163 - [debug] [Appium] Requiring driver at /Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver 2023-12-11 08:00:48:164 - [AppiumDriver@dd0b] Appium v2.0.1 creating new FlutterDriver (v2.2.4) session 2023-12-11 08:00:48:164 - [AppiumDriver@dd0b] Checking BaseDriver versions for Appium and FlutterDriver 2023-12-11 08:00:48:164 - [AppiumDriver@dd0b] Appium's BaseDriver version is 9.3.20 2023-12-11 08:00:48:164 - [AppiumDriver@dd0b] FlutterDriver's BaseDriver version is 9.3.20 2023-12-11 08:00:48:164 - [debug] [AppiumDriver@dd0b] There are no active sessions for cleanup 2023-12-11 08:00:48:165 - [AppiumDriver@dd0b] Applying relaxed security to 'FlutterDriver' as per server command line argument. All insecure features will be enabled unless explicitly disabled by --deny-insecure 2023-12-11 08:00:48:166 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] Creating session with W3C capabilities: { 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] "alwaysMatch": { 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] "platformName": "IOS", 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] "appium:automationName": "Flutter", 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] "appium:app": "myApp.ipa", 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] "appium:udid": "device_udid", 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] "appium:deviceName": "", 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] "appium:autoGrantPermissions": true, 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] "appium:autoDissmissAlerts": true, 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] "appium:autoAcceptAlerts": true, 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] "appium:showIOSLog": true, 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] "appium:includeSafariInWebviews": true, 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] "appium:newCommandTimeout": 3600, 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] "appium:connectHardwareKeyboard": true 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] }, 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] "firstMatch": [ 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] {} 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] ] 2023-12-11 08:00:48:167 - [debug] [FlutterDriver@43bd] } 2023-12-11 08:00:48:172 - [FlutterDriver@43bd] The following capabilities were provided, but are not recognized by Appium: 2023-12-11 08:00:48:172 - [FlutterDriver@43bd] momentum:options 2023-12-11 08:00:48:172 - [FlutterDriver@43bd] deviceName 2023-12-11 08:00:48:172 - [FlutterDriver@43bd] autoGrantPermissions 2023-12-11 08:00:48:172 - [FlutterDriver@43bd] autoDissmissAlerts 2023-12-11 08:00:48:172 - [FlutterDriver@43bd] autoAcceptAlerts 2023-12-11 08:00:48:172 - [FlutterDriver@43bd] showIOSLog 2023-12-11 08:00:48:172 - [FlutterDriver@43bd] includeSafariInWebviews 2023-12-11 08:00:48:172 - [FlutterDriver@43bd] connectHardwareKeyboard 2023-12-11 08:00:48:172 - [FlutterDriver@43bd (94097a14)] Session created with session id: 94097a14-8693-4508-8503-09151f252c39 2023-12-11 08:00:48:173 - [FlutterDriver] Starting an IOS proxy session 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] Creating session with W3C capabilities: { 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] "alwaysMatch": { 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] "platformName": "IOS", 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] "appium:automationName": "Flutter", 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] "appium:app": "myApp.ipa", 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] "appium:udid": "device_udid", 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] "appium:deviceName": "", 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] "appium:autoGrantPermissions": true, 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] "appium:autoDissmissAlerts": true, 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] "appium:autoAcceptAlerts": true, 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] "appium:showIOSLog": true, 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] "appium:includeSafariInWebviews": true, 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] "appium:newCommandTimeout": 3600, 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] "appium:connectHardwareKeyboard": true 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] }, 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] "firstMatch": [ 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] {} 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] ] 2023-12-11 08:00:48:175 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9] } 2023-12-11 08:00:48:178 - [XCUITestDriver@eed9] The following capabilities were provided, but are not recognized by Appium: 2023-12-11 08:00:48:178 - [XCUITestDriver@eed9] momentum:options 2023-12-11 08:00:48:178 - [XCUITestDriver@eed9] autoGrantPermissions 2023-12-11 08:00:48:179 - [XCUITestDriver@eed9] autoDissmissAlerts 2023-12-11 08:00:48:179 - [XCUITestDriver@eed9] 'platformVersion' capability ('undefined') is not a valid version number. Consider fixing it or be ready to experience an inconsistent driver behavior. 2023-12-11 08:00:48:179 - [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] Session created with session id: 8b9f9d15-9f61-4b2c-809c-210c77f6ada9 2023-12-11 08:00:48:188 - [debug] [XCUITest] Current user: 'mobven' 2023-12-11 08:00:48:197 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] Available devices: .... 2023-12-11 08:00:48:197 - [debug] [XCUITest] Creating iDevice object with udid '...' 2023-12-11 08:00:48:197 - [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] Determining device to run tests on: udid: '...', real device: true 2023-12-11 08:00:48:256 - [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] No platformVersion specified. Using device version: '17.0' 2023-12-11 08:00:48:276 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] Event 'xcodeDetailsRetrieved' logged at 1702281648276 (11:00:48 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00)) 2023-12-11 08:00:48:277 - [BaseDriver] Using downloadable app '...' 2023-12-11 08:00:48:595 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Etag: "1da269953e97bf3" 2023-12-11 08:00:48:596 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Last-Modified: Mon, 04 Dec 2023 10:04:53 GMT 2023-12-11 08:00:48:596 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Cache-Control: undefined 2023-12-11 08:00:48:598 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Content-Type: application/octet-stream 2023-12-11 08:00:53:231 - [debug] [BaseDriver] The application (10.03 MB) has been downloaded to '/tmp/tmpPhone15/20231111-2766-js84nj.qiaj/e302f2c3-4b00-4c61-9db6-71996a1d9df8-app.ipa' in 4.632s 2023-12-11 08:00:53:232 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Approximate download speed: 2.16 MB/s 2023-12-11 08:00:53:259 - [debug] [Support] Found 'unzip' at '/usr/bin/unzip' 2023-12-11 08:00:53:478 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] Found 1 bundle in 'e302f2c3-4b00-4c61-9db6-71996a1d9df8-app.ipa': Payload/ 2023-12-11 08:00:53:479 - [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] 'Payload/' is the resulting application bundle selected from '/tmp/tmpPhone15/20231111-2766-js84nj.qiaj/e302f2c3-4b00-4c61-9db6-71996a1d9df8-app.ipa' 2023-12-11 08:00:53:481 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] Event 'appConfigured' logged at 1702281653481 (11:00:53 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00)) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:482 - [debug] [XCUITest] Checking whether app '/tmp/tmpPhone15/20231111-2766-1rbebxx.8m64/' is actually present on file system 2023-12-11 08:00:53:482 - [debug] [XCUITest] App is present 2023-12-11 08:00:53:482 - [debug] [XCUITest] Getting bundle ID from app '/tmp/tmpPhone15/20231111-2766-1rbebxx.8m64/': 'com.myApp' 2023-12-11 08:00:53:482 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] Event 'resetStarted' logged at 1702281653482 (11:00:53 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00)) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:482 - [debug] [XCUITest] Reset: running ios real device reset flow 2023-12-11 08:00:53:482 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] Event 'resetComplete' logged at 1702281653482 (11:00:53 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00)) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:482 - [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] Using WDA path: '/Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent' 2023-12-11 08:00:53:482 - [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] Using WDA agent: '/Users/mobven/node_modules/appium-flutter-driver/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj' 2023-12-11 08:00:53:596 - [debug] [XCUITest] Executing /opt/homebrew/bin/pyidevice crash list --udid ... --network --format json 2023-12-11 08:00:53:864 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(ColourSensorFilterPlugin)[66] : [ALS] ts=7161092.024 lux=50.870 xy=(0.374 0.369) chs=[635 1723 1763 1992 1594] CCT1=4423.874 gain=256x mode= subsamples=24 rawLux=52.114 nits=125 xTalk=[0 4 3 3 2] status=0x9B copyEvent=0 2023-12-11 08:00:53:886 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : handle_get_value: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:887 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a490e760] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:889 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max mobileactivationd(libxpc.dylib)[150] : [0xeb8a3e250] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:889 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a490e760] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max mobileactivationd(libxpc.dylib)[150] : [0xeb8a3e250] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a490e760] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max mobileactivationd(libxpc.dylib)[150] : [0xeb8a3e250] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a490e760] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max mobileactivationd(libxpc.dylib)[150] : [0xeb8a3e250] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libMobileGestalt.dylib)[82] : elided platform fast path for key: re6Zb+zwFKJNlkQTUeT+/w 2023-12-11 08:00:53:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a496bbb0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:896 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Received new connection: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:896 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : -- connection has entitlements: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:896 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Added new client [] (conn=0x60afcb7a0), client list size 47 2023-12-11 08:00:53:897 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Connection () resumed 2023-12-11 08:00:53:897 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:898 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(CoreTelephony)[82] : Sending selectors to server: (null) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:898 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a496bbb0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:898 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : mglog: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:899 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(CoreTelephony)[82] : Updating selectors after delegate removal failed with: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=} 2023-12-11 08:00:53:899 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libMobileGestalt.dylib)[82] : Could not lookup ProductVersionExtra from dictionary 2023-12-11 08:00:53:899 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : special_case_get: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:899 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Client [] (conn=0x60afcb7a0) deregistered for all notifications 2023-12-11 08:00:53:899 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : special_case_get: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:899 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:900 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : special_case_get: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:900 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Client [] disconnected (conn=0x60afcb7a0), client list size 46 2023-12-11 08:00:53:905 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : special_case_get: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:905 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : special_case_get: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : mglog: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libMobileGestalt.dylib)[82] : Failed to retrieve data wlan:wifi-module-sn 2023-12-11 08:00:53:911 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4a46b30] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Received new connection: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : -- connection has entitlements: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Added new client [] (conn=0x60afca440), client list size 47 2023-12-11 08:00:53:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Connection () resumed 2023-12-11 08:00:53:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Unknown device type. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I ?? undetected core, devType:kUnknown 2023-12-11 08:00:53:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I Phone number location is kLocationUnknown 2023-12-11 08:00:53:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #N Don't know where to get the phone number 2023-12-11 08:00:53:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Unknown device type. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I ?? undetected core, devType:kUnknown 2023-12-11 08:00:53:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I Phone number location is kLocationUnknown 2023-12-11 08:00:53:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #N Don't know where to get the phone number 2023-12-11 08:00:53:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libMobileGestaltExtensions.dylib)[82] : Failed to retrieve phone number. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : mglog: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(CoreTelephony)[82] : Sending selectors to server: (null) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libMobileGestalt.dylib)[82] : Empty phone number for slot 0. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4a46b30] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : copy_phonenumber: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(CoreTelephony)[82] : Updating selectors after delegate removal failed with: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=} 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a496aab0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Client [] (conn=0x60afca440) deregistered for all notifications 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Client [] disconnected (conn=0x60afca440), client list size 46 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I New CTServerConnection from pid 82 (conn=0x60afd2d00) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I -- connection has entitlements: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: . 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82[] is named ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: , expects reply. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I reply to request ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a484bf50] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a496aab0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82 has closed (conn=0x60afd2d00) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I New CTServerConnection from pid 82 (conn=0x60afd2d00) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I -- connection has entitlements: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: . 2023-12-11 08:00:53:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82[] is named ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: , expects reply. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I reply to request ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(CoreTelephony)[82] : Postponement status: kCTPostponementStatusActivated 2023-12-11 08:00:53:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a484bf50] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a496aab0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82 has closed (conn=0x60afd2d00) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I New CTServerConnection from pid 82 (conn=0x60afd2d00) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I -- connection has entitlements: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: . 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82[] is named ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: , expects reply. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I reply to request ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a484bf50] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a496aab0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82 has closed (conn=0x60afd2d00) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I New CTServerConnection from pid 82 (conn=0x60afd2d00) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I -- connection has entitlements: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: . 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82[] is named ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: , expects reply. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I reply to request ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(CoreTelephony)[82] : Postponement status: kCTPostponementStatusActivated 2023-12-11 08:00:53:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a484bf50] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4c58530] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82 has closed (conn=0x60afd2d00) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I New CTServerConnection from pid 82 (conn=0x60afd2d00) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I -- connection has entitlements: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: . 2023-12-11 08:00:53:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82[] is named ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: , expects reply. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I reply to request ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4c58530] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4c04ea0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82 has closed (conn=0x60afd2d00) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I New CTServerConnection from pid 82 (conn=0x60afd2d00) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I -- connection has entitlements: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: . 2023-12-11 08:00:53:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82[] is named ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: , expects reply. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I reply to request ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4c04ea0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4d0ed80] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82 has closed (conn=0x60afd2d00) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I New CTServerConnection from pid 82 (conn=0x60afd2d00) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I -- connection has entitlements: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: . 2023-12-11 08:00:53:919 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82[] is named ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:919 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: , expects reply. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:919 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I reply to request ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:919 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4d0ed80] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:919 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:919 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82 has closed (conn=0x60afd2d00) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:919 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4d5a7e0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:919 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Received new connection: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:919 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : -- connection has entitlements: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:919 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Added new client [] (conn=0x60afca440), client list size 47 2023-12-11 08:00:53:919 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Connection () resumed 2023-12-11 08:00:53:920 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:920 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4c04ea0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:920 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(CoreTelephony)[82] : Sending selectors to server: (null) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:920 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4d5a7e0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:920 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(CoreTelephony)[82] : Updating selectors after delegate removal failed with: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=} 2023-12-11 08:00:53:920 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Client [] (conn=0x60afca440) deregistered for all notifications 2023-12-11 08:00:53:920 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I New CTServerConnection from pid 82 (conn=0x60afd2080) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:920 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2d00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:920 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : Client [] disconnected (conn=0x60afca440), client list size 46 2023-12-11 08:00:53:920 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I -- connection has entitlements: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:920 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2080] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:920 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: . 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82[] is named ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: , expects reply. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I No matching info for kCarrier 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I No matching info for kCarrier 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I reply to request ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4c04ea0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4c58530] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2080] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82 has closed (conn=0x60afd2080) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I New CTServerConnection from pid 82 (conn=0x60afd2080) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I -- connection has entitlements: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2080] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: . 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82[] is named ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I request: , expects reply. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I reply to request ''. 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4c58530] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter(libxpc.dylib)[96] : [0x60afd2080] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:921 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max CommCenter[96] : #I CTServerConnection from pid 82 has closed (conn=0x60afd2080) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:937 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:53:937 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4d0c200] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:937 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c0a12b90] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:939 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd[574] : cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0 2023-12-11 08:00:53:939 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd[574] : cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0 2023-12-11 08:00:53:939 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : cleaning up unpooled xpc conn to trustd 0x8a4d0c200 2023-12-11 08:00:53:939 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4d0c200] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:939 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : got event: Connection invalid 2023-12-11 08:00:53:939 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:53:939 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4d0c200] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:939 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c0a12b90] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:939 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c0a12b90] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:940 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : cleaning up unpooled xpc conn to trustd 0x8a4d0c200 2023-12-11 08:00:53:940 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4d0c200] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:940 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : got event: Connection invalid 2023-12-11 08:00:53:940 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c0a12b90] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:942 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : handle_start_service_with_socket: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:943 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4c58530] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:943 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:943 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max afcd(libxpc.dylib)[16533] : [0xc20d06e20] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:944 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:944 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4c58530] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:944 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: 2023-12-11 08:00:53:951 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max afcd(Security)[16533] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:53:951 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max afcd(libxpc.dylib)[16533] : [0xc20e040e0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:951 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c0a12b90] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:952 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max securityd[124] : trustd[574]/1#13 LF=0 copy_parent_certificates Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-34018 "Client has neither application-identifier nor keychain-access-groups entitlements" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=Client has neither application-identifier nor keychain-access-groups entitlements} 2023-12-11 08:00:53:952 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd[574] : cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0 2023-12-11 08:00:53:952 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd[574] : cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0 2023-12-11 08:00:53:952 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max afcd(Security)[16533] : cleaning up unpooled xpc conn to trustd 0xc20e040e0 2023-12-11 08:00:53:952 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max afcd(libxpc.dylib)[16533] : [0xc20e040e0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:953 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max afcd(Security)[16533] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:53:953 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max afcd(libxpc.dylib)[16533] : [0xc20d09720] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:53:953 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max afcd(Security)[16533] : got event: Connection invalid 2023-12-11 08:00:53:953 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c0a12b90] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:953 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c0a113b0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:53:953 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max afcd(Security)[16533] : cleaning up unpooled xpc conn to trustd 0xc20d09720 2023-12-11 08:00:53:954 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max afcd(libxpc.dylib)[16533] : [0xc20d09720] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:954 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max afcd(Security)[16533] : got event: Connection invalid 2023-12-11 08:00:53:954 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c0a113b0] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:53:954 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:53 iPhone-14-pro-max afcd(libxpc.dylib)[16533] : [0xc20d06e20] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:53:985 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] Event 'logCaptureStarted' logged at 1702281653985 (11:00:53 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00)) 2023-12-11 08:00:53:985 - [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] Setting up real device 2023-12-11 08:00:53:985 - [debug] [XCUITest] Verifying application platform 2023-12-11 08:00:53:985 - [debug] [XCUITest] CFBundleSupportedPlatforms: ["iPhoneOS"] 2023-12-11 08:00:54:044 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd(CoreUtils)[93] : Scan start: rescan, DsFl 0x4010B01242180040 < NearbyInfo NearbyAction PassiveRSSI ScreenOff BLEAdvertisementData RSSI Identify Leech ProxControl OSRecovery CaptiveNetworkJoin SIMTransfer >, DsTy <AirDrop, FieldDiagnostics, SIMTransfer2, DockKitAccessory, AppleIDSignIn, NearbyInfoV2Invitation>, ScreenOn yes, 30/300 ms (10%), Filters: {Type 15, Dups no, RSSI -90}, {Type 22, Dups no, RSSI -90, Blob [04], Mask [04]}, {Type 5, Dups no, RSSI -90}, UUIDs: 9AD2AF5B-3F0B-4B60-889F-DA93E1C662CF 2023-12-11 08:00:54:044 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : BT Stats for metric '' sent to CoreAnalytics with result 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:045 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : BT Stats for metric '' sent to CoreAnalytics with result 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:045 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : BT Stats for metric '' sent to CoreAnalytics with result 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:046 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : BT Stats for metric '' sent to CoreAnalytics with result 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:046 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : BT Stats for metric '' sent to CoreAnalytics with result 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:046 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : BT Stats for metric '' sent to CoreAnalytics with result 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : BT Stats for metric '' sent to CoreAnalytics with result 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : BT Stats for metric '' sent to CoreAnalytics with result 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : BT Stats for metric '' sent to CoreAnalytics with result 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : BT Stats for metric '' sent to CoreAnalytics with result 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : BT Stats for metric '' sent to CoreAnalytics with result 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : Received 'stop scan' request from session "CBDaemon-0x4C6F0044" (CBDaemon) updateScanParams:YES shouldUpdateState:YES 2023-12-11 08:00:54:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ShouldScan=1 AnyValidScanRequests=1 anyValidScanRequestInPaused=0 fObserverState=Active ClientScanPowerAssertRequired=0 fScanFiltersNeedUpdagint=1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : updateADVBufferConfig current:03 new:03 configChanged:00 2023-12-11 08:00:54:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : enableObjectDiscoveryADVBuffersIfNeeded objectDiscoveryHwAdvBufferOnly:1 fScreenState:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : AOPBTBUFF config current:0 new:0 configChanged:0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : enableAOPBTBuffersIfNeeded haveAnyHwAOPBTBufferRequests:0 fScreenState:1 fAOPBTBufferReadInProgress:0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : bomEnabled:1 chipset:22 usecase:FindMyNotOptedInBeepOnMoveWaking fScreenState:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:048 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : updateAgentScanUseCaseEntry controllerSupportsScanRx:0 session: usecase:FindMyNotOptedInBeepOnMoveWaking previous: entry: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:048 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : bomEnabled:1 chipset:22 usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn fScreenState:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:048 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : updateAgentScanUseCaseEntry controllerSupportsScanRx:0 session: usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn previous: entry: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:048 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : bomEnabled:1 chipset:22 usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn fScreenState:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:048 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : updateAgentScanUseCaseEntry controllerSupportsScanRx:0 session: usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn previous: entry: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:049 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ObjectDiscovery Client ( HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:049 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ObjectDiscovery Client ( HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:049 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ObjectDiscovery Client ( HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:049 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ScanParams: numScanAgents 5, combined params AD:0 RD:0 AS:0 PHYS:1 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pWiFi:0 pCfg:0 type:0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:049 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ScanParams: [] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3 2023-12-11 08:00:54:049 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ScanParams: [] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3 2023-12-11 08:00:54:049 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : Returning scan parameters: Main:30.00ms/300.00ms LP:0.00ms/300.00ms(supported) SC:0.00ms/50.00ms/non-concurrent(supported) Dm:(m:30/300) Cond:0:1:1:0:0 Sc:1 (passive) Dupfilter:Enabled minScanLevel:4 HD:Yes Comp:No(50,1) Pri:0/0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:049 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : needToRestart=1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:049 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : fShouldRetainDupsNextUpdate 0, screen? 1, retaindup? 0, EN scans? 0, created[EN]=0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:050 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : EN is not active - new retain dups value 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:050 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : Received 'start Unspecified scan' request , without duplicates, duration:unlimited, UUID [ 9AD2AF5B-3F0B-4B60-889F-DA93E1C662CF ] on 1M PHY scan timing 30/300 scanLevel=1 from session "CBDaemon-0x4C6F0044" 2023-12-11 08:00:54:050 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan 2023-12-11 08:00:54:056 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:54:056 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4a446e0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:54:057 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : Scanning stopped successfully. 42 Advertising Events, 0 dropped pkts 2023-12-11 08:00:54:057 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:54:057 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : Trying to remove scan filters with forceRemove=NO fHaveZoneFilters:NO fZoneScansHaveChanged:NO fHaveUUIDFilters:YES fHaveRuleFilters:YES 2023-12-11 08:00:54:059 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd[574] : cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:059 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd[574] : cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:060 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : cleaning up unpooled xpc conn to trustd 0x8a4a446e0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:060 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4a446e0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:54:060 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : got event: Connection invalid 2023-12-11 08:00:54:060 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:54:060 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:54:060 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4b4cde0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:54:060 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:54:062 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : cleaning up unpooled xpc conn to trustd 0x8a4b4cde0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:062 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4b4cde0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:54:062 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : got event: Connection invalid 2023-12-11 08:00:54:062 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:54:064 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : handle_start_service_with_socket: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:064 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a496cc50] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:54:064 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max mobileactivationd(libxpc.dylib)[150] : [0xeb881bca0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:54:065 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a496cc50] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:54:065 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max mobileactivationd(libxpc.dylib)[150] : [0xeb881bca0] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:54:065 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4b4bfc0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:54:066 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:066 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max mobile_installation_proxy(libxpc.dylib)[575] : [0x734810b30] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:54:066 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:066 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4b4bfc0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:54:067 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:074 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : handleScanStoppedEvent state=Idle observerState=Active 2023-12-11 08:00:54:078 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ShouldScan=1 AnyValidScanRequests=1 anyValidScanRequestInPaused=0 fObserverState=Active ClientScanPowerAssertRequired=0 fScanFiltersNeedUpdagint=1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:078 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : updateADVBufferConfig current:03 new:03 configChanged:00 2023-12-11 08:00:54:078 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : enableObjectDiscoveryADVBuffersIfNeeded objectDiscoveryHwAdvBufferOnly:1 fScreenState:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:078 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : AOPBTBUFF config current:0 new:0 configChanged:0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:079 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventProcessors)[66] : Motion event usagePage:0xFF0C usage:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:080 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : enableAOPBTBuffersIfNeeded haveAnyHwAOPBTBufferRequests:0 fScreenState:1 fAOPBTBufferReadInProgress:0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:080 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : visitKFFilteredPressure nowAP 723974454.115085 nowAOP 7164331089333 filteredPressure 100152.789062 pressureTimestamp 7164329488778, kfElevation 97.918701 wallTimePressureCorrected 723974453.306053 wallTimeKFCorrected 723974453.827191, temperatureDerivative 0.000000 2023-12-11 08:00:54:080 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : bomEnabled:1 chipset:22 usecase:FindMyNotOptedInBeepOnMoveWaking fScreenState:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:080 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : updateAgentScanUseCaseEntry controllerSupportsScanRx:0 session: usecase:FindMyNotOptedInBeepOnMoveWaking previous: entry: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:080 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : bomEnabled:1 chipset:22 usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn fScreenState:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:081 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : updateAgentScanUseCaseEntry controllerSupportsScanRx:0 session: usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn previous: entry: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:081 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : bomEnabled:1 chipset:22 usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn fScreenState:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:081 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : updateAgentScanUseCaseEntry controllerSupportsScanRx:0 session: usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn previous: entry: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:081 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ObjectDiscovery Client ( HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:082 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ObjectDiscovery Client ( HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:082 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ObjectDiscovery Client ( HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:082 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ScanParams: numScanAgents 6, combined params AD:0 RD:0 AS:0 PHYS:1 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pWiFi:0 pCfg:0 type:0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:082 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ScanParams: [] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3 2023-12-11 08:00:54:082 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ScanParams: [] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[CBDaemon-0x4C6F0044] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:082 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : Returning scan parameters: Main:30.00ms/300.00ms LP:0.00ms/300.00ms(supported) SC:0.00ms/50.00ms/non-concurrent(supported) Dm:(m:30/300) Cond:0:1:1:0:0 Sc:1 (passive) Dupfilter:Enabled minScanLevel:4 HD:Yes Comp:No(50,1) Pri:0/0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:082 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : needToRestart=1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:082 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : Starting passive scan (300.00ms/30.00ms) with duplicate filter enabled scNeed=1 stateO=0, retainDups=0 fScanFiltersNeedUpdating=YES 2023-12-11 08:00:54:095 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max mobile_installation_proxy(libxpc.dylib)[575] : [0x734810b30] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:54:096 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max mobile_installation_proxy(MobileSystemServices)[575] : 0x16d947000 handle_lookup: Client usbmuxd requested { 2023-12-11 08:00:54:096 - [IOSDeviceLog] BundleIDs = ( 2023-12-11 08:00:54:096 - [IOSDeviceLog] "com.myApp" 2023-12-11 08:00:54:096 - [IOSDeviceLog] ); 2023-12-11 08:00:54:096 - [IOSDeviceLog] ReturnAttributes = ( 2023-12-11 08:00:54:096 - [IOSDeviceLog] CFBundleIdentifier, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:096 - [IOSDeviceLog] CFBundleVersion 2023-12-11 08:00:54:096 - [IOSDeviceLog] ); 2023-12-11 08:00:54:096 - [IOSDeviceLog] } 2023-12-11 08:00:54:113 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(ColourSensorFilterPlugin)[66] : [ALS] ts=7161092.274 lux=50.855 xy=(0.374 0.367) chs=[635 1737 1749 2006 1622] CCT1=4406.944 gain=256x mode= subsamples=24 rawLux=52.099 nits=125 xTalk=[0 4 3 3 2] status=0x9B copyEvent=0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:124 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ShouldScan=1 AnyValidScanRequests=1 anyValidScanRequestInPaused=0 fObserverState=Active ClientScanPowerAssertRequired=0 fScanFiltersNeedUpdagint=0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : updateADVBufferConfig current:03 new:03 configChanged:00 2023-12-11 08:00:54:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : enableObjectDiscoveryADVBuffersIfNeeded objectDiscoveryHwAdvBufferOnly:1 fScreenState:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : AOPBTBUFF config current:0 new:0 configChanged:0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : enableAOPBTBuffersIfNeeded haveAnyHwAOPBTBufferRequests:0 fScreenState:1 fAOPBTBufferReadInProgress:0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : bomEnabled:1 chipset:22 usecase:FindMyNotOptedInBeepOnMoveWaking fScreenState:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : updateAgentScanUseCaseEntry controllerSupportsScanRx:0 session: usecase:FindMyNotOptedInBeepOnMoveWaking previous: entry: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : bomEnabled:1 chipset:22 usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn fScreenState:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : updateAgentScanUseCaseEntry controllerSupportsScanRx:0 session: usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn previous: entry: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : bomEnabled:1 chipset:22 usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn fScreenState:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : updateAgentScanUseCaseEntry controllerSupportsScanRx:0 session: usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn previous: entry: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ObjectDiscovery Client ( HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ObjectDiscovery Client ( HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ObjectDiscovery Client ( HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ScanParams: numScanAgents 6, combined params AD:0 RD:0 AS:0 PHYS:1 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pWiFi:0 pCfg:0 type:0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ScanParams: [] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3 2023-12-11 08:00:54:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ScanParams: [] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[CBDaemon-0x4C6F0044] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : Returning scan parameters: Main:30.00ms/300.00ms LP:0.00ms/300.00ms(supported) SC:0.00ms/50.00ms/non-concurrent(supported) Dm:(m:30/300) Cond:0:1:1:0:0 Sc:1 (passive) Dupfilter:Enabled minScanLevel:4 HD:Yes Comp:No(50,1) Pri:0/0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : needToRestart=1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:127 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : Starting passive scan (300.00ms/30.00ms) with duplicate filter enabled scNeed=0 stateO=0, retainDups=0 fScanFiltersNeedUpdating=NO 2023-12-11 08:00:54:127 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : overrideEnableGlobalDupFilter:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:130 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : 2023-12-11 08:00:54:144 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : Scanning started successfully 2023-12-11 08:00:54:144 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ShouldScan=1 AnyValidScanRequests=1 anyValidScanRequestInPaused=0 fObserverState=Active ClientScanPowerAssertRequired=0 fScanFiltersNeedUpdagint=0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:144 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : updateADVBufferConfig current:03 new:03 configChanged:00 2023-12-11 08:00:54:144 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : enableObjectDiscoveryADVBuffersIfNeeded objectDiscoveryHwAdvBufferOnly:1 fScreenState:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:145 - [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] App 'com.myApp' is not installed yet or it has an offload and cannot be detected, which might keep the local data. 2023-12-11 08:00:54:145 - [debug] [XCUITest] Installing '/tmp/tmpPhone15/20231111-2766-1rbebxx.8m64/' on device with UUID '...'... 2023-12-11 08:00:54:145 - [debug] [XCUITest] Using 'serial' app deployment strategy. You could change it by providing another value to the 'appInstallStrategy' capability 2023-12-11 08:00:54:145 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : AOPBTBUFF config current:0 new:0 configChanged:0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:145 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : enableAOPBTBuffersIfNeeded haveAnyHwAOPBTBufferRequests:0 fScreenState:1 fAOPBTBufferReadInProgress:0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:145 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : bomEnabled:1 chipset:22 usecase:FindMyNotOptedInBeepOnMoveWaking fScreenState:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:145 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : updateAgentScanUseCaseEntry controllerSupportsScanRx:0 session: usecase:FindMyNotOptedInBeepOnMoveWaking previous: entry: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : bomEnabled:1 chipset:22 usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn fScreenState:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : updateAgentScanUseCaseEntry controllerSupportsScanRx:0 session: usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn previous: entry: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : bomEnabled:1 chipset:22 usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn fScreenState:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:147 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : updateAgentScanUseCaseEntry controllerSupportsScanRx:0 session: usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn previous: entry: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:147 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ObjectDiscovery Client ( HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:147 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ObjectDiscovery Client ( HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:147 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ObjectDiscovery Client ( HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:147 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ScanParams: numScanAgents 6, combined params AD:0 RD:0 AS:0 PHYS:1 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pWiFi:0 pCfg:0 type:0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:147 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ScanParams: [] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3 2023-12-11 08:00:54:147 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : ScanParams: [] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[CBDaemon-0x4C6F0044] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:147 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : Returning scan parameters: Main:30.00ms/300.00ms LP:0.00ms/300.00ms(supported) SC:0.00ms/50.00ms/non-concurrent(supported) Dm:(m:30/300) Cond:0:1:1:0:0 Sc:1 (passive) Dupfilter:Enabled minScanLevel:4 HD:Yes Comp:No(50,1) Pri:0/0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:148 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max bluetoothd[93] : needToRestart=0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:157 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel(ApplePPMCPMS)[0] : ApplePPMCPMS::getClientCurrentPowerConsumption:Client 19 is not registered 2023-12-11 08:00:54:217 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:54:217 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a496e0c0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:54:217 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:54:219 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd[574] : cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:219 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd[574] : cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:220 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : cleaning up unpooled xpc conn to trustd 0x8a496e0c0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:220 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a496e0c0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:54:220 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : got event: Connection invalid 2023-12-11 08:00:54:220 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:54:221 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:54:221 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a484bf50] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:54:221 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:54:223 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : cleaning up unpooled xpc conn to trustd 0x8a484bf50 2023-12-11 08:00:54:223 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a484bf50] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:54:223 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : got event: Connection invalid 2023-12-11 08:00:54:223 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:54:225 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : handle_start_service_with_socket: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:225 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4a46fe0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:54:226 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:227 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max afcd(libxpc.dylib)[732] : [0xc769047d0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:54:227 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:227 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4a46fe0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:54:227 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:256 - [debug] [XCUITest] Getting bundle ID from app '/tmp/tmpPhone15/20231111-2766-1rbebxx.8m64/': 'com.myApp' 2023-12-11 08:00:54:257 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max afcd(libxpc.dylib)[732] : [0xc769047d0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:54:258 - [debug] [XCUITest] Successfully scanned the tree structure of '/tmp/tmpPhone15/20231111-2766-1rbebxx.8m64/' 2023-12-11 08:00:54:259 - [debug] [XCUITest] Got 17 folders and 62 files to push 2023-12-11 08:00:54:284 - [debug] [XCUITest] Successfully created the remote folder structure (18 items) 2023-12-11 08:00:54:284 - [debug] [XCUITest] Proceeding to serial files push 2023-12-11 08:00:54:320 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : I [dk] @30262: DTIM missed count: p2p(8274529), iovar(0), scan(7938), roam(309), homechan(16255145), sleep(1764723), misc(0) 2023-12-11 08:00:54:364 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(ColourSensorFilterPlugin)[66] : [ALS] ts=7161092.524 lux=50.806 xy=(0.376 0.371) chs=[635 1709 1763 1992 1608] CCT1=4413.940 gain=256x mode= subsamples=24 rawLux=52.050 nits=125 xTalk=[0 4 3 3 2] status=0x9B copyEvent=0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:542 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventProcessors)[66] : Motion event usagePage:0xFF0C usage:1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:569 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : f,NMEA:$PGLOR,13,STA,080054.60,0.000,0.200,0,2000,10,0,P,D,L,0,C,0,S,00004044,0,2,R,00000000,TPEF,37,73011,LC,,,DR,0,,,,tf,,,21973,2060,08 2023-12-11 08:00:54:571 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : f,NMEA:$PGLOR,2,HLA,080054.60,L,,Al,,A,,H,,,M,6,Ac,0,Gr,0,S,,,Sx,,,T,,Tr,,Mn,2,Ap,,Ta,0,,,Aa,0,Ga,0,11 2023-12-11 08:00:54:571 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : f,NMEA:$PGLOR,3,CTX,080054.60,E,0,0,2,2,V,0,0,S,,,77 2023-12-11 08:00:54:571 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : f,NMEA:$PGLOR,3,AGC,G,22.6,R,30.9,B,78.1,E5A,16.3,AL1,10.0,AL5,5.0,LTE,,PM1,,PM5,39 2023-12-11 08:00:54:574 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : #rxClockConv,missing rx clock,18446744073709551615 2023-12-11 08:00:54:574 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : #gdm,Time,gpsNs,0,gpsUncNs,-1.0,clockNs,18446744073709551615,basebandTimeNs,0,convMctSec,7164331.589,convMctUncSec,1.000,age,0.000,iflags,0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:574 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : #gdm,Position,latitude,,longitude,,altWgs84,,undulation,,vertUnc,-1.00,semiMajorHorizUnc,-1.00,semiMinorHorizUnc,-1.00,semiMajorAzimuthHorizUnc,-1.00,source,0,reliability,0,gnssContent,0,estTech,0,assistanceUsed,0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:574 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : #gdm,Velocity,horizSpeed,-1.00,horizSpeedUnc,-1.00,vertVel,nan,vertVelUnc,-1.00,course,-1.00,courseUnc,-1.00 2023-12-11 08:00:54:574 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : #gdm,#ee,decodedEphemeris,type,4,integrityValid,1,dataTimeGpsSec,1386295216,ageSecs,21656.6,ageDays,0.25,isAgeAccurate,1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:575 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : #gpsd,handlePvtm,awd_agc_metric_dB,band,L1,999.00,band,G1,999.00,band,L5,999.00 2023-12-11 08:00:54:575 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : #track_status,L1,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Q1,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,G1,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,E1,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,B1,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,L5,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Q5,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,E5a,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,B2a,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,NL5,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:575 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @ClxGpsVendor, Fix, 0, ll, N/A 2023-12-11 08:00:54:576 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction created: (0x16c0d0eb8) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:576 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @ClxGps, Fix, 0, ll, N/A 2023-12-11 08:00:54:576 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiLogic, handleInput, Client::LocationRequest 2023-12-11 08:00:54:576 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : #gpsd,#ee,Extended ephemeris file data durationSeconds, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:576 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : #gpsd,#ee,decoded EE callback,integrityPassed,1,data_age_seconds,21656.6,isAgeReliable,1,fileType,2 2023-12-11 08:00:54:576 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiFlow, locreq, cpi, cpi, current, none 2023-12-11 08:00:54:576 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiFlow, step, prepare, from, none, donereason, inprogress 2023-12-11 08:00:54:576 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiAps, history, 2, aged, 1, thresh, 30 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiFlow, aps, history, 2, fresh, 1, 2ghz, 0, 5ghz, 1, agethresh, 1, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : #gnssca,Long Term Orbit Assistance file age, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : , all centroids are good! 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiAps, lookiter, , , , hacc, 43, reach, 165, altitude, , vacc, 41.4, src, als, query age, 0.042588 days 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiAps, compute, 1, used, 1, used_vert, 1, hint, 1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"createTableIfNecessary", "table":, "specificToSerialNumber":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"initUUID", "path":"t/vart/roott/Libraryt/Cachest/locationdt/cache_encryptedB.db", "uuid":} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"createTableIfNecessary", "table":, "specificToSerialNumber":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiCalc, computing centroid for associated AP from harvest database using 0 GPS harvest samples 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiAssociatedApCentroidStore, skip fetching associated AP centroid from CoreData store as either it got disabled by settings or it did not initialize successfully 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiCalc, skip updating computed location using associated AP as it does not have a valid centroid! 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiFlow, compute, 1, hacc, 55.0, vaps, 1, vacc, 38.2, conf, 66, reason, request 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiFlow, sufficiency, wifi fix is insufficient as it used APs, less than threshold 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiCalc, associated AP set: YES, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiFlow, step, initialscan, from, prepare, donereason, inprogress 2023-12-11 08:00:54:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiFlow, cpitile, 0, didfix, 0, battsaver, 0, sigenv, 2, aps, 1, hacc, 38.0, scanAge, 11 2023-12-11 08:00:54:578 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiTimer, skip, locreq, 0, 1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:578 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":171866225960040, "end_mach":171866226013731, "elapsed_s":"0.002237125", "event":"Client::LocationRequest", "now_s":"723974454.612169027"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:578 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiScan, enqueue, wlp, Stage1, lowpri, 1, passive, 1, pending, 1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:578 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiDpc, signal 2023-12-11 08:00:54:578 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiFlow, scanreq, Stage1, cpi, result, 1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:579 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @ClxWifi, Fix, 1, ll, , , acc, 55.00, course, -1.0, alt, , altunc, 38.2, time, 723974454.6 2023-12-11 08:00:54:579 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiFlow, outcome, fix 2023-12-11 08:00:54:580 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction releasing: (0x16c0d0eb8) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:580 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : CLNmeaScreener,type,,lat,,lon,,timestampGPS,,machContTime,,fHorizontalUncertainty, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:581 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#GnssRefLocationCache,updateReferenceLocationCache,cached", "location,":} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:581 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : VEHICULAR: qualified leeched location, type, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:581 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : VEHICULAR: drop leeched location within sec 2023-12-11 08:00:54:581 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"GnssEvent", "event":"Injecting position assistance to GNSS platform", "location":, "isIndia":, "isCPI":1} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:581 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @ClxClient, Fix, 1, ll, , , acc, 38.00, speed, , course, , type, 4, alt, , altunc, 9.2,ellipsoidalAlt,,speedUnc,,courseUnc,,signalEnv,,timestamp,723974454.612 2023-12-11 08:00:54:581 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @IndoorFlow, turnon, updateLatestEstimate, TurnOn 2023-12-11 08:00:54:582 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : #Notice Handling new location <,>, acc , timestamp , lifespan , confidence 2023-12-11 08:00:54:582 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @IndoorAvl, load, updateLatestEstimate, 0, total, 36, state, NotSeeded 2023-12-11 08:00:54:582 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#GnssRefLocationCache,updateReferenceLocationCache,cached", "location,":} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:582 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd(TrackingAvoidance)[71] : 2023-12-11 08:00:54:582 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#pla #zone-relevance-tracker, location notification", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationLeech", "_currentLocation":, "NewLocation":} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:582 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @IndoorFlow, turnon, updateLatestEstimate, TurnOn 2023-12-11 08:00:54:582 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @IndoorAvl, load, updateLatestEstimate, 0, total, 36, state, NotSeeded 2023-12-11 08:00:54:582 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd(SeparationAlerts)[71] : {"msg":"Ingesting event", "Event":""} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:582 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd(TrackingAvoidance)[71] : #TAStore adding: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:583 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Source now available", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:583 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Traffic.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/TraceHarvest.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"Off", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:583 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction created: (0x16bea1558) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:583 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#sbim entity class arrow state changed", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:583 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#Awareness Received location"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:583 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation 2023-12-11 08:00:54:583 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":171866226095232, "end_mach":171866226100970, "elapsed_s":"0.000239083", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"723974454.617809057"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:583 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/CountryTracker.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483646.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:584 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction releasing: (0x16bea1558) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:584 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction created: (0x16bea1558) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:584 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#SLC Got location", "location":} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:584 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation 2023-12-11 08:00:54:584 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":171866226108302, "end_mach":171866226111897, "elapsed_s":"0.000149792", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"723974454.618355036"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:584 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction releasing: (0x16bea1558) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:584 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction created: (0x16bea1558) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:585 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation 2023-12-11 08:00:54:585 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":171866226116997, "end_mach":171866226119399, "elapsed_s":"0.000100083", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"723974454.618723989"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:585 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction releasing: (0x16bea1558) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:585 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction created: (0x16bea1558) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:585 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation 2023-12-11 08:00:54:585 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : #input,#nilr,injectAssistancePosition,received tightly coupling pos,lat,,lon,,alt,,type,1,altValid,1,vertUncM,50.9,semiMajUncM,56.6,semiMinUncM,56.6,source,4,reliability,25,delayMachMs,0.25, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:585 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : Async scan requested by "locationd" for 1 iterations with maxage=0 priority normal and latency normal on en0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:585 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":171866226125433, "end_mach":171866226127729, "elapsed_s":"0.000095667", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"723974454.619074941"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:585 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction releasing: (0x16bea1558) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:586 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/CountryTracker.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"Off", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:586 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/CompassCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/CompassCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483646.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:586 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd(CoreLocation)[71] : {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0xa12a87cb0", "delegate":"0xa1287bda0", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:586 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/CompassCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/CompassCalibration.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"Off", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:586 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Traffic.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Traffic.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483646.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:586 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Traffic.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Traffic.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"Off", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:586 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/UWBRegulatory.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483646.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:586 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max nearbyd(CoreLocation)[121] : {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x9b6819570", "delegate":"0x9b681ba40", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:586 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max nearbyd[121] : regulatory,geo,loc,checkRegulatoryIso,throttle,currentMachTime,,timeDiff, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:586 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/UWBRegulatory.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"Off", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:586 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/BulletinBoard.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/DestinationdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483646.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:587 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/BulletinBoard.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/DestinationdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:587 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max destinationd(CoreLocation)[298] : {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x61a91e0d0", "delegate":"0x61a909f30", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:588 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Routine.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Routine.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483643.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:588 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max destinationd(CoreLocation)[298] : {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"_limitsPrecision", "self":"0x61a91e0d0"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:588 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Routine.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Routine.bundle", "entityClass":"CoreRoutine", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:588 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#sbim entity class arrow state changed", "entityClass":"CoreRoutine", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:588 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:588 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : isInfraRealtimePacketThresholdAllowed allowed:1 option:32 threshold:50 noRegistrations:1 cachedPeerCount:0 fastDiscoveryInactive:1 fastDiscoveryOnSince:2866125465 2023-12-11 08:00:54:588 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : currentInfraTrafficType:8478 checking if realtime upgrade required with inputPackets:0 outputPackets:0 packetThreshold:50 2023-12-11 08:00:54:588 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(CoreLocation)[51] : {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x1036c3770", "delegate":"0x430198140", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:589 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:589 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:590 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:590 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:591 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:591 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:591 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max contextstored(CoreLocation)[65] : {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0xcfaafa8c0", "delegate":"0xcfaafa4f0", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:591 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd(CoreLocation)[71] : {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0xa1394a110", "delegate":"0xa12c79900", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:592 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:592 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:593 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/BulletinBoard.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:593 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/BulletinBoard.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:593 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max navd(CoreLocation)[10335] : {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0xec4c05520", "delegate":"0xec4a0abe0", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:593 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:593 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:593 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:593 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:594 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:594 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : WiFiDeviceManagerIs5GScanRequest: 2GHz Scan request because channel 1 is requested 2023-12-11 08:00:54:594 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/BulletinBoard.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:594 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Routine.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Routine.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"-1.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:594 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : isScanDisallowedByAwdl[1277] : InfraScanAllowed 1 (RTModeScan 0 NonSteering 0 assistDisc 0 HTMode 0 RTModeNeeded 0 Immin 0 ScanType 2 Flags 2 ScanOn2GOnly 0 DevAllows2G 1) 2023-12-11 08:00:54:594 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : IO80211PeerManager::setScanningState:5403:_scanningState:0x2(oldState 0) on:1, source:ScanManagerFamily, err:0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:594 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : wlan0:setSCAN_REQ@33980: [wifid]: scan_type = 2, bss_type = 3, num_channels = 3, num_networks = 0, flags[0x0000000000000002], ssid = "" 2023-12-11 08:00:54:594 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid[51] : 2023-12-11 08:00:54:594 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:595 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : Normal priority scan request from "locationd", is5GScan=0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:595 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiScan, execute, wlp, Stage1, flags, ldp, n, 1, error, 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:595 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : startCheck: shouldBlockScans=0 numAdmitted 1 admittedTS=723974442.630855 connected=1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:595 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:595 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : WiFiDeviceManagerIsFrequentLocationScan CATSPolicy=0 , numAllowedScanPolicy=2 2023-12-11 08:00:54:595 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : Resetting, shouldBlockScans=0 numAdmitted 1 delta=11.999950 admittedTS=723974454.630818 2023-12-11 08:00:54:595 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : Enqueuing command type: "Scan" priority:0 pending commands: 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:595 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : Dequeuing command type: "Scan" pending commands: 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:595 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : __WiFiDeviceCopyPreparedScanResults: network records count: 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:595 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:595 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:595 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:595 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/BulletinBoard.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:595 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:595 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:596 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:596 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:596 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:596 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/BulletinBoard.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:596 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max routined(CoreLocation)[10315] : {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0xa42b7c9e0", "delegate":"0xa4287c590", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:597 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max navd(CoreLocation)[10335] : {"msg":"CLInternalGetAuthorizationStatus", "event":"activity"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:597 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"client getting effective client name", "bundleId":"", "bundlePath":""} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:597 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : wlan0: Passive scan 2023-12-11 08:00:54:597 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : wlan0:ScanFlags: isLowLatency = 0, isLowPriority = 1 isPrioOverride = 0 isThrottled=0 isTruSliceAvoid=0 is2GRequest=1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:597 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : wlan0: Low priority scan 2023-12-11 08:00:54:597 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : wlan0:Scan type to FW 2818 2023-12-11 08:00:54:614 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(ColourSensorFilterPlugin)[66] : [ALS] ts=7161092.774 lux=50.598 xy=(0.376 0.370) chs=[635 1709 1749 1992 1608] CCT1=4412.926 gain=256x mode= subsamples=24 rawLux=51.842 nits=125 xTalk=[0 4 3 3 2] status=0x9B copyEvent=0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:633 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : reportDataPathEvents[6570]: Wifi Infra scan request. 2.4G: 0 5G: 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:726 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : handle_get_value: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:732 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : handle_get_value: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:759 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:54:759 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a484bf50] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:54:759 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:54:761 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd[574] : cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:761 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd[574] : cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:762 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : cleaning up unpooled xpc conn to trustd 0x8a484bf50 2023-12-11 08:00:54:762 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a484bf50] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:54:762 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : got event: Connection invalid 2023-12-11 08:00:54:762 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:54:762 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:54:762 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4a48dc0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:54:762 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:54:763 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : cleaning up unpooled xpc conn to trustd 0x8a4a48dc0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:764 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4a48dc0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:54:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : got event: Connection invalid 2023-12-11 08:00:54:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:54:767 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : handle_get_value: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:768 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : handle_get_value: 2023-12-11 08:00:54:778 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] Parsed BUILD_DIR configuration value: '/Users/mobven/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-fhefzhxjejxrpthbjtlmfrejfnaw/Build/Products' 2023-12-11 08:00:54:778 - [debug] [XCUITestDriver@eed9 (8b9f9d15)] Got derived data root: '/Users/mobven/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-fhefzhxjejxrpthbjtlmfrejfnaw' 2023-12-11 08:00:54:864 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:54 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(ColourSensorFilterPlugin)[66] : [ALS] ts=7161093.025 lux=50.685 xy=(0.375 0.369) chs=[649 1723 1749 1992 1636] CCT1=4450.979 gain=256x mode= subsamples=24 rawLux=51.929 nits=125 xTalk=[0 4 3 3 2] status=0x9B copyEvent=0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:964 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : InfraPeers: ---------- BEGIN ---------- 2023-12-11 08:00:54:964 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : InfraPeers: Gateway (04:D5:90:53:0F:C5, - Tx [S:0 (BE:0 BK:0 VI:0 VO:0), F:0 (BE:0 BK:0 VI:0 VO:0), PER:0.0%], TxRe [0 (0%)], Rx [0 (BE:0 BK:0 VI:0 VO:0)], RxRe [0 (0%)], RxMc [0 (B:0 O:0)] 2023-12-11 08:00:54:964 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : InfraPeers: Bonjour MC (33:33:00:00:00:00) - Tx [S:0, F:0, PER: 0.0%] 2023-12-11 08:00:54:965 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : InfraPeers: Other MC (01:00:00:00:00:00) - Tx [S:0, F:0, PER: 0.0%] 2023-12-11 08:00:54:965 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : InfraPeers: BC (FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) - Tx [S:0, F:0, PER: 0.0%] 2023-12-11 08:00:54:965 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : InfraPeers: Total unicast peers: 3 2023-12-11 08:00:54:965 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : InfraPeers: UC (5C:62:8B:BA:6F:D4, - Tx [S:0 (BE:0 BK:0 VI:0 VO:0), F:0 (BE:0 BK:0 VI:0 VO:0), PER:0.0%], TxRe [0 (0%)], Rx [0 (BE:0 BK:0 VI:0 VO:0)], RxRe [0 (0%)], RxMc [0 (B:0 O:0)] 2023-12-11 08:00:54:965 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : InfraPeers: UC (BA:AA:6D:B4:26:66, ?) - RxMc [2 (B:2 O:0)] 2023-12-11 08:00:54:965 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : InfraPeers: UC (A4:77:F3:01:69:98, ?) - Tx [S:4 (BE:4 BK:0 VI:0 VO:0), F:0 (BE:0 BK:0 VI:0 VO:0), PER:0.0%], TxRe [0 (0%)], Rx [4 (BE:0 BK:0 VI:0 VO:0)], RxRe [0 (0%)], RxMc [0 (B:0 O:0)] 2023-12-11 08:00:54:965 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : LQM-TX: Success:4(100.0%) FwFail:0(0.0%) FwMaxRetries:0(0.0%) NoACK:0(0.0%) MiscDrops:0(0.0%) NoBuf:0(0.0%) FwNoRes:0(0.0%) ChipErr:0(0.0%) Exp:0(0.0%) FwFcdExpiry:0(0.0%) FwFree:0(0.0%) 2023-12-11 08:00:54:965 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : InfraPeers: ----------- END ----------- 2023-12-11 08:00:54:966 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : InfraPeers: Updated addresses for infra peer: A4:77:F3:01:69:98 (fe80:10:0:0:182e:daa1:13dc:861e) 2023-12-11 08:00:54:976 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : reportDataPathEvents[6613]: WiFi infra scan complete notification from FW with status 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:976 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : I [dk] @19248: SCAN_SUMMARY: ScanDuration=341ms NumChanMain=0 NumChanAux=0 NumChanLP=3 NumActive=0 NumPassive=3 ScanMode=2 ScanClient=3 isRescheduled=0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:977 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : IO80211PeerManager::setScanningState:5403:_scanningState:0x0(oldState 2) on:0, source:ScanDone, err:0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:977 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(IO80211)[51] : _eventRead:4011 Processing _dispatchBeaconCacheUpdate 2023-12-11 08:00:54:977 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : IO80211PeerManager::setScanningState:5403:_scanningState:0x0(oldState 0) on:0, source:DriverInternalScanDone, err:0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:977 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : __WiFiDeviceProcessBeaconCacheUpdatedEvent: BeaconCacheUpdatedEvent Received { 2023-12-11 08:00:54:978 - [IOSDeviceLog] "BEACON_CACHE_UPDATED_EVENT_NUM_CHAN" = 3; 2023-12-11 08:00:54:978 - [IOSDeviceLog] "BEACON_CACHE_UPDATED_EVENT_REASON" = 0; 2023-12-11 08:00:54:978 - [IOSDeviceLog] "BEACON_CACHE_UPDATED_EVENT_STATUS" = 0; 2023-12-11 08:00:54:978 - [IOSDeviceLog] } 2023-12-11 08:00:54:979 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : WiFiDeviceManagerEvaluateAPEnvironment: WiFiRoam : BSS List info for network : Mobven : chanCount5GHz: [2] chanCount24GHz: [2] chanCount6GHz: [0] 2023-12-11 08:00:54:979 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : WiFiDeviceManagerEvaluateAPEnvironment: WiFiRoam : AP environment is Multi AP for Mobven(c8:3:f5:d:cb:dc). Last applied environment is Multi AP. Early exit ? : [0]. augmented from scan results ? : [1] 2023-12-11 08:00:54:982 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : processScanBeaconCacheEntry: Filtering WAPI networks 2023-12-11 08:00:54:982 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : processScanBeaconCacheEntry: scanRequest is NULL. Not filtering based on SSID/Channel matching. 2023-12-11 08:00:54:984 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : WiFiDeviceProcessScanDoneEvent: Filtering WAPI networks 2023-12-11 08:00:54:984 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid[51] : 2023-12-11 08:00:54:985 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : WiFiManagerUpdateRegulatoryDomainCountryCode: countryCode (null), manager->ieCountryCode TR, force 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:985 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : WiFiManagerUpdateRegulatoryDomainCountryCode: Country code TR refreshed 71.55s ago < 600s, not resetting 2023-12-11 08:00:54:986 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : WiFiDeviceManagerEvaluateAPEnvironment: WiFiRoam : BSS List info for network : Mobven : chanCount5GHz: [2] chanCount24GHz: [2] chanCount6GHz: [0] 2023-12-11 08:00:54:986 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : __WiFiDeviceManagerEvaluateAPEnvironment: WiFiRoam : AP environment is Multi AP for Mobven(c8:3:f5:d:cb:dc). Last applied environment is Multi AP. Early exit ? : [0]. augmented from scan results ? : [1] 2023-12-11 08:00:54:987 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : +[WiFiUsageAccessPointProfile _isProfileValidForUse:withCachedDict:onlyIfCurrent:]: Profile for bssid: is NOT valid: version: (current:) parsingSuccessful:YES occurrencies:1 (>=2) maxAssocTime(sec):0 (>=60.000000) isCurrent:NO lastUpdated/currentAssocTime(sec):3957.631576 2023-12-11 08:00:54:987 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : +[WiFiUsageAccessPointProfile _isProfileValidForUse:withCachedDict:onlyIfCurrent:]: Profile for bssid: is NOT valid: version: (current:) parsingSuccessful:YES occurrencies:1 (>=2) maxAssocTime(sec):0 (>=60.000000) isCurrent:NO lastUpdated/currentAssocTime(sec):3957.631757 2023-12-11 08:00:54:987 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : -[WiFiScanObserver ingestScanResults:ofType:clientName:directed:]: ingested 4 networks 2023-12-11 08:00:54:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : -[WiFiSettlementObserver _handleScanResults:error:userInfo:]: scanType=2 client='locationd' directed=0 results='{( 2023-12-11 08:00:54:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] <WiFiScanObserverNetwork : 0x430bec580 SSID='DIRECT-DD-HP Laser 137fnw' BSSID='f6:39:09:5e:b9:dd' RSSI=-61>, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] <WiFiScanObserverNetwork : 0x430bec780 SSID='Arute_Guest' BSSID='14:dd:a9:d1:ea:21' RSSI=-71>, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] <WiFiScanObserverNetwork : 0x430bee580 SSID='Mobven' BSSID='c8:03:f5:0d:cb:d8' RSSI=-52>, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] <WiFiScanObserverNetwork : 0x430bed800 SSID='InventAnalytics' BSSID='94:bf:c4:13:ff:78' RSSI=-78> 2023-12-11 08:00:54:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] )}' 2023-12-11 08:00:54:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : -[WiFiSettlementObserver _handleScanResults:error:userInfo:]: settled for 740902.47 seconds 2023-12-11 08:00:54:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : -[WiFi3BarsSource fetchCandidateNetworksMatchingBSSIDs:completionHandler:]: fetching candidates for 4 BSSIDS 2023-12-11 08:00:54:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : -[TBDataSourceMediator executeFetchRequest:]: executing fetch request <TBNetworkFetchRequest: 0x430e27c80> 2023-12-11 08:00:54:989 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : -[WiFiAvailabilityEngine _findAvailabilityMatchesInSourcesForBSSIDS:]_block_invoke: fetched matches 2023-12-11 08:00:54:989 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : -[WiFiAvailabilityEngine _handleCandidateMatches:]: no change to available networks 2023-12-11 08:00:54:989 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : -[TBCoreDataSource _executeFetchRequest:]: fetched 0 results in 0.000945458s 2023-12-11 08:00:54:989 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : Async scan request completed for "locationd" (0), found 4 networks 2023-12-11 08:00:54:989 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : Locationd scan done. 2023-12-11 08:00:54:990 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiMgr, onWiFiDeviceClientScanCallback, error, 0, valid, 1, count, 4 2023-12-11 08:00:54:990 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiScan, addAps, scan, returned, 4, unique, 4, insert, 4, keep, 0, error, 0, stale, 0, ignore, 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:990 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction created: (0x16c044c78) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:990 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiLogic, handleInput, Wifi::Scan 2023-12-11 08:00:54:991 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiTimer, nextscan, 15, haveLoc, 1, codepath, Frozen 2023-12-11 08:00:54:991 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiAps, history, 2, aged, 0, thresh, 30 2023-12-11 08:00:54:991 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiAps, history, 4, add, 4 2023-12-11 08:00:54:991 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiFlow, scanreply, aps, 4, type, Stage1, lastused, 12, use, 1, history, 4, lsbclients, 1, 1, 1, reqtype, cpi 2023-12-11 08:00:54:991 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiFlow, aps, history, 4, fresh, 5, 2ghz, 4, 5ghz, 1, agethresh, 1, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:992 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : , all centroids are good! 2023-12-11 08:00:54:992 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : 2023-12-11 08:00:54:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiAps, lookiter, , , , hacc, 51, reach, 243, altitude, , vacc, 10.0, src, als, query age, 0.042593 days 2023-12-11 08:00:54:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiAps, lookiter, , , , hacc, 45, reach, 186, altitude, , vacc, 10.0, src, als, query age, 0.042593 days 2023-12-11 08:00:54:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiAps, lookiter, , , , hacc, 78, reach, 620, altitude, , vacc, 635.2, src, tile, query age, 4.896609 days 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiAps, lookiter, , , , hacc, 43, reach, 165, altitude, , vacc, 41.4, src, als, query age, 0.042593 days 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiAps, lookiter, , , , hacc, 52, reach, 337, altitude, , vacc, 635.2, src, tile, query age, 4.896609 days 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiAps, compute, 5, used, 5, used_vert, 3, hint, 1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"createTableIfNecessary", "table":, "specificToSerialNumber":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"initUUID", "path":"t/vart/roott/Libraryt/Cachest/locationdt/cache_encryptedB.db", "uuid":} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"createTableIfNecessary", "table":, "specificToSerialNumber":0} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiCalc, computing centroid for associated AP from harvest database using 0 GPS harvest samples 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiAssociatedApCentroidStore, skip fetching associated AP centroid from CoreData store as either it got disabled by settings or it did not initialize successfully 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiCalc, skip updating computed location using associated AP as it does not have a valid centroid! 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiFlow, compute, 5, hacc, 43.0, vaps, 3, vacc, 33.3, conf, 73, reason, scan 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiFlow, sufficiency, wifi fix is sufficient 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiCalc, associated AP set: YES, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiFlow, step, done, from, initialscan, donereason, intial 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiFlow, scanreq, false, reason, good fix, event, Wifi::Scan 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiFlow, reset, last, 1 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiFlow, cpitile, 0, didfix, 0, battsaver, 0, sigenv, 2, aps, 5, hacc, 38.0, scanAge, 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiFlow, alsrequest, 0, allknown, aps, 0, type, 0, vni, 5, 0, 0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:995 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : WifiTimer, set, scan, 15 2023-12-11 08:00:54:995 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":171866235912620, "end_mach":171866236022971, "elapsed_s":"0.004597958", "event":"Wifi::Scan", "now_s":"723974455.026831985"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:995 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiFlow, nexttimer, 15 2023-12-11 08:00:54:996 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @ClxWifi, Fix, 1, ll, , , acc, 43.00, course, -1.0, alt, , altunc, 33.3, time, 723974455.0 2023-12-11 08:00:54:996 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiFlow, outcome, fix 2023-12-11 08:00:54:996 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction releasing: (0x16c044c78) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:996 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"GnssEvent", "event":"Injecting position assistance to GNSS platform", "location":, "isIndia":, "isCPI":1} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:996 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : VEHICULAR: qualified leeched location, type, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : VEHICULAR: drop leeched location within sec 2023-12-11 08:00:54:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : CLNmeaScreener,type,,lat,,lon,,timestampGPS,,machContTime,,fHorizontalUncertainty, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : #input,#nilr,injectAssistancePosition,received tightly coupling pos,lat,,lon,,alt,,type,1,altValid,1,vertUncM,46.0,semiMajUncM,41.2,semiMinUncM,41.2,source,4,reliability,50,delayMachMs,0.40, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @ClxClient, Fix, 1, ll, , , acc, 38.00, speed, , course, , type, 4, alt, , altunc, 8.9,ellipsoidalAlt,,speedUnc,,courseUnc,,signalEnv,,timestamp,723974455.027 2023-12-11 08:00:54:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : Fence: fenceUpdate, , bundle, , type, , loc, , , acc, 38, distance, , tech, , trans, , state, , cont, , fence, , , , , sCount, , , trig, , , sinceLastLoc, , events, 0x, status, => , settled state, ==> , cantShiftButNeedTo, , sinceLastTransition, , significant, , loi, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @IndoorFlow, turnon, updateLatestEstimate, TurnOn 2023-12-11 08:00:54:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#pla #zone-relevance-tracker, location notification", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationLeech", "_currentLocation":, "NewLocation":} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @IndoorAvl, load, updateLatestEstimate, 0, total, 36, state, NotSeeded 2023-12-11 08:00:54:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd(TrackingAvoidance)[71] : 2023-12-11 08:00:54:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : #Notice Handling new location <,>, acc , timestamp , lifespan , confidence 2023-12-11 08:00:54:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @IndoorFlow, turnon, updateLatestEstimate, TurnOn 2023-12-11 08:00:54:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @IndoorAvl, load, updateLatestEstimate, 0, total, 36, state, NotSeeded 2023-12-11 08:00:54:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd(SeparationAlerts)[71] : {"msg":"Ingesting event", "Event":""} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Source now available", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/CountryTracker.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483646.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction created: (0x16c0d1558) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation 2023-12-11 08:00:54:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#Awareness Received location"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":171866236096901, "end_mach":171866236100946, "elapsed_s":"0.000168542", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"723974455.034533024"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/CompassCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/CompassCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483646.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction releasing: (0x16c0d1558) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction created: (0x16c0d1558) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation 2023-12-11 08:00:54:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"#SLC Got location", "location":} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":171866236107424, "end_mach":171866236110588, "elapsed_s":"0.000131833", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"723974455.034983039"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction releasing: (0x16c0d1558) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction created: (0x16c0d1558) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Traffic.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Traffic.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483646.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":171866236114239, "end_mach":171866236118246, "elapsed_s":"0.000166958", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"723974455.035269976"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction releasing: (0x16c0d1558) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction created: (0x16c0d1558) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":171866236122384, "end_mach":171866236124248, "elapsed_s":"0.000077667", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"723974455.035609007"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction releasing: (0x16c0d1558) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/UWBRegulatory.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483646.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/BulletinBoard.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/DestinationdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483646.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Routine.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Routine.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483643.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max nearbyd(CoreLocation)[121] : {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x9b6819570", "delegate":"0x9b681ba40", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max nearbyd[121] : regulatory,geo,loc,checkRegulatoryIso,throttle,currentMachTime,,timeDiff, 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:54:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd(CoreLocation)[71] : {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0xa12a87cb0", "delegate":"0xa1287bda0", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:000 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:000 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(CoreLocation)[51] : {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x1036c3770", "delegate":"0x430198140", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:000 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:000 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd(CoreLocation)[71] : {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0xa1394a110", "delegate":"0xa12c79900", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/BulletinBoard.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max contextstored(CoreLocation)[65] : {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0xcfaafa8c0", "delegate":"0xcfaafa4f0", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max destinationd(CoreLocation)[298] : {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x61a91e0d0", "delegate":"0x61a909f30", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max destinationd(CoreLocation)[298] : {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"_limitsPrecision", "self":"0x61a91e0d0"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/BulletinBoard.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Routine.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/Routine.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"-1.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max navd(CoreLocation)[10335] : {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0xec4c05520", "delegate":"0xec4a0abe0", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:003 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max routined(CoreLocation)[10315] : {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0xa42b7c9e0", "delegate":"0xa4287c590", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:003 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:003 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:003 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/BulletinBoard.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:003 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst�ileWiFi.framework", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:004 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:004 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/SystemCustomization.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:004 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/FindMyDevice.framework", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:005 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest�ionCalibration.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:005 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"Sending location to client", "Client":"pt/Systemt/Libraryt/PrivateFrameworkst/BulletinBoard.framework:pt/Systemt/Libraryt/LocationBundlest/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":, "desiredAccuracy":"2147483647.000000"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:016 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventProcessors)[66] : Motion event usagePage:0xFF0C usage:1 2023-12-11 08:00:55:016 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventProcessors)[66] : Motion event usagePage:0xFF0C usage:1 2023-12-11 08:00:55:016 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventProcessors)[66] : Motion event usagePage:0xFF0C usage:1 2023-12-11 08:00:55:016 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventProcessors)[66] : Motion event usagePage:0xFF0C usage:1 2023-12-11 08:00:55:016 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventProcessors)[66] : Motion event usagePage:0xFF0C usage:1 2023-12-11 08:00:55:016 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventProcessors)[66] : Motion event usagePage:0xFF0C usage:1 2023-12-11 08:00:55:016 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventProcessors)[66] : Motion event usagePage:0xFF0C usage:1 2023-12-11 08:00:55:017 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction created: () 2023-12-11 08:00:55:018 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction released: () 2023-12-11 08:00:55:018 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction created: (0x16c15ce68) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:55:018 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::Elevation 2023-12-11 08:00:55:018 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventProcessors)[66] : Motion event usagePage:0xFF0C usage:1 2023-12-11 08:00:55:018 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":171866236578840, "end_mach":171866236580941, "elapsed_s":"0.000087542", "event":"System::Elevation", "now_s":"723974455.054618001"} 2023-12-11 08:00:55:018 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : os_transaction releasing: (0x16c15ce68) wifi1Event 2023-12-11 08:00:55:114 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(ColourSensorFilterPlugin)[66] : [ALS] ts=7161093.275 lux=50.575 xy=(0.373 0.370) chs=[635 1723 1763 1950 1622] CCT1=4466.396 gain=256x mode= subsamples=24 rawLux=51.819 nits=125 xTalk=[0 4 3 3 2] status=0x9B copyEvent=0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:147 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventProcessors)[66] : Motion event usagePage:0xFF0C usage:1 2023-12-11 08:00:55:367 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(ColourSensorFilterPlugin)[66] : [ALS] ts=7161093.525 lux=50.366 xy=(0.373 0.367) chs=[621 1723 1735 1978 1622] CCT1=4393.493 gain=256x mode= subsamples=24 rawLux=51.610 nits=125 xTalk=[0 4 3 3 2] status=0x9B copyEvent=0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:410 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max AutomationModeUI[927] : Moving Automation Mode text group to 2023-12-11 08:00:55:430 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(QuartzCore)[66] : Display 1 setting ambient lux to 50.3333 2023-12-11 08:00:55:543 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventProcessors)[66] : Motion event usagePage:0xFF0C usage:1 2023-12-11 08:00:55:568 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : f,NMEA:$PGLOR,13,STA,080055.60,0.000,0.200,0,2000,10,0,P,D,L,0,C,0,S,00004044,0,2,R,00000000,TPEF,37,74011,LC,,,DR,0,,,,tf,,,21975,2102,0D 2023-12-11 08:00:55:568 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : f,NMEA:$PGLOR,2,HLA,080055.60,L,2,Al,158,A,,H,,,M,6,Ac,0,Gr,0,S,,,Sx,,,T,,Tr,,Mn,2,Ap,,Ta,0,,,Aa,0,Ga,0,1E 2023-12-11 08:00:55:569 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : f,NMEA:$PGLOR,3,CTX,080055.60,E,0,0,2,2,V,0,0,S,,,76 2023-12-11 08:00:55:569 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : f,NMEA:$PGLOR,3,AGC,G,22.6,R,29.9,B,78.1,E5A,16.3,AL1,10.0,AL5,5.0,LTE,,PM1,,PM5,31 2023-12-11 08:00:55:572 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : #rxClockConv,missing rx clock,18446744073709551615 2023-12-11 08:00:55:572 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : #gdm,Time,gpsNs,0,gpsUncNs,-1.0,clockNs,18446744073709551615,basebandTimeNs,0,convMctSec,7164332.587,convMctUncSec,1.000,age,0.000,iflags,0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:572 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : #gdm,Position,latitude,,longitude,,altWgs84,,undulation,,vertUnc,-1.00,semiMajorHorizUnc,-1.00,semiMinorHorizUnc,-1.00,semiMajorAzimuthHorizUnc,-1.00,source,0,reliability,0,gnssContent,0,estTech,0,assistanceUsed,0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:572 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : #gdm,Velocity,horizSpeed,-1.00,horizSpeedUnc,-1.00,vertVel,nan,vertVelUnc,-1.00,course,-1.00,courseUnc,-1.00 2023-12-11 08:00:55:573 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max gpsd[167] : #gdm,#ee,decodedEphemeris,type,4,integrityValid,1,dataTimeGpsSec,1386295216,ageSecs,21657.6,ageDays,0.25,isAgeAccurate,1 2023-12-11 08:00:55:573 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : #gpsd,handlePvtm,awd_agc_metric_dB,band,L1,999.00,band,G1,999.00,band,L5,999.00 2023-12-11 08:00:55:573 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : #track_status,L1,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Q1,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,G1,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,E1,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,B1,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,L5,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Q5,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,E5a,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,B2a,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,NL5,count,0,cn0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:573 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @ClxGpsVendor, Fix, 0, ll, N/A 2023-12-11 08:00:55:574 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : @ClxGps, Fix, 0, ll, N/A 2023-12-11 08:00:55:574 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : #gpsd,#ee,Extended ephemeris file data durationSeconds, 2023-12-11 08:00:55:574 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : #gpsd,#ee,decoded EE callback,integrityPassed,1,data_age_seconds,21657.6,isAgeReliable,1,fileType,2 2023-12-11 08:00:55:574 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max locationd[71] : #gnssca,Long Term Orbit Assistance file age, 2023-12-11 08:00:55:615 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(ColourSensorFilterPlugin)[66] : [ALS] ts=7161093.775 lux=50.895 xy=(0.375 0.370) chs=[621 1723 1763 1992 1636] CCT1=4376.395 gain=256x mode= subsamples=24 rawLux=52.139 nits=125 xTalk=[0 4 3 3 2] status=0x9B copyEvent=0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:617 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : isInfraRealtimePacketThresholdAllowed allowed:1 option:32 threshold:50 noRegistrations:1 cachedPeerCount:0 fastDiscoveryInactive:1 fastDiscoveryOnSince:2866126494 2023-12-11 08:00:55:618 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max kernel()[0] : currentInfraTrafficType:8478 checking if realtime upgrade required with inputPackets:0 outputPackets:0 packetThreshold:50 2023-12-11 08:00:55:720 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[141] : NBSM: TCP metrics iteration:716104 since 30.00 secs: allflows=0/C=0/R=0/W=0/flows=0/unacked=0/rxbytes=0/txbytes=0/rxooo=0/rxdup=0/retx=0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:721 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[141] : NBSM: TCP progress metrics score: 0, problem ratio: 0.00 (baseline: 0.00) 2023-12-11 08:00:55:794 - [debug] [XCUITest] Successfully pushed 17 folders and 62 files within 1538ms 2023-12-11 08:00:55:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : WiFiDeviceProcessRSSIEvent Feeding RSSI data to LQM - RSSI:-54 Core0-RSSI:-54 Core1-RSSI:0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : WiFiLQAMgrLogStats(Mobven:Stationary): Channel: 48 Bandwidth: 80Mhz Rssi: -54 {-54 0} Cca: 35 (S:0 O:2 I:33) Snr: 27 BcnPer: 34.0% (50, 54.6%) TxFrameCnt: 2 TxPer: 0.0% TxReTrans: 0 TxRetryRatio: 0.0% RxFrameCnt: 3 RxRetryFrames: 0 RxRetryRatio: 0.0% TxRate: 866667 RxRate: 351000 FBRate: 520000 TxFwFrms: 2 TxFwFail: 0 Noise: -87 {-87 -89 -2} time: 106.7secs fgApp: (null) 2023-12-11 08:00:55:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : LQM-WiFi: WiFi Latency: TxLat-hist [2(0 %) / 0(0 %) / 0(0 %) / 0(0 %)] RxLat-hist [0(0 %) / 0(0 %) / 0(0 %) / 0(0 %)] intermittent-state = 0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : LQM-WiFi: WeightAvgLQM rssi=-52 snr=31 txRate=866667 rxRate=351000 2023-12-11 08:00:55:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : LQM-WiFi: (HighBand) rxCrsGlitch=14 rxBphyCrsGlitch=0 rxStart=1077 rxBadPLCP=14 rxBphyBadPLCP=0 rxBadFCS=5 rxFifo0Ovfl=0 rxFifo1Ovfl=0 rx_nobuf=0 rxAnyErr=374 rxResponseTimeout=0 rxNoDelim=16 rxFrmTooLong=0 rxFrmTooShort=2 2023-12-11 08:00:55:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : LQM-WiFi: (HighBand) txRTSFrm=1 txRTSFail=0 rxCTSUcast=1 rxRTSUcast=0 txCTSFrm=0 txAMPDU=1 rxBACK=1 txPhyError=0 txAllFrm=4 txMPDU=2 txUcast=2 rxACKUcast=1 OfdmDesense=0 dB 2023-12-11 08:00:55:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : LQM-WiFi: (HighBand) rxBeaconMbss=36 rxBeaconObss=14 rxDataUcastMbss=1 rxMgmtUcastMbss=0 rxCNTRLUcast=3 txACKFrm=0 txBACK=1 ctxFifoFull=0 ctxFifo2Full=0 rxDataMcast=3 rxMgmtMcast=50 2023-12-11 08:00:55:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : LQM-WiFi: RX AMPDU (HighBand) rxAmpdu=1 txBACK(Ucode)=1 rxMpduInAmpdu=1 rxholes=0 rxdup=0 rxstuck=0 rxoow=0 rxoos=0 rxaddbareq=0 txaddbaresp=0 rxbar=0 txdelba=0 rxdelba=0 rxQueued=0 rxRetryNoBA=0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : LQM-WiFi: WME RX MPDUs (rxPER 0 %) in tids 0:6, 1:0, 2:0, 3:0, 4:0, 5:0, 6:0, 7:0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : LQM-WiFi: (HighBand) rxToss=0 rxLastTossRsn=0 rxNoFrag=0 rxNoCmplId=0 rxNoHaddr=0 rxMulti=2 rxUndec=0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : LQM-WiFi: TX(C8:03:F5:0D:CF:7C) AC BE<4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> (4999ms) 2023-12-11 08:00:55:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : LQM-WiFi: TX(C8:03:F5:0D:CF:7C) AC BK<0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> (4999ms) 2023-12-11 08:00:55:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : LQM-WiFi: TX(C8:03:F5:0D:CF:7C) AC VI<0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> (4999ms) 2023-12-11 08:00:55:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : LQM-WiFi: TX(C8:03:F5:0D:CF:7C) AC VO<0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> (4999ms) 2023-12-11 08:00:55:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[141] : L2 Metrics on en0: rssi: -54 [-54,0] -> -54, snr: 27 (cca [wake/total] self/other/intf): [0,0]/[0,0]/[0,0]/35 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail): 2/0/0 -> (was/is) 0/0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : LQM-WiFi: L3 Control VO TX(C8:03:F5:0D:CF:7C) Success=0 NoACK=0 Expired=0 OtherErr=0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[141] : Received Wi-Fi Assist Override along with LQM info: 0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : WiFiDeviceManagerGetAppState: app state for DPS action : Background isAnyAppInFG:no isFTactive:no isLatencySensitiveAppActive:no 2023-12-11 08:00:55:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : WiFiLQAMgrCopyCoalescedUndispatchedLQMEvent: Rssi: -54 Snr:27 Cca: 35 TxFrames: 2 TxFail: 0 BcnRx: 33 BcnSch: 50 RxFrames: 3 RxRetries: 0 TxRate: 866667 RxRate: 351000 FBRate: 520000 TxFwFrms: 2 TxFwFail:0 TxRetries: 0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max wifid(WiFiPolicy)[51] : WiFiLQAMgrLinkRecommendationNotify: channel score: chq=3, tx-lat=5, rx-lat=3, tx-loss=5, rx-loss=5, txPer=0.0%, p95-lat=1, RT=0x0, link-recommendation=0x0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max WirelessRadioManagerd[49] : 2023-12-11 08:00:55:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max WirelessRadioManagerd[49] : 2023-12-11 08:00:55:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max WirelessRadioManagerd[49] : 2023-12-11 08:00:55:865 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(ColourSensorFilterPlugin)[66] : [ALS] ts=7161094.025 lux=50.448 xy=(0.373 0.369) chs=[607 1737 1749 1950 1636] CCT1=4392.582 gain=256x mode= subsamples=24 rawLux=51.692 nits=125 xTalk=[0 4 3 3 2] status=0x9B copyEvent=0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:877 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:55:877 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4b49220] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:55:878 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:55:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd[574] : cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd[574] : cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0 2023-12-11 08:00:55:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : cleaning up unpooled xpc conn to trustd 0x8a4b49220 2023-12-11 08:00:55:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4b49220] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:55:882 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : got event: Connection invalid 2023-12-11 08:00:55:882 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:55:882 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:55:882 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a496e890] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:55:883 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:55:884 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : cleaning up unpooled xpc conn to trustd 0x8a496e890 2023-12-11 08:00:55:885 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a496e890] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:55:885 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : got event: Connection invalid 2023-12-11 08:00:55:885 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:55:887 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : handle_start_service_with_socket: 2023-12-11 08:00:55:887 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4b4a950] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:55:888 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max mobileactivationd(libxpc.dylib)[150] : [0xeb8908510] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:55:889 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4b4a950] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:55:889 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max mobileactivationd(libxpc.dylib)[150] : [0xeb8908510] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:55:889 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a496bb30] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:55:889 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service: 2023-12-11 08:00:55:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max mobile_installation_proxy(libxpc.dylib)[575] : [0x734a06fe0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:55:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: 2023-12-11 08:00:55:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a496bb30] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:55:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: 2023-12-11 08:00:55:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max mobile_installation_proxy(libxpc.dylib)[575] : [0x734a06fe0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:55:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:55 iPhone-14-pro-max mobile_installation_proxy(MobileSystemServices)[575] : 0x16d8bb000 handle_lookup: Client usbmuxd requested { 2023-12-11 08:00:55:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] BundleIDs = ( 2023-12-11 08:00:55:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] "com.myApp" 2023-12-11 08:00:55:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] ); 2023-12-11 08:00:55:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] ReturnAttributes = ( 2023-12-11 08:00:55:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] CFBundleIdentifier, 2023-12-11 08:00:55:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] CFBundleVersion 2023-12-11 08:00:55:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] ); 2023-12-11 08:00:55:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] } 2023-12-11 08:00:56:044 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:56:045 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4a45f30] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:56:045 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:56:046 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd[574] : cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0 2023-12-11 08:00:56:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd[574] : cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0 2023-12-11 08:00:56:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : cleaning up unpooled xpc conn to trustd 0x8a4a45f30 2023-12-11 08:00:56:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4a45f30] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:56:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : got event: Connection invalid 2023-12-11 08:00:56:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:56:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:56:048 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4a45f30] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:56:048 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:56:050 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : cleaning up unpooled xpc conn to trustd 0x8a4a45f30 2023-12-11 08:00:56:050 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4a45f30] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:56:050 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : got event: Connection invalid 2023-12-11 08:00:56:050 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:56:052 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : handle_start_service_with_socket: 2023-12-11 08:00:56:054 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a496f600] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:56:055 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service: 2023-12-11 08:00:56:056 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max notification_proxy(libxpc.dylib)[524] : [0x8b0917050] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:56:057 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: 2023-12-11 08:00:56:057 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a496f600] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:56:057 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: 2023-12-11 08:00:56:090 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : _receive_message: 2023-12-11 08:00:56:116 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(ColourSensorFilterPlugin)[66] : [ALS] ts=7161094.276 lux=49.899 xy=(0.375 0.368) chs=[649 1695 1721 1964 1608] CCT1=4475.068 gain=256x mode= subsamples=24 rawLux=51.143 nits=125 xTalk=[0 4 3 3 2] status=0x9B copyEvent=0 2023-12-11 08:00:56:166 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:56:166 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4a46700] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:56:167 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:56:169 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd[574] : cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0 2023-12-11 08:00:56:169 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd[574] : cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0 2023-12-11 08:00:56:169 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : cleaning up unpooled xpc conn to trustd 0x8a4a46700 2023-12-11 08:00:56:169 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4a46700] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:56:170 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : got event: Connection invalid 2023-12-11 08:00:56:170 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:56:170 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:56:170 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4b4c010] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:56:171 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:56:173 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : cleaning up unpooled xpc conn to trustd 0x8a4b4c010 2023-12-11 08:00:56:173 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a4b4c010] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:56:174 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(Security)[82] : got event: Connection invalid 2023-12-11 08:00:56:174 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:56:176 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : handle_start_service_with_socket: 2023-12-11 08:00:56:176 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a484e0a0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:56:177 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max mobileactivationd(libxpc.dylib)[150] : [0xeb8b22870] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:56:177 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a484e0a0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:56:177 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max mobileactivationd(libxpc.dylib)[150] : [0xeb8b22870] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 2023-12-11 08:00:56:178 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a484fd50] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:56:178 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service: 2023-12-11 08:00:56:179 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max mobile_installation_proxy(libxpc.dylib)[575] : [0x734a06fe0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:56:179 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: 2023-12-11 08:00:56:179 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd(libxpc.dylib)[82] : [0x8a484fd50] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:56:180 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max lockdownd[82] : spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: 2023-12-11 08:00:56:204 - [debug] [XCUITest] A new application installation is going to be performed 2023-12-11 08:00:56:204 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max mobile_installation_proxy(libxpc.dylib)[575] : [0x734a06fe0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 2023-12-11 08:00:56:208 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max mobile_installation_proxy(InstallCoordination)[575] : +[IXAppInstallCoordinator(IXSimpleInstaller) _beginInstallForURL:forPersonaUniqueString:consumeSource:options:progressBlock:completionWithIdentity:]: Beginning install for /private/var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging/com.myApp consuming source:Y options:{ 2023-12-11 08:00:56:208 - [IOSDeviceLog] AllowInstallLocalProvisioned = 1; 2023-12-11 08:00:56:208 - [IOSDeviceLog] PackageType = Developer; 2023-12-11 08:00:56:208 - [IOSDeviceLog] } 2023-12-11 08:00:56:220 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventProcessors)[66] : Motion event usagePage:0xFF0C usage:1 2023-12-11 08:00:56:221 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max installcoordinationd[10331] : -[IXSDataPromiseManager registerPromise:]: Registered promise <IXSPlaceholder(0x75ec177f0) Name:App Placeholder: com.myApp (com.myApp) Creator:InstallCoordination Simple SPI UUID:A94127A5-2685-41EA-A90B-2CBA863B610E> for UUID A94127A5-2685-41EA-A90B-2CBA863B610E 2023-12-11 08:00:56:221 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max installcoordinationd[10331] : -[IXSClientConnection addInterestedPromiseUUID:]_block_invoke: <IXSClientConnection<0x75e90ac50> client:mobile_installation_proxy (pid 575) uuid:5E059E76-4388-4486-9B97-E5A749661D62>: Interested in UUID: A94127A5-2685-41EA-A90B-2CBA863B610E 2023-12-11 08:00:56:221 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max installcoordinationd(libsystem_coreservices.dylib)[10331] : _dirhelper_relative_internal: error for path : [2: No such file or directory] 2023-12-11 08:00:56:222 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max notification_proxy(Security)[524] : user sessions enabled, targeting 501 2023-12-11 08:00:56:222 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max notification_proxy(libxpc.dylib)[524] : [0x8b0916f00] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2023-12-11 08:00:56:222 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max trustd(libxpc.dylib)[574] : [0x7c08f4a00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true 2023-12-11 08:00:56:223 - [IOSDeviceLog] Dec 11 11:00:56 iPhone-14-pro-max securityd[124] : trustd[574]/1#13 LF=0 copy_parent_certificates Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-34018 "Client has neither application-identifier nor keychain-access-groups entitlements" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=Client has neither application-identifier nor keychain-access-groups entitlements}

tc-mnunez commented 7 months ago

any news from this issue?

ozgurkaya-mobven commented 7 months ago

Appium flutter driver uses a different WebDriverAgent Xcode project, that was the problem. It has been fixed, after we modified app signing for this WebDriverAgent project. Thanks a lot. If there is a way please use a "shared Webdriveragent project" on the Appium server project. Best regards.