appium / appium-mac2-driver

Next-gen Appium macOS driver, backed by Apple XCTest
Apache License 2.0
115 stars 24 forks source link

Permission issues launching the app using app path after first launch #273

Closed MagdelineNg closed 5 months ago

MagdelineNg commented 5 months ago

When I first launch my app using the script below,

APPIUM_PORT = '4723'
APPLICATION_NAME = "companyapp"

options = Mac2Options()
options.show_server_logs = True
options.system_port = 10101

driver = appium_webdriver.Remote(f"http://{APPIUM_HOST}:{APPIUM_PORT}", options=options)
driver.execute_script("macos: activateApp", {"path": '/Users/usr/'})

The pop-up shown below for "Application Downloaded From The Internet" warning appears, and I click "Open" and it successfully launches the app.


However, I am getting permission errors launching the app on subsequent runs on the same script.


The appium server logs are below: [Appium] Welcome to Appium v2.4.1 [Appium] The autodetected Appium home path: /Users/ngm1/.appium [Appium] Attempting to load driver xcuitest... [Appium] Attempting to load driver mac2... [Appium] Requiring driver at /Users/ngm1/.appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/build/index.js [Appium] Requiring driver at /Users/ngm1/.appium/node_modules/appium-mac2-driver/build/index.js [Appium] XCUITestDriver has been successfully loaded in 1.434s [Appium] Mac2Driver has been successfully loaded in 1.434s [Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on [Appium] You can provide the following URLs in your client code to connect to this server: [Appium] (only accessible from the same host) [Appium] [Appium] Available drivers: [Appium] - xcuitest@5.12.1 (automationName 'XCUITest') [Appium] - mac2@1.10.2 (automationName 'Mac2') [Appium] No plugins have been installed. Use the "appium plugin" command to install the one(s) you want to use. [HTTP] Request idempotency key: 91b175e7-90ee-4c9a-8ae9-6d5d5201ef3d [HTTP] --> POST /session [HTTP] {"capabilities":{"firstMatch":[{}],"alwaysMatch":{"appium:automationName":"Mac2","platformName":"Mac","appium:showServerLogs":true,"appium:systemPort":10101}}} [AppiumDriver@a19b] Calling AppiumDriver.createSession() with args: [null,null,{"firstMatch":[{}],"alwaysMatch":{"appium:automationName":"Mac2","platformName":"Mac","appium:showServerLogs":true,"appium:systemPort":10101}}] [AppiumDriver@a19b] Event 'newSessionRequested' logged at 1705912036353 (16:27:16 GMT+0800 (Singapore Standard Time)) [Appium] Attempting to find matching driver for automationName 'Mac2' and platformName 'Mac' [Appium] The 'mac2' driver was installed and matched caps. [Appium] Will require it at /Users/ngm1/.appium/node_modules/appium-mac2-driver [Appium] Requiring driver at /Users/ngm1/.appium/node_modules/appium-mac2-driver/build/index.js [AppiumDriver@a19b] Appium v2.4.1 creating new Mac2Driver (v1.10.2) session [AppiumDriver@a19b] Checking BaseDriver versions for Appium and Mac2Driver [AppiumDriver@a19b] Appium's BaseDriver version is 9.5.0 [AppiumDriver@a19b] Mac2Driver's BaseDriver version is 9.5.0 [Mac2Driver@4048] Creating session with W3C capabilities: { [Mac2Driver@4048] "alwaysMatch": { [Mac2Driver@4048] "platformName": "Mac", [Mac2Driver@4048] "appium:automationName": "Mac2", [Mac2Driver@4048] "appium:showServerLogs": true, [Mac2Driver@4048] "appium:systemPort": 10101 [Mac2Driver@4048] }, [Mac2Driver@4048] "firstMatch": [ [Mac2Driver@4048] {} [Mac2Driver@4048] ] [Mac2Driver@4048] } [Mac2Driver@4048 (d75f3d02)] Session created with session id: d75f3d02-e526-4dc6-832c-f37ef4814083 [WebDriverAgentMac] Using bootstrap root: /Users/ngm1/.appium/node_modules/appium-mac2-driver/WebDriverAgentMac [WebDriverAgentMac] Using xcodebuild binary at '/usr/bin/xcodebuild' [WebDriverAgentMac] There is no need to perform the project cleanup. A fresh install has been detected [WebDriverAgentMac] Using as server host [WebDriverAgentMac] Using port 10101 [WebDriverAgentMac] Starting Mac2Driver host process: xcodebuild build-for-testing test-without-building -project /Users/ngm1/.appium/node_modules/appium-mac2-driver/WebDriverAgentMac/WebDriverAgentMac.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE\=NO [WD Proxy] Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus' [WD Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body [WD Proxy] connect ECONNREFUSED [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] 2024-01-22 16:27:17.151 xcodebuild[60663:4325894] DVTCoreDeviceEnabledState: DVTCoreDeviceEnabledState_Disabled set via user default (DVTEnableCoreDevice=disabled) [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] Command line invocation: [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] /Applications/ build-for-testing test-without-building -project /Users/ngm1/.appium/node_modules/appium-mac2-driver/WebDriverAgentMac/WebDriverAgentMac.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO [WebDriverAgentMac] [WebDriverAgentMac] User defaults from command line: [WebDriverAgentMac] IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES [WebDriverAgentMac] [WebDriverAgentMac] Build settings from command line: [WebDriverAgentMac] COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE = NO [WD Proxy] Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus' [WD Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] --- xcodebuild: WARNING: Using the first of multiple matching destinations: [WebDriverAgentMac] { platform:macOS, arch:arm64, id:00006020-000A711E2E33C01E } [WebDriverAgentMac] { platform:macOS, arch:x86_64, id:00006020-000A711E2E33C01E } [WebDriverAgentMac] { platform:macOS, name:Any Mac } [WD Proxy] connect ECONNREFUSED [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] Computing target dependency graph and provisioning inputs [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] Create build description [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] note: Building targets in dependency order [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] ClangStatCache /Applications/ /Applications/ /Users/ngm1/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SDKStatCaches.noindex/macosx13.3-22E245-.sdkstatcache [WebDriverAgentMac] cd /Users/ngm1/.appium/node_modules/appium-mac2-driver/WebDriverAgentMac/WebDriverAgentMac.xcodeproj [WebDriverAgentMac] /Applications/ /Applications/ -o /Users/ngm1/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SDKStatCaches.noindex/macosx13.3-22E245-.sdkstatcache [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] TEST BUILD SUCCEEDED [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] --- xcodebuild: WARNING: Using the first of multiple matching destinations: [WebDriverAgentMac] { platform:macOS, arch:arm64, id:00006020-000A711E2E33C01E } [WebDriverAgentMac] { platform:macOS, arch:x86_64, id:00006020-000A711E2E33C01E } [WebDriverAgentMac] { platform:macOS, name:Any Mac } [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] 2024-01-22 16:27:18.030524+0800 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[60672:4326029] Running tests... [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] Test Suite 'All tests' started at 2024-01-22 16:27:18.074 [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] Test Suite 'WebDriverAgentRunner.xctest' started at 2024-01-22 16:27:18.074 [WebDriverAgentMac] Test Suite 'UITestingUITests' started at 2024-01-22 16:27:18.074 [WebDriverAgentMac] t = nans Suite Set Up [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] Test Case '-[UITestingUITests testRunner]' started. [WebDriverAgentMac] t = 0.00s Start Test at 2024-01-22 16:27:18.075 [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] t = 0.03s Set Up [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] 2024-01-22 16:27:18.104330+0800 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[60672:4326029] Built at Jan 18 2024 13:07:31 [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] 2024-01-22 16:27:18.109055+0800 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[60672:4326029] ServerURLHere->http://localhost:10101<-ServerURLHere [WD Proxy] Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus' [WD Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body [WD Proxy] Got response with status 200: {"value":{"message":"WebDriverAgent is ready to accept commands","state":"success","os":{"version":"Version 13.6.2 (Build 22G320)"},"ready":true,"build":{"time":"Jan 18 2024 13:07:31"}},"sessionId":null} [WebDriverAgentMac] The host process is ready within 2138ms [WD Proxy] Matched '/session' to command name 'createSession' [WD Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST] with body: {"capabilities":{"firstMatch":[{}],"alwaysMatch":{"platformName":"Mac","automationName":"Mac2","showServerLogs":true,"systemPort":10101}}} [WD Proxy] Got response with status 200: {"value":{"sessionId":"16575D11-E7FB-40E2-8BEA-75C0AD20D476","capabilities":{"CFBundleIdentifier":""}},"sessionId":"16575D11-E7FB-40E2-8BEA-75C0AD20D476"} [WD Proxy] Determined the downstream protocol as 'W3C' [AppiumDriver@a19b] New Mac2Driver session created successfully, session d75f3d02-e526-4dc6-832c-f37ef4814083 added to master session list [AppiumDriver@a19b] Event 'newSessionStarted' logged at 1705912038533 (16:27:18 GMT+0800 (Singapore Standard Time)) [Mac2Driver@4048 (d75f3d02)] Cached the protocol value 'W3C' for the new session d75f3d02-e526-4dc6-832c-f37ef4814083 [Mac2Driver@4048 (d75f3d02)] Responding to client with driver.createSession() result: {"capabilities":{"platformName":"Mac","automationName":"Mac2","showServerLogs":true,"systemPort":10101}} [HTTP] <-- POST /session 200 2185 ms - 165 [HTTP] [HTTP] --> POST /session/d75f3d02-e526-4dc6-832c-f37ef4814083/execute/sync [HTTP] {"script":"macos: activateApp","args":[{"path":"/Users/ngm1/Desktop/"}]} [Mac2Driver@4048 (d75f3d02)] Calling AppiumDriver.execute() with args: ["macos: activateApp",[{"path":"/Users/ngm1/"}],"d75f3d02-e526-4dc6-832c-f37ef4814083"] [Mac2Driver] Executing extension command 'macos: activateApp' [WD Proxy] Proxying [POST /wda/apps/activate] to [POST] with body: {"path":"/Users/ngm1/Desktop/"} [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] t = 0.51s Open [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] t = 0.51s Launch [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] XCTExpectFailure: matcher accepted Assertion Failure: Failed to launch You do not have permission to run the application “companyapp”. You don’t have permission. To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info. (Underlying Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation not permitted) [WebDriverAgentMac] [xcodebuild] 2024-01-22 16:27:18.631452+0800 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[60672:4326029] Issue type: 0 [WebDriverAgentMac] 2024-01-22 16:27:18.631520+0800 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[60672:4326029] Enqueue Failure: Failed to launch You do not have permission to run the application “companyapp”. You don’t have permission. To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info. (Underlying Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation not permitted) ((null)) (null) 0 0

mykola-mokhnach commented 5 months ago

This is the expected macOS behaviour. A workaround exists for it though:

MagdelineNg commented 5 months ago

Even if I get rid of the "application downloaded from the internet" message, the subsequent launches of the app do not have this pop-up but is unable to be activated, as seen in the logs above where " Enqueue Failure: Failed to launch You do not have permission to run the application “companyapp”. You don’t have permission. To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info. (Underlying Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation not permitted) ((null)) (null) 0 0".

I already allowed all R+W permissions using both chmod and MacOS "Get info > Sharings and Permissions". Only the first run of the script successfully launches the app.

mykola-mokhnach commented 5 months ago

Have you tried the trick with the xattr tool described there?

Also disabling spctl might be a cool feature for a test machine

MagdelineNg commented 5 months ago

Thanks, downloading a fresh version of the binary and running the xattr disabled the permissions errors. Will check out disabling spctl!