appium / dotnet-client

Extension to the official Selenium dotnet webdriver
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I seem to not be able to get Horizontal Scrolling to work anymore #816

Open aaronportier opened 1 month ago

aaronportier commented 1 month ago

I am unable to ensuring its not just a me issue. Here is the code I am using I thought it worked at one time for Scrolling in the past: I have not found any type of Swipe that might be better so I am using the Scroll below.

_driver.FindElement(MobileBy.AndroidUIAutomator("(new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true)).setAsHorizontalList().ScrollIntoView(new UiSelector().text('target fire'))")).Click();

Instead it just does nothing or come back with parser issue or missing method name?

Dor-bl commented 2 days ago

@aaronportier, Can you please share some appium logs? Also, the dotnet client version you are using will be helpful.