appium / io.appium.settings

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Mock location failed for most of the devices #60

Closed PengJunchen closed 8 months ago

PengJunchen commented 4 years ago

I suffer issue for the step: Location location = driver.location(); It successfully on some devices, but failed for most of the devices. Success: SM-N9500 android 8.0 Failed: SM-G9550 android 8.0 Pixel with android 10

Here is the log from appium console: [W3C (0bd9f7f6)] Calling AppiumDriver.getGeoLocation() with args: ["0bd9f7f6-d794-43c4-9a96-7b1f624bf173"] [ADB] Running 'C:\Users\pengjun\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -P 5037 -s 00f6ee6780c0a523 shell am broadcast -n io.appium.settings/.receivers.LocationInfoReceiver -a io.appium.settings.location' [W3C (0bd9f7f6)] Encountered internal error running command: Error: Cannot parse the actual location values from the command output: Broadcasting: Intent { act=io.appium.settings.location cmp=io.appium.settings/.receivers.LocationInfoReceiver } [W3C (0bd9f7f6)] Broadcast completed: result=0, data="" [W3C (0bd9f7f6)] at ADB.getGeoLocation (C:\Program Files\Appium\resources\app\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\lib\tools\settings-client-commands.js:246:11) [W3C (0bd9f7f6)] at AndroidUiautomator2Driver.getGeoLocation (C:\Program Files\Appium\resources\app\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-android-driver\lib\commands\network.js:148:43) [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/session/0bd9f7f6-d794-43c4-9a96-7b1f624bf173/location 500 825 ms - 1005

Here is the device log from Nexus 5X with version 7.0: (the step is around 14:17)

09-17 14:14:46.782 W/Bugle (15505): SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1 09-17 14:14:46.790 W/Bugle (15505): SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1 09-17 14:14:46.809 I/Bugle (15505): CountryCodeDetector: updateMainDeviceCountry from system locale as fallback. detected country: US 09-17 14:14:47.043 I/BugleDataModel(15505): ParticipantRefresh: ContactContentObserver created 09-17 14:14:47.059 I/BugleDataModel(15505): ParticipantRefresh: Start participant refresh. refreshMode: SELF_ONLY 09-17 14:14:47.186 W/Bugle (15505): SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1 09-17 14:14:47.190 W/Bugle (15505): SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1 09-17 14:14:47.190 W/ResourceType(15505): For resource 0x7f1304f6, entry index(1270) is beyond type entryCount(715) 09-17 14:14:47.190 W/Bugle (15505): SubscriptionUtilsAsOfLMR1: getSelfRawNumber: subInfo is null for subscription{id:-1} 09-17 14:14:47.230 I/BugleDataModel(15505): ParticipantRefresh: Number of participants refreshed: 0 09-17 14:14:47.482 I/appium (16514): channel read: POST /wd/hub/session/0b23f730-0634-4c78-8d9a-271cda3bda7c/element 09-17 14:14:47.484 I/appium (16514): FindElement command 09-17 14:14:47.488 I/appium (16514): method: 'xpath', selector: '//android.widget.TextView[contains(@text,'TimeActivity')]', contextId: '' 09-17 14:14:47.493 I/appium (16514): Waiting up to 10000ms for device to be idle 09-17 14:14:47.683 I/appium (16514): Took 4ms to retrieve 1 matches for '//android.widget.TextView[contains(@text,'TimeActivity')]' XPath query 09-17 14:14:47.688 I/appium (16514): AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"0b23f730-0634-4c78-8d9a-271cda3bda7c","value":{"ELEMENT":"37d1822b-d55f-4ca1-8f22-7ee1702165a0","element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf":"37d1822b-d55f-4ca1-8f22-7ee1702165a0"}} 09-17 14:14:47.718 I/appium (16514): channel read: POST /wd/hub/session/0b23f730-0634-4c78-8d9a-271cda3bda7c/element/37d1822b-d55f-4ca1-8f22-7ee1702165a0/click 09-17 14:14:47.718 I/appium (16514): Click command 09-17 14:14:47.741 I/appium (16514): Waiting up to 10000ms for device to be idle 09-17 14:14:47.808 I/ActivityManager( 863): START u0 {cmp=com.sample.UICatalog/.TimeActivity} from uid 14941 on display 0 09-17 14:14:47.866 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=-1 09-17 14:14:47.866 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:14:47.866 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:14:47.866 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:14:47.952 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3160 09-17 14:14:47.953 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1829 09-17 14:14:47.978 I/ActivityManager( 863): Displayed com.sample.UICatalog/.TimeActivity: +155ms 09-17 14:14:48.400 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface(name=com.sample.UICatalog/com.sample.UICatalog.Menu) called by android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:286 09-17 14:14:48.840 I/appium (16514): AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"0b23f730-0634-4c78-8d9a-271cda3bda7c","value":null} 09-17 14:14:48.983 I/art ( 4260): Do partial code cache collection, code=243KB, data=247KB 09-17 14:14:49.017 I/art ( 4260): After code cache collection, code=236KB, data=241KB 09-17 14:14:49.017 I/art ( 4260): Increasing code cache capacity to 1024KB 09-17 14:14:53.815 D/AndroidRuntime(16639): >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<< 09-17 14:14:53.822 D/AndroidRuntime(16639): CheckJNI is OFF 09-17 14:14:53.904 D/ICU (16639): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat 09-17 14:14:53.933 I/Radio-JNI(16639): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE 09-17 14:14:53.945 D/AndroidRuntime(16639): Calling main entry 09-17 14:14:53.963 D/LocationInfoReceiver(16248): Getting current location 09-17 14:14:53.974 W/GCoreFlp( 3443): No location to return for getLastLocation() 09-17 14:14:53.996 I/LocationTracker(16248): Configuring the default Android location provider 09-17 14:14:54.005 I/GnssLocationProvider( 863): WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@c9cc210) 09-17 14:14:54.014 I/LocationTracker(16248): GPS location provider is enabled. Getting FINE location 09-17 14:14:54.018 D/AndroidRuntime(16639): Shutting down VM 09-17 14:14:54.102 I/GnssLocationProvider( 863): WakeLock released by handleMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@c9cc210) 09-17 14:14:54.143 I/art ( 863): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 79473(6MB) AllocSpace objects, 26(856KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 22MB/34MB, paused 1.137ms total 138.658ms 09-17 14:14:54.491 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ypl.onStartJob(3): SCH: onJobSchedulerWakeup with jobId 9004 09-17 14:14:54.511 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ykj.a(9): Scheduling fallback in 43199986 (absolute: 55486171) 09-17 14:14:54.515 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ykj.a(9): Scheduling fallback in 64799997 (absolute: 77086187) 09-17 14:14:54.561 I/NetworkScheduler.Stats( 3443): Task started execution. cause:4 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 12286 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 09-17 14:14:54.566 I/NetworkScheduler.Stats( 3443): Task finished executing. cause:4 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 36 uptime_millis: 36 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 12286 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 09-17 14:14:54.882 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yks.handleMessage(8): SCH: DeviceState: DeviceState{currentTime=1600323294865, isCharging=true, isIdle=false, netAny=true, netNotRoaming=true, netUnmetered=true, batteryPercent=96.0} 09-17 14:14:54.907 I/Finsky (15848): [187] ynh.a(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-780 3-781 12-1 26-1414141414 34-199 34-200 34-201 09-17 14:14:54.939 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ykt.a(16): SCH: Running job: 12-1 09-17 14:14:54.941 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ContentSyncJob.a(16): [ContentSync] job started 09-17 14:14:54.942 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yks.handleMessage(61): SCH: RunningQueue size: 1, PendingQueue size: 0 09-17 14:14:54.943 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yks.handleMessage(64): SCH: Running queue: 12-1 09-17 14:14:55.143 I/Finsky (15848): [189] eds.a(22): Completed 0 account content syncs with 0 successful. 09-17 14:14:55.145 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ContentSyncJob.a(1): [ContentSync] Installation state replication succeeded. 09-17 14:14:55.145 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yme.a(13): SCH: jobFinished: 12-1. TimeElapsed: 206ms. 09-17 14:14:55.147 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ykt.a(36): SCH: Job 12-1 finished. Not rescheduling. 09-17 14:14:55.148 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yks.handleMessage(61): SCH: RunningQueue size: 0, PendingQueue size: 0 09-17 14:14:55.148 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yks.handleMessage(25): Executor finished 09-17 14:14:55.171 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ynh.a(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-780 3-781 26-1414141414 34-199 34-200 34-201 09-17 14:14:55.192 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-200, 1-1337, -> L: 19718302ms, D: 62918302ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 09-17 14:14:55.193 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-201, 34-199, 3-780, -> L: 0ms, D: 86278801ms, C: false, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:14:55.194 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-201, 34-199, 2-48879, 3-781, -> L: 0ms, D: 69192452ms, C: true, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:14:55.195 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, -> L: 26093179ms, D: 26993179ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 09-17 14:14:55.204 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(34): Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9006 9007 9005 09-17 14:14:55.204 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9000, L: 19718302, D: 62918302, C: false, I: false, N: 1 09-17 14:14:55.210 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(10): Throttling wakeup for job 9001 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup 09-17 14:14:55.211 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9001, L: 30000, D: 86278801, C: false, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:14:55.214 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(10): Throttling wakeup for job 9002 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup 09-17 14:14:55.214 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9002, L: 30000, D: 69192452, C: true, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:14:55.227 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9003, L: 26093179, D: 26993179, C: false, I: false, N: 0 09-17 14:14:56.324 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:14:57.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:14:58.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:14:59.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:00.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:01.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:02.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:03.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:04.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:05.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:06.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:07.329 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:08.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:09.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:10.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:11.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:12.211 I/BgTaskExecutorImpl( 4398): Starting PERIODIC background task LOG_ATTEMPTED_SEARCHES_TO_KANSAS. 09-17 14:15:12.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:13.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:14.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:15.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:16.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:17.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:18.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:19.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:20.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:21.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:22.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:23.132 E/BatteryStatsService( 863): no controller energy info supplied 09-17 14:15:23.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:24.328 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:25.327 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:26.324 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:27.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:28.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:29.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:30.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:31.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:32.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:33.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:34.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:35.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:36.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:37.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:38.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:39.327 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:40.327 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:41.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:42.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:43.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:44.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:45.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:46.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:47.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:48.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:48.856 I/appium (16514): READER_IDLE: closing the channel 09-17 14:15:49.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:50.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:51.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:52.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:53.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:54.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:55.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:56.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:57.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:58.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:15:59.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:00.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:01.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:02.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:03.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:04.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:05.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:06.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:07.324 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:08.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:09.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:10.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:11.327 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:12.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:13.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:14.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:15.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:16.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:17.285 V/DeadZone( 3244): consuming errant click: (575.0,26.0) 09-17 14:16:17.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:18.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:18.459 I/ActivityManager( 863): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0 09-17 14:16:18.590 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3160 09-17 14:16:18.591 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1829 09-17 14:16:18.604 W/ThreadPoolDumper( 4398): Queue length for executor EventBus is now 11. Perhaps some tasks are too long, or the pool is too small. 09-17 14:16:18.614 I/OptInChecker( 4398): Falling back to non-UDC sources 09-17 14:16:18.614 I/OptInChecker( 4398): Setting = LOCATION_HISTORY_AND_REPORTING, optedInt = false 09-17 14:16:18.614 W/LocationOracle( 4398): No location history returned by ContextManager 09-17 14:16:18.623 W/GCoreFlp( 3443): No location to return for getLastLocation() 09-17 14:16:18.635 W/LocationOracle( 4398): No location returned by GMS core getLastLocation() 09-17 14:16:18.648 I/StreamController( 4398): registerScope: nowcards-15-8d4fb0-a002 09-17 14:16:18.749 E/MDD ( 4398): DownloadProgressMonitor: Can't find file for uri: android:// 09-17 14:16:18.760 I/BgTaskExecutorImpl( 4398): Starting EXCLUSIVE background task TNG_VOICE_SEARCH_SYNC. 09-17 14:16:18.761 I/BgTaskExecutorImpl( 4398): Starting EXCLUSIVE background task TNG_MINUS_ONE_SYNC. 09-17 14:16:18.768 I/TngVoiceSearchSync( 4398): Syncing TNG:VoiceSearch 09-17 14:16:18.768 I/TngMinusOneSync( 4398): Syncing TNG:-1 09-17 14:16:18.917 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=2 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x0 id=-1 09-17 14:16:18.917 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1794 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:18.917 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1762 09-17 14:16:18.917 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=158 w=1080 h=1762 09-17 14:16:19.105 W/OpenGLRenderer( 4260): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer... 09-17 14:16:19.324 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:19.852 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=1 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=-1 09-17 14:16:19.852 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:19.852 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:19.852 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:19.879 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3160 09-17 14:16:19.880 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1829 09-17 14:16:19.904 I/art ( 4260): Compiler allocated 4MB to compile, long) 09-17 14:16:19.960 I/art (16514): Do partial code cache collection, code=24KB, data=27KB 09-17 14:16:19.960 I/art (16514): After code cache collection, code=23KB, data=27KB 09-17 14:16:19.960 I/art (16514): Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB 09-17 14:16:20.324 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:20.597 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=1 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=-1 09-17 14:16:20.597 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:20.597 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:20.597 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:20.615 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=-1 09-17 14:16:20.615 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:20.615 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:20.615 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:20.615 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=2 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=-1 09-17 14:16:20.615 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=63 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:20.615 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=63 09-17 14:16:20.615 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=63 09-17 14:16:21.324 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:22.324 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:23.035 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=32 09-17 14:16:23.035 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:23.035 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:23.035 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:23.035 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x220000 id=16 09-17 14:16:23.035 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:23.035 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:23.035 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:23.036 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=2 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x220000 id=16 09-17 14:16:23.036 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:23.036 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:23.036 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:23.324 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:24.071 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=32 09-17 14:16:24.071 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:24.071 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:24.071 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:24.071 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x220000 id=16 09-17 14:16:24.071 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:24.071 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:24.071 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:24.071 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=2 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x220000 id=16 09-17 14:16:24.071 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:24.071 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:24.071 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:24.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:24.875 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=32 09-17 14:16:24.875 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:24.875 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:24.875 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:24.875 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x220000 id=16 09-17 14:16:24.875 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:24.875 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:24.875 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:24.875 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=2 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x220000 id=16 09-17 14:16:24.875 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:24.875 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:24.875 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:25.323 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:25.637 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=1 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=-1 09-17 14:16:25.637 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:25.637 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:25.637 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:25.744 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=32 09-17 14:16:25.744 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:25.744 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:25.744 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:25.745 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x220000 id=16 09-17 14:16:25.745 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:25.745 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:25.745 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:25.745 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=2 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x220000 id=16 09-17 14:16:25.745 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:25.745 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:25.745 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:26.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:26.383 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=1 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=-1 09-17 14:16:26.383 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:26.383 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:26.383 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:26.448 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=32 09-17 14:16:26.448 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:26.448 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:26.448 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:26.449 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x220000 id=16 09-17 14:16:26.449 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:26.449 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:26.449 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:26.449 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=2 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x220000 id=16 09-17 14:16:26.449 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:26.449 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:26.449 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:27.195 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=1 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=-1 09-17 14:16:27.195 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:27.195 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:27.195 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:27.269 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=32 09-17 14:16:27.269 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:27.269 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:27.269 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:27.269 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x220000 id=16 09-17 14:16:27.269 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:27.269 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:27.269 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:27.269 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=2 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x220000 id=16 09-17 14:16:27.269 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:27.269 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:27.269 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:27.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:28.007 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=1 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=-1 09-17 14:16:28.007 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:28.007 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:28.007 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:28.025 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=-1 09-17 14:16:28.025 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:28.025 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:28.025 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:28.026 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=2 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=-1 09-17 14:16:28.026 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=63 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:28.026 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=63 09-17 14:16:28.026 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=63 09-17 14:16:28.324 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:28.786 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=1 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=-1 09-17 14:16:28.786 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:28.786 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:28.786 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:28.858 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=32 09-17 14:16:28.858 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:28.858 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:28.858 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:28.858 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x220000 id=16 09-17 14:16:28.858 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:28.858 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:28.858 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:28.858 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=2 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x220000 id=16 09-17 14:16:28.858 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:28.859 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:28.859 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:29.324 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:29.781 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=32 09-17 14:16:29.781 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:29.781 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:29.781 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:29.781 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=3 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x220000 id=16 09-17 14:16:29.781 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:29.781 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:29.781 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:29.781 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=2 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x220000 id=16 09-17 14:16:29.781 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:29.781 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:29.781 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:30.324 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:30.759 E/qdoverlay( 401): Bad ov dump: mdp_overlay z=1 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x20000 id=-1 09-17 14:16:30.759 E/qdoverlay( 401): src msmfb_img w=1152 h=1920 format=13 MDP_RGBA_8888 09-17 14:16:30.759 E/qdoverlay( 401): src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:30.759 E/qdoverlay( 401): dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920 09-17 14:16:31.324 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:32.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:32.416 I/ActivityManager( 863): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.DELETE dat=package:io.appium.settings flg=0x10800000 (has extras)} from uid 10037 on display 0 09-17 14:16:32.578 I/ActivityManager( 863): Displayed +138ms 09-17 14:16:33.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:16:33.497 I/ActivityManager( 863): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW (has extras)} from uid 10024 on display 0 09-17 14:16:33.575 I/ActivityManager( 863): Force stopping io.appium.settings appid=14940 user=0: deletePackageX 09-17 14:16:33.575 I/ActivityManager( 863): Killing 16248:io.appium.settings/u0a4940 (adj 900): stop io.appium.settings 09-17 14:16:33.575 D/ActivityManager( 863): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 16248 09-17 14:16:33.602 I/PBSessionCacheImpl( 4398): Deleted sessionId[19344208866882217] from persistence. 09-17 14:16:33.650 D/GraphicsStats( 863): Buffer count: 7 09-17 14:16:33.689 W/SearchServiceCore( 4398): Abort, client detached. 09-17 14:16:33.695 I/StreamController( 4398): cleanUpControllerScope(nowcards-15-8d4fb0-a002) 09-17 14:16:33.708 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3160 09-17 14:16:33.709 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface( called by 09-17 14:16:33.711 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1829 09-17 14:16:33.731 I/GnssLocationProvider( 863): WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@771cd0b) 09-17 14:16:33.732 I/art ( 863): Starting a blocking GC Explicit 09-17 14:16:33.737 I/GnssLocationProvider( 863): WakeLock released by handleMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@771cd0b) 09-17 14:16:33.843 I/ActivityManager( 863): Displayed +315ms 09-17 14:16:33.880 I/art ( 863): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 58702(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 4(80KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 22MB/33MB, paused 2.224ms total 147.946ms 09-17 14:16:33.897 I/ActivityManager( 863): Force stopping io.appium.settings appid=14940 user=0: pkg removed 09-17 14:16:33.968 I/GeofencerStateMachine( 3443): removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_ALL packageName=io.appium.settings] 09-17 14:16:33.976 W/ContextImpl(15801): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:613 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:613 09-17 14:16:33.979 I/InputMethodManagerService( 863): Input method uninstalled, disabling: ComponentInfo{io.appium.settings/io.appium.settings.AppiumIME} 09-17 14:16:33.984 I/InputMethodManagerService( 863): Input method uninstalled, disabling: ComponentInfo{io.appium.settings/io.appium.settings.UnicodeIME} 09-17 14:16:34.004 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 83, previously 87 09-17 14:16:34.004 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 541, previously 2236 09-17 14:16:34.004 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 980, previously 2288 09-17 14:16:34.008 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 2294, previously 2288 09-17 14:16:34.008 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 383, previously 2071 09-17 14:16:34.014 W/ResourceType( 863): For resource 0x7f0806f8, entry index(1784) is beyond type entryCount(980) 09-17 14:16:34.014 W/ResourceType( 863): For resource 0x7f0806f8, entry index(1784) is beyond type entryCount(980) 09-17 14:16:34.017 W/ResourceType( 863): For resource 0x7f0806f8, entry index(1784) is beyond type entryCount(980) 09-17 14:16:34.023 D/CarrierSvcBindHelper( 3486): No carrier app for: 0 09-17 14:16:34.033 I/InputReader( 863): Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010 09-17 14:16:34.070 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 36, previously 41 09-17 14:16:34.070 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 2535, previously 2538 09-17 14:16:34.070 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 2631, previously 2634 09-17 14:16:34.070 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 303, previously 1693 09-17 14:16:34.072 D/WindowManager( 863): relayoutVisibleWindow: Window{19e7a63 u0 EXITING} mAnimatingExit=true, mRemoveOnExit=false, mDestroying=false 09-17 14:16:34.120 D/RegisteredNfcFServicesCache( 4177): Service unchanged, not updating 09-17 14:16:34.189 W/ThreadPoolDumper( 4398): Queue length for executor EventBus is now 11. Perhaps some tasks are too long, or the pool is too small. 09-17 14:16:34.190 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3160 09-17 14:16:34.201 I/OptInChecker( 4398): Falling back to non-UDC sources 09-17 14:16:34.201 I/OptInChecker( 4398): Setting = LOCATION_HISTORY_AND_REPORTING, optedInt = false 09-17 14:16:34.202 W/LocationOracle( 4398): No location history returned by ContextManager 09-17 14:16:34.219 W/GCoreFlp( 3443): No location to return for getLastLocation() 09-17 14:16:34.234 W/LocationOracle( 4398): No location returned by GMS core getLastLocation() 09-17 14:16:34.239 I/StreamController( 4398): registerScope: nowcards-15-8d4fb0-a002 09-17 14:16:34.255 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1829 09-17 14:16:34.262 I/art ( 4398): Do full code cache collection, code=1012KB, data=872KB 09-17 14:16:34.264 I/art ( 4398): After code cache collection, code=975KB, data=715KB 09-17 14:16:34.266 I/Finsky (15848): [1] uzq.a(18): PackageMonitorReceiverImpl - Received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED, [IFnSuqv8xmSw3EQQrfDLs6yhi86xXtLku0HePTibSxc] 09-17 14:16:34.267 I/Finsky (15848): [1] var.d(9): Invalidating cached PackageState for io.appium.settings 09-17 14:16:34.271 I/Finsky (15848): [1] var.j(3): Package no longer installed: io.appium.settings 09-17 14:16:34.275 I/Finsky (15848): [1] nya.c(3): Installer: package io.appium.settings was removed. replacing: false 09-17 14:16:34.281 D/VoicemailCleanupService(15830): Cleaning up data for package: io.appium.settings 09-17 14:16:34.297 I/Finsky (15848): [1] nyy.a(199): Installer: Notifying status update. package=io.appium.settings, status=UNINSTALLED 09-17 14:16:34.314 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ahvn.a(4): Do not start WearSupportService due to Wear service optimization 09-17 14:16:34.318 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ahvn.a(4): Do not start WearSupportService due to Wear service optimization 09-17 14:16:34.340 I/Finsky (15848): [1] aaku.a(1): Clearing split related stale data. 09-17 14:16:34.356 I/Finsky (15848): [1] var.j(3): Package no longer installed: io.appium.settings 09-17 14:16:34.356 E/MDD ( 4398): DownloadProgressMonitor: Can't find file for uri: android:// 09-17 14:16:34.366 I/BgTaskExecutorImpl( 4398): Starting EXCLUSIVE background task TNG_MINUS_ONE_SYNC. 09-17 14:16:34.368 I/BgTaskExecutorImpl( 4398): Starting EXCLUSIVE background task TNG_VOICE_SEARCH_SYNC. 09-17 14:16:34.371 I/TngMinusOneSync( 4398): Syncing TNG:-1 09-17 14:16:34.372 I/TngVoiceSearchSync( 4398): Syncing TNG:VoiceSearch 09-17 14:16:34.386 I/Finsky (15848): [1] nyy.a(231): Installer: found apps to install. isMultiUserMode=false, apps=[] 09-17 14:16:34.389 I/Finsky (15848): [192] enp.a(-1): Asset module storage cleared for package io.appium.settings. 09-17 14:16:34.425 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface( called by 09-17 14:16:34.435 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface( called by 09-17 14:16:34.466 I/Fitness ( 3443): FitCleanupIntentOperation received Intent android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED [CONTEXT service_id=17 ] 09-17 14:16:34.479 I/Finsky (15848): [1] uzq.a(18): PackageMonitorReceiverImpl - Received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_FULLY_REMOVED, [IFnSuqv8xmSw3EQQrfDLs6yhi86xXtLku0HePTibSxc] 09-17 14:16:34.481 I/Finsky (15848): [1] var.d(9): Invalidating cached PackageState for io.appium.settings 09-17 14:16:34.496 I/Finsky (15848): [1] var.j(3): Package no longer installed: io.appium.settings 09-17 14:16:34.502 I/ContentMaintenance( 4316): Internal cache bytes used: 0; limit: 100000000; download size: 0 09-17 14:16:34.512 I/Finsky (15848): [1] uzq.a(21): PackageMonitorReceiverImpl - Deduping intent android.intent.action.PACKAGE_FULLY_REMOVED 09-17 14:16:34.545 I/Icing ( 4316): doRemovePackageData io.appium.settings 09-17 14:16:34.562 I/Finsky (15848): [153] olc.b(66): IQ: Notifying installation update. package=io.appium.settings, status=UNINSTALLED 09-17 14:16:34.583 I/RealtimeCacheCleanup( 4316): Beginning Realtime garbage collection. 09-17 14:16:34.585 I/Finsky (15848): [190] Frosting DB delete succeeded: true 09-17 14:16:34.589 I/RealtimeCacheCleanup( 4316): Finished Realtime garbage collection. 09-17 14:16:34.592 I/Icing ( 4316): IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=36 09-17 14:16:34.606 I/GmsCoreXrpcWrapper( 4316): Returning a channel provider with trafficStatsTag=12803 09-17 14:16:34.628 I/Finsky (15848): [190] Frosting DB delete succeeded: false 09-17 14:16:34.645 I/Finsky (15848): [190] Frosting DB delete succeeded: false 09-17 14:16:34.685 I/Finsky (15848): [153] olc.b(52): IQ: No matching installs to run for jobs: [] 09-17 14:16:34.696 I/Icing ( 4316): Usage reports ok 1, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0 09-17 14:16:34.703 W/OpenGLRenderer( 4260): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer... 09-17 14:16:34.748 W/Finsky (15848): [153] IQ: No jobs available for 8 scheduled statuses 09-17 14:16:34.757 I/Icing ( 4316): Indexing from 09-17 14:16:34.762 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ntv.a(-1): previousAllInstallsDone is Optional.empty, allInstallationsDone is Optional[true] 09-17 14:16:34.762 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ntv.a(-1): Updating installations status false cross profiles 09-17 14:16:34.763 I/Finsky (15848): [1] hgo.b(1): Binding for 54630245 09-17 14:16:34.769 I/Icing ( 4316): Indexing done 09-17 14:16:34.775 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ProfileStateService.onCreate(-1): creating profileStateService 09-17 14:16:34.789 I/Finsky (15848): [1] hfw.a(3): Registering listener 199450184 for user UserHandle{0}. 09-17 14:16:34.790 I/Finsky (15848): [1] hfw.c(8): User UserHandle{0} finished enterprise setup, removing profile. 09-17 14:16:34.791 I/Finsky (15848): [1] hfw.b(14): User UserHandle{0} is not in installation anymore, removing profile. 09-17 14:16:34.792 I/Finsky (15848): [1] hfw.b(22): Notifying user UserHandle{0} that all installs are finished 09-17 14:16:34.796 I/Finsky (15848): [1] hgo.d(1): unbinding for 54630245 09-17 14:16:34.798 I/Finsky (15848): [205] hfw.b(5): Removing listener for user UserHandle{0} and listener 199450184 09-17 14:16:35.085 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ynh.a(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-780 3-781 12-1 26-1414141414 34-199 34-200 34-201 09-17 14:16:35.102 I/Finsky (15848): [191] hcm.a(-1): [ContentSync] finished, scheduled=true 09-17 14:16:35.118 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-200, 12-1, 1-1337, -> L: 14342ms, D: 62818388ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 09-17 14:16:35.119 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-201, 34-199, 3-780, -> L: 0ms, D: 86178882ms, C: false, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:16:35.120 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-201, 34-199, 2-48879, 3-781, -> L: 0ms, D: 69092537ms, C: true, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:16:35.122 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, -> L: 25993255ms, D: 26893255ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 09-17 14:16:35.133 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(34): Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9002 9003 9000 9001 09-17 14:16:35.134 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9004, L: 14342, D: 62818388, C: false, I: false, N: 1 09-17 14:16:35.139 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9005, L: 0, D: 86178882, C: false, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:16:35.162 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9006, L: 0, D: 69092537, C: true, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:16:35.175 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9007, L: 25993255, D: 26893255, C: false, I: false, N: 0 09-17 14:16:38.012 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface(name=Toast) called by$H.handleMessage:8079 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102 09-17 14:16:49.518 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ypl.onStartJob(3): SCH: onJobSchedulerWakeup with jobId 9004 09-17 14:16:49.531 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ykj.a(9): Scheduling fallback in 43199992 (absolute: 55601197) 09-17 14:16:49.537 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ykj.a(9): Scheduling fallback in 64799995 (absolute: 77201207) 09-17 14:16:49.919 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yks.handleMessage(8): SCH: DeviceState: DeviceState{currentTime=1600323409904, isCharging=true, isIdle=false, netAny=true, netNotRoaming=true, netUnmetered=true, batteryPercent=97.0} 09-17 14:16:49.949 I/Finsky (15848): [191] ynh.a(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-780 3-781 12-1 26-1414141414 34-199 34-200 34-201 09-17 14:16:49.975 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ykt.a(16): SCH: Running job: 12-1 09-17 14:16:49.976 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ContentSyncJob.a(16): [ContentSync] job started 09-17 14:16:49.978 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yks.handleMessage(61): SCH: RunningQueue size: 1, PendingQueue size: 0 09-17 14:16:49.979 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yks.handleMessage(64): SCH: Running queue: 12-1 09-17 14:16:50.173 I/Finsky (15848): [203] eds.a(22): Completed 0 account content syncs with 0 successful. 09-17 14:16:50.175 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ContentSyncJob.a(1): [ContentSync] Installation state replication succeeded. 09-17 14:16:50.176 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yme.a(13): SCH: jobFinished: 12-1. TimeElapsed: 200ms. 09-17 14:16:50.178 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ykt.a(36): SCH: Job 12-1 finished. Not rescheduling. 09-17 14:16:50.179 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yks.handleMessage(61): SCH: RunningQueue size: 0, PendingQueue size: 0 09-17 14:16:50.179 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yks.handleMessage(25): Executor finished 09-17 14:16:50.207 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ynh.a(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-780 3-781 26-1414141414 34-199 34-200 34-201 09-17 14:16:50.225 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-200, 1-1337, -> L: 19603267ms, D: 62803267ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 09-17 14:16:50.237 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-201, 34-199, 3-780, -> L: 0ms, D: 86163767ms, C: false, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:16:50.239 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-201, 34-199, 2-48879, 3-781, -> L: 0ms, D: 69077417ms, C: true, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:16:50.239 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, -> L: 25978146ms, D: 26878146ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 09-17 14:16:50.247 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(34): Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9007 9006 9005 09-17 14:16:50.248 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9000, L: 19603267, D: 62803267, C: false, I: false, N: 1 09-17 14:16:50.251 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(10): Throttling wakeup for job 9001 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup 09-17 14:16:50.252 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9001, L: 30000, D: 86163767, C: false, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:16:50.265 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(10): Throttling wakeup for job 9002 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup 09-17 14:16:50.265 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9002, L: 30000, D: 69077417, C: true, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:16:50.281 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9003, L: 25978146, D: 26878146, C: false, I: false, N: 0 09-17 14:16:54.335 I/ ( 507): free_cache(1209291) avail 6598397952 09-17 14:16:54.535 I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 863): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /data/app/vmdl1770456380.tmp/base.apk pkg=io.appium.settings isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=true target-filter=interpret-only oatDir = /data/app/vmdl1770456380.tmp/oat sharedLibraries=null 09-17 14:16:54.625 I/dex2oat (16810): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=interpret-only -j4 --debuggable 09-17 14:16:55.287 I/dex2oat (16810): dex2oat took 674.717ms (threads: 4) arena alloc=12KB (12672B) java alloc=3MB (3472424B) native alloc=3MB (3760392B) free=1959KB (2006776B) 09-17 14:16:55.444 W/PackageManager( 863): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION to package io.appium.settings (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x38083e46) 09-17 14:16:55.444 W/PackageManager( 863): Not granting permission android.permission.SET_ANIMATION_SCALE to package io.appium.settings (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x38083e46) 09-17 14:16:55.444 W/PackageManager( 863): Not granting permission android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION to package io.appium.settings (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x38083e46) 09-17 14:16:55.444 W/PackageManager( 863): Unknown permission android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE in package io.appium.settings 09-17 14:16:55.584 I/art ( 863): Starting a blocking GC Explicit 09-17 14:16:55.584 I/GnssLocationProvider( 863): WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@e9445ba) 09-17 14:16:55.586 I/GnssLocationProvider( 863): WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@a3c8c6b) 09-17 14:16:55.588 I/GnssLocationProvider( 863): WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@45293c8) 09-17 14:16:55.590 I/GnssLocationProvider( 863): WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@4e00c61) 09-17 14:16:55.592 I/GnssLocationProvider( 863): WakeLock released by handleMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@e9445ba) 09-17 14:16:55.592 I/GnssLocationProvider( 863): WakeLock released by handleMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@a3c8c6b) 09-17 14:16:55.592 I/GnssLocationProvider( 863): WakeLock released by handleMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@45293c8) 09-17 14:16:55.593 I/GnssLocationProvider( 863): WakeLock released by handleMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@4e00c61) 09-17 14:16:55.728 I/art ( 863): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 82195(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 16(416KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 22MB/33MB, paused 2.048ms total 143.591ms 09-17 14:16:55.729 E/ ( 507): Couldn't opendir /data/app/vmdl1770456380.tmp: No such file or directory 09-17 14:16:55.763 I/InputReader( 863): Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010 09-17 14:16:55.771 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 83, previously 87 09-17 14:16:55.771 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 541, previously 2236 09-17 14:16:55.771 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 980, previously 2288 09-17 14:16:55.771 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 2294, previously 2288 09-17 14:16:55.771 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 383, previously 2071 09-17 14:16:55.774 W/ResourceType( 863): For resource 0x7f0806f8, entry index(1784) is beyond type entryCount(980) 09-17 14:16:55.775 W/ResourceType( 863): For resource 0x7f0806f8, entry index(1784) is beyond type entryCount(980) 09-17 14:16:55.776 W/ResourceType( 863): For resource 0x7f0806f8, entry index(1784) is beyond type entryCount(980) 09-17 14:16:55.789 D/CarrierSvcBindHelper( 3486): No carrier app for: 0 09-17 14:16:55.790 D/CarrierConfigLoader( 3486): mHandler: 9 phoneId: 0 09-17 14:16:55.806 I/Finsky (15848): [1] uzq.a(18): PackageMonitorReceiverImpl - Received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED, [IFnSuqv8xmSw3EQQrfDLs6yhi86xXtLku0HePTibSxc] 09-17 14:16:55.807 I/Finsky (15848): [1] var.d(9): Invalidating cached PackageState for io.appium.settings 09-17 14:16:55.814 D/RegisteredNfcFServicesCache( 4177): Service unchanged, not updating 09-17 14:16:55.815 I/Finsky (15848): [1] mhq.c(2): Frosting ID looked up on UI thread. Caller should move to a background thread. 09-17 14:16:55.826 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ahvn.a(4): Do not start WearSupportService due to Wear service optimization 09-17 14:16:55.832 I/Finsky (15848): [190] Wrote row to frosting DB: 5844 09-17 14:16:55.835 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ahvn.a(4): Do not start WearSupportService due to Wear service optimization 09-17 14:16:55.837 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 36, previously 41 09-17 14:16:55.837 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 2535, previously 2538 09-17 14:16:55.838 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 2631, previously 2634 09-17 14:16:55.838 W/ResourceType( 863): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 303, previously 1693 09-17 14:16:55.839 I/Finsky (15848): [1] aaku.a(1): Clearing split related stale data. 09-17 14:16:55.847 I/Finsky (15848): [1] mhq.c(2): Frosting ID looked up on UI thread. Caller should move to a background thread. 09-17 14:16:55.859 I/Finsky (15848): [192] enp.a(-1): Asset module storage cleared for package io.appium.settings. 09-17 14:16:55.906 I/Finsky (15848): [190] Wrote row to frosting DB: 5845 09-17 14:16:55.925 W/ActivityManager( 863): Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found 09-17 14:16:55.926 I/Auth ( 4316): [SupervisedAccountIntentOperation] onHandleIntent(): android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED 09-17 14:16:55.926 I/ChromeSync( 4316): [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:io.appium.settings flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }. 09-17 14:16:55.927 W/ActivityManager( 863): Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@94f5459 09-17 14:16:55.927 E/GmsClient( 4316): unable to connect to service: on 09-17 14:16:55.924 W/pgrep (16827): type=1400 audit(0.0:100): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/proc/sysrq-trigger" dev="proc" ino=4026535473 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_sysrq:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 09-17 14:16:55.932 I/ChromeSync( 4316): [Persistence,AffiliationManager] One of affiliation or grouping data for android://hvki42dBBNu8_InSZE70dze7rFguS-0vU-ylUb0wBgrRTPRJCg_D9-PcgMM9WXkdOCkCwyIsDkGSdp0fTHkq5g==@io.appium.settings/ was not found. Marking affiliation data as stale... 09-17 14:16:55.934 W/GCM ( 3443): Unexpected forwarded intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:io.appium.settings flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 09-17 14:16:55.935 W/GCM ( 3443): Unexpected forwarded intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:io.appium.settings flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 09-17 14:16:55.924 W/pgrep (16827): type=1400 audit(0.0:101): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/proc/iomem" dev="proc" ino=4026535434 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_iomem:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 09-17 14:16:56.048 I/Icing ( 4316): IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=36 09-17 14:16:56.051 I/ChromeSync( 4316): [Persistence,AffiliationManager] Fetching affiliations from the server. 09-17 14:16:56.054 W/pgrep (16842): type=1400 audit(0.0:102): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/proc/sysrq-trigger" dev="proc" ino=4026535473 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_sysrq:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 09-17 14:16:56.054 W/pgrep (16842): type=1400 audit(0.0:103): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/proc/iomem" dev="proc" ino=4026535434 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_iomem:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 09-17 14:16:56.064 I/GmsCoreXrpcWrapper( 4316): Returning a channel provider with trafficStatsTag=12803 09-17 14:16:56.089 I/Icing ( 4316): Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0 09-17 14:16:56.093 I/Icing ( 4316): Indexing from using seqno 5777 09-17 14:16:56.116 I/Icing ( 4316): Indexing from 09-17 14:16:56.171 I/Icing ( 4316): Indexing done 09-17 14:16:56.275 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ynh.a(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-780 3-781 12-1 26-1414141414 34-199 34-200 34-201 09-17 14:16:56.288 I/Finsky (15848): [191] hcm.a(-1): [ContentSync] finished, scheduled=true 09-17 14:16:56.294 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-200, 12-1, 1-1337, -> L: 14541ms, D: 62797195ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 09-17 14:16:56.295 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-201, 34-199, 3-780, -> L: 0ms, D: 86157696ms, C: false, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:16:56.295 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-201, 34-199, 2-48879, 3-781, -> L: 0ms, D: 69071346ms, C: true, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:16:56.300 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, -> L: 25972075ms, D: 26872075ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 09-17 14:16:56.310 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(34): Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9001 9000 9002 9003 09-17 14:16:56.311 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(10): Throttling wakeup for job 9004 (expected to run in 14541 ms) due to recent wakeup 09-17 14:16:56.311 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9004, L: 30000, D: 62797195, C: false, I: false, N: 1 09-17 14:16:56.314 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(10): Throttling wakeup for job 9005 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup 09-17 14:16:56.315 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9005, L: 30000, D: 86157696, C: false, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:16:56.330 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(10): Throttling wakeup for job 9006 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup 09-17 14:16:56.330 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9006, L: 30000, D: 69071346, C: true, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:16:56.335 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9007, L: 25972075, D: 26872075, C: false, I: false, N: 0 09-17 14:16:56.561 D/AndroidRuntime(16843): >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<< 09-17 14:16:56.565 D/AndroidRuntime(16843): CheckJNI is OFF 09-17 14:16:56.608 D/ICU (16843): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat 09-17 14:16:56.640 I/Radio-JNI(16843): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE 09-17 14:16:56.654 D/AndroidRuntime(16843): Calling main entry 09-17 14:16:56.662 I/ActivityManager( 863): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 cmp=io.appium.settings/.Settings} from uid 2000 on display 0 09-17 14:16:56.667 D/AndroidRuntime(16843): Shutting down VM 09-17 14:16:56.698 I/ActivityManager( 863): Start proc 16853:io.appium.settings/u0a4942 for activity io.appium.settings/.Settings 09-17 14:16:56.712 I/art (16853): Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni 09-17 14:16:56.771 W/System (16853): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/io.appium.settings-1/lib/arm64 09-17 14:16:56.807 W/pgrep (16870): type=1400 audit(0.0:104): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/proc/sysrq-trigger" dev="proc" ino=4026535473 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_sysrq:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 09-17 14:16:56.807 W/pgrep (16870): type=1400 audit(0.0:105): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/proc/iomem" dev="proc" ino=4026535434 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_iomem:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 09-17 14:16:56.835 D/APPIUM SETTINGS(16853): Entering the app 09-17 14:16:56.848 D/LocationTracker(16853): Configuring location provider for Google Play Services 09-17 14:16:56.865 D/APPIUM SETTINGS(16853): Closing the app 09-17 14:16:57.050 I/Adreno (16853): QUALCOMM build : 74df444, I409c65498b 09-17 14:16:57.050 I/Adreno (16853): Build Date : 06/22/16 09-17 14:16:57.050 I/Adreno (16853): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.08.00.02 09-17 14:16:57.050 I/Adreno (16853): Local Branch : N16 09-17 14:16:57.050 I/Adreno (16853): Remote Branch : 09-17 14:16:57.050 I/Adreno (16853): Remote Branch : 09-17 14:16:57.050 I/Adreno (16853): Reconstruct Branch : 09-17 14:16:57.059 I/OpenGLRenderer(16853): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 09-17 14:16:57.059 D/OpenGLRenderer(16853): Swap behavior 1 09-17 14:16:57.083 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3160 09-17 14:16:57.084 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1829 09-17 14:16:57.217 D/LocationTracker(16853): Google Play Services location provider is connected 09-17 14:16:57.225 W/GCoreFlp( 3443): No location to return for getLastLocation() 09-17 14:16:57.250 I/ActivityManager( 863): Displayed io.appium.settings/.Settings: +571ms 09-17 14:16:57.450 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface(name=Starting io.appium.settings) called by 09-17 14:16:57.583 I/PBSessionCacheImpl( 4398): Deleted sessionId[19344208866882222] from persistence. 09-17 14:16:57.588 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface( called by 09-17 14:16:57.589 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface( called by 09-17 14:16:57.639 W/SearchServiceCore( 4398): Abort, client detached. 09-17 14:16:57.641 I/StreamController( 4398): cleanUpControllerScope(nowcards-15-8d4fb0-a002) 09-17 14:16:58.029 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3160 09-17 14:16:58.039 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1829 09-17 14:16:58.040 W/ThreadPoolDumper( 4398): Queue length for executor EventBus is now 11. Perhaps some tasks are too long, or the pool is too small. 09-17 14:16:58.049 I/OptInChecker( 4398): Falling back to non-UDC sources 09-17 14:16:58.049 I/OptInChecker( 4398): Setting = LOCATION_HISTORY_AND_REPORTING, optedInt = false 09-17 14:16:58.050 W/LocationOracle( 4398): No location history returned by ContextManager 09-17 14:16:58.064 W/GCoreFlp( 3443): No location to return for getLastLocation() 09-17 14:16:58.074 W/LocationOracle( 4398): No location returned by GMS core getLastLocation() 09-17 14:16:58.081 I/StreamController( 4398): registerScope: nowcards-15-8d4fb0-a002 09-17 14:16:58.166 E/MDD ( 4398): DownloadProgressMonitor: Can't find file for uri: android:// 09-17 14:16:58.183 I/BgTaskExecutorImpl( 4398): Starting EXCLUSIVE background task TNG_MINUS_ONE_SYNC. 09-17 14:16:58.184 I/BgTaskExecutorImpl( 4398): Starting EXCLUSIVE background task TNG_VOICE_SEARCH_SYNC. 09-17 14:16:58.188 I/TngMinusOneSync( 4398): Syncing TNG:-1 09-17 14:16:58.189 I/TngVoiceSearchSync( 4398): Syncing TNG:VoiceSearch 09-17 14:16:58.497 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface(name=io.appium.settings/io.appium.settings.Settings) called by 09-17 14:16:58.543 W/OpenGLRenderer( 4260): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer... 09-17 14:16:59.532 D/AndroidRuntime(16895): >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<< 09-17 14:16:59.545 D/AndroidRuntime(16895): CheckJNI is OFF 09-17 14:16:59.614 D/ICU (16895): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat 09-17 14:16:59.640 I/Radio-JNI(16895): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE 09-17 14:16:59.652 D/AndroidRuntime(16895): Calling main entry 09-17 14:16:59.668 I/art (16895): System.exit called, status: 0 09-17 14:16:59.668 I/AndroidRuntime(16895): VM exiting with result code 0. 09-17 14:16:59.675 W/MessageQueue(16895): Handler (android.os.Handler) {80fc1d1} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread 09-17 14:16:59.675 W/MessageQueue(16895): java.lang.IllegalStateException: Handler (android.os.Handler) {80fc1d1} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread 09-17 14:16:59.675 W/MessageQueue(16895): at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage( 09-17 14:16:59.675 W/MessageQueue(16895): at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage( 09-17 14:16:59.675 W/MessageQueue(16895): at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime( 09-17 14:16:59.675 W/MessageQueue(16895): at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed( 09-17 14:16:59.675 W/MessageQueue(16895): at 09-17 14:16:59.675 W/MessageQueue(16895): at android.os.ResultReceiver$MyResultReceiver.send( 09-17 14:16:59.675 W/MessageQueue(16895): at$Stub.onTransact( 09-17 14:16:59.675 W/MessageQueue(16895): at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-17 14:17:00.321 D/AndroidRuntime(16910): >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<< 09-17 14:17:00.327 D/AndroidRuntime(16910): CheckJNI is OFF 09-17 14:17:00.388 D/ICU (16910): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat 09-17 14:17:00.420 I/Radio-JNI(16910): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE 09-17 14:17:00.433 D/AndroidRuntime(16910): Calling main entry 09-17 14:17:00.439 I/ActivityManager( 863): Force stopping com.sample.UICatalog appid=14941 user=0: from pid 16910 09-17 14:17:00.440 I/ActivityManager( 863): Killing 16615:com.sample.UICatalog/u0a4941 (adj 700): stop com.sample.UICatalog 09-17 14:17:00.441 D/ActivityManager( 863): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 16615 09-17 14:17:00.444 I/ActivityManager( 863): Force finishing activity ActivityRecord{f9fd7b2 u0 com.sample.UICatalog/.Menu t2225} 09-17 14:17:00.450 I/ActivityManager( 863): Force finishing activity ActivityRecord{4a3ac55 u0 com.sample.UICatalog/.TimeActivity t2225} 09-17 14:17:00.457 D/AndroidRuntime(16910): Shutting down VM 09-17 14:17:00.464 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface(name=com.sample.UICatalog/com.sample.UICatalog.TimeActivity) called by 09-17 14:17:00.481 D/CarrierSvcBindHelper( 3486): No carrier app for: 0 09-17 14:17:00.507 D/GraphicsStats( 863): Buffer count: 7 09-17 14:17:00.521 D/RegisteredNfcFServicesCache( 4177): Service unchanged, not updating 09-17 14:17:00.987 D/AndroidRuntime(16920): >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<< 09-17 14:17:00.992 D/AndroidRuntime(16920): CheckJNI is OFF 09-17 14:17:01.043 D/ICU (16920): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat 09-17 14:17:01.067 I/Radio-JNI(16920): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE 09-17 14:17:01.078 D/AndroidRuntime(16920): Calling main entry 09-17 14:17:01.083 I/ActivityManager( 863): Force stopping com.sample.UICatalog appid=14941 user=0: clear data 09-17 14:17:01.085 I/ActivityManager( 863): Force stopping com.sample.UICatalog appid=14941 user=-1: clearApplicationUserData 09-17 14:17:01.105 D/CarrierSvcBindHelper( 3486): No carrier app for: 0 09-17 14:17:01.106 I/art (16920): System.exit called, status: 0 09-17 14:17:01.106 I/AndroidRuntime(16920): VM exiting with result code 0. 09-17 14:17:01.108 I/GeofencerStateMachine( 3443): removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_ALL packageName=com.sample.UICatalog] 09-17 14:17:01.138 I/appium (16514): channel read: GET /wd/hub/sessions 09-17 14:17:01.138 I/appium (16514): GetSessions command 09-17 14:17:01.142 I/appium (16514): AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"None","value":[{"capabilities":{"appActivity":"com.sample.UICatalog.Menu","webStorageEnabled":false,"platformName":"android","desired":{"platformName":"android","mockLocationApp":"io.appium.settings","appActivity":"com.sample.UICatalog.Menu","appPackage":"com.sample.UICatalog","deviceN… 09-17 14:17:01.142 I/Fitness ( 3443): FitCleanupIntentOperation received Intent android.intent.action.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED [CONTEXT service_id=17 ] 09-17 14:17:01.160 I/Icing ( 4316): doRemovePackageData com.sample.UICatalog 09-17 14:17:01.161 I/appium (16514): channel read: DELETE /wd/hub/session/undefined 09-17 14:17:01.162 I/appium (16514): DeleteSession command 09-17 14:17:01.164 I/appium (16514): Stopping uiautomator2 io.appium.uiautomator2.http io.appium.uiautomator2.server 09-17 14:17:01.169 I/appium (16514): AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"undefined","value":null} 09-17 14:17:01.192 D/RegisteredNfcFServicesCache( 4177): Service unchanged, not updating 09-17 14:17:01.717 I/TestRunner(16514): finished: startServer(io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test.AppiumUiAutomator2Server) 09-17 14:17:01.727 I/MonitoringInstr(16514): Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 09-17 14:17:01.729 I/TestRunner(16514): run finished: 1 tests, 0 failed, 0 ignored 09-17 14:17:01.747 D/NetworkSecurityConfig(16514): No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 09-17 14:17:02.713 D/AndroidRuntime(16954): >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<< 09-17 14:17:02.719 D/AndroidRuntime(16954): CheckJNI is OFF 09-17 14:17:02.767 D/ICU (16954): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat 09-17 14:17:02.795 I/Radio-JNI(16954): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE 09-17 14:17:02.807 D/AndroidRuntime(16954): Calling main entry 09-17 14:17:02.814 I/ActivityManager( 863): Force stopping io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test appid=14939 user=0: from pid 16954 09-17 14:17:02.815 D/AndroidRuntime(16954): Shutting down VM 09-17 14:17:02.821 D/CarrierSvcBindHelper( 3486): No carrier app for: 0 09-17 14:17:02.853 D/RegisteredNfcFServicesCache( 4177): Service unchanged, not updating 09-17 14:17:03.338 D/AndroidRuntime(16965): >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<< 09-17 14:17:03.344 D/AndroidRuntime(16965): CheckJNI is OFF 09-17 14:17:03.393 D/ICU (16965): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat 09-17 14:17:03.419 I/Radio-JNI(16965): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE 09-17 14:17:03.432 D/AndroidRuntime(16965): Calling main entry 09-17 14:17:03.440 I/ActivityManager( 863): Force stopping io.appium.uiautomator2.server appid=14938 user=0: start instr 09-17 14:17:03.440 I/ActivityManager( 863): Killing 16514:io.appium.uiautomator2.server/u0a4938 (adj 0): stop io.appium.uiautomator2.server 09-17 14:17:03.441 D/ActivityManager( 863): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 16514 09-17 14:17:03.441 W/ActivityManager( 863): Crash of app io.appium.uiautomator2.server running instrumentation ComponentInfo{io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test/androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner} 09-17 14:17:03.442 I/ActivityManager( 863): Force stopping io.appium.uiautomator2.server appid=14938 user=0: finished inst 09-17 14:17:03.444 W/Binder (16504): Binder call failed. 09-17 14:17:03.444 W/Binder (16504): java.lang.SecurityException: Calling from not trusted UID! 09-17 14:17:03.444 W/Binder (16504): at 09-17 14:17:03.444 W/Binder (16504): at 09-17 14:17:03.444 W/Binder (16504): at$Stub.onTransact( 09-17 14:17:03.444 W/Binder (16504): at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 09-17 14:17:03.445 D/AndroidRuntime(16504): Shutting down VM 09-17 14:17:03.462 I/ActivityManager( 863): Start proc 16978:io.appium.uiautomator2.server/u0a4938 for added application io.appium.uiautomator2.server 09-17 14:17:03.465 I/art (16978): Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni 09-17 14:17:03.469 W/WindowManager( 863): Attempted to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@6e2b98c 09-17 14:17:03.500 W/System (16978): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test-1/lib/arm64 09-17 14:17:03.500 W/System (16978): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server-1/lib/arm64 09-17 14:17:03.506 W/System (16978): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 09-17 14:17:03.523 I/MonitoringInstr(16978): Instrumentation started! 09-17 14:17:03.524 I/MonitoringInstr(16978): Setting context classloader to 'dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar", zip file "/data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test-1/base.apk", zip file "/data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test-1/lib/arm64, /data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server-1/lib/arm64, /system/lib64, /vendor/lib64]]]', Original: 'dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar", zip file "/data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test-1/base.apk", zip file "/data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test-1/lib/arm64, /data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server-1/lib/arm64, /system/lib64, /vendor/lib64]]]' 09-17 14:17:03.525 I/MonitoringInstr(16978): No JSBridge. 09-17 14:17:03.527 I/MonitoringInstr(16978): Setting context classloader to 'dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar", zip file "/data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test-1/base.apk", zip file "/data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test-1/lib/arm64, /data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server-1/lib/arm64, /system/lib64, /vendor/lib64]]]', Original: 'dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar", zip file "/data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test-1/base.apk", zip file "/data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test-1/lib/arm64, /data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server-1/lib/arm64, /system/lib64, /vendor/lib64]]]' 09-17 14:17:03.535 I/UsageTrackerFacilitator(16978): Usage tracking enabled 09-17 14:17:03.537 I/TestRequestBuilder(16978): Scanning classpath to find tests in paths [/data/app/io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test-1/base.apk] 09-17 14:17:03.735 W/AndroidJUnit4Builder(16978): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.nio.file.Path in hasTestMethods for okio.Okio 09-17 14:17:03.761 D/TestExecutor(16978): Adding listener androidx.test.internal.runner.listener.LogRunListener 09-17 14:17:03.761 D/TestExecutor(16978): Adding listener androidx.test.internal.runner.listener.InstrumentationResultPrinter 09-17 14:17:03.761 D/TestExecutor(16978): Adding listener androidx.test.internal.runner.listener.ActivityFinisherRunListener 09-17 14:17:03.762 I/TestRunner(16978): run started: 1 tests 09-17 14:17:03.765 I/TestRunner(16978): started: startServer(io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test.AppiumUiAutomator2Server) 09-17 14:17:03.767 I/MonitoringInstr(16978): Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 09-17 14:17:03.771 I/appium (16978): [AppiumUiAutomator2Server] Starting Server 09-17 14:17:04.771 I/appium (16978): Starting MJPEG Server 09-17 14:17:04.821 I/appium (16978): MJPEG Server started 09-17 14:17:04.833 I/appium (16978): ServerSocket created on port 7810 09-17 14:17:04.833 I/appium (16978): AndroidServer created on port 6790 09-17 14:17:04.834 I/appium (16978): io.appium.uiautomator2.server started: 09-17 14:17:04.843 I/appium (16978): Started UiAutomator2 io.appium.uiautomator2.http io.appium.uiautomator2.server on port 6790 09-17 14:17:05.953 I/appium (16978): channel read: GET /wd/hub/status 09-17 14:17:05.958 I/appium (16978): Status command 09-17 14:17:05.981 I/appium (16978): AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"None","value":{"message":"UiAutomator2 Server is ready to accept commands","ready":true}} 09-17 14:17:05.999 I/appium (16978): channel read: POST /wd/hub/session 09-17 14:17:06.002 I/appium (16978): NewSession command 09-17 14:17:06.014 I/appium (16978): Created the new session with SessionID: 3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039 09-17 14:17:06.027 I/appium (16978): AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039","value":{"capabilities":{"firstMatch":[{"platform":"LINUX","webStorageEnabled":false,"takesScreenshot":true,"javascriptEnabled":true,"databaseEnabled":false,"networkConnectionEnabled":true,"locationContextEnabled":false,"warnings":{},"desired":{"pl… 09-17 14:17:06.047 I/appium (16978): channel read: GET /wd/hub/session/3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039/appium/device/info 09-17 14:17:06.048 I/appium (16978): GetDeviceInfo command 09-17 14:17:06.062 E/appium (16978): error while getting field mSSID from object [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -39] No field mSSID in class Landroid/net/NetworkCapabilities; (declaration of '' appears in /system/framework/framework.jar) 09-17 14:17:06.064 D/BluetoothManagerService( 863): Message: 20 09-17 14:17:06.064 D/BluetoothManagerService( 863): Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@29e3095:true 09-17 14:17:06.071 I/appium (16978): AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039","value":{"androidId":"254ca5ef681779d1","apiVersion":"24","bluetooth":{"state":"OFF"},"brand":"google","carrierName":"","displayDensity":420,"locale":"en_US","manufacturer":"LGE","model":"Nexus 5X","networks":[{"capabilities":{"SSID":null,"linkDown… 09-17 14:17:06.736 D/AndroidRuntime(17004): >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<< 09-17 14:17:06.741 D/AndroidRuntime(17004): CheckJNI is OFF 09-17 14:17:06.794 D/ICU (17004): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat 09-17 14:17:06.821 I/Radio-JNI(17004): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE 09-17 14:17:06.833 D/AndroidRuntime(17004): Calling main entry 09-17 14:17:06.841 I/ActivityManager( 863): Force stopping com.sample.UICatalog appid=14941 user=0: from pid 17004 09-17 14:17:06.857 D/CarrierSvcBindHelper( 3486): No carrier app for: 0 09-17 14:17:06.875 D/RegisteredNfcFServicesCache( 4177): Service unchanged, not updating 09-17 14:17:07.096 I/ActivityManager( 863): START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.sample.UICatalog/.Menu} from uid 2000 on display 0 09-17 14:17:07.145 I/ActivityManager( 863): Start proc 17015:com.sample.UICatalog/u0a4941 for activity com.sample.UICatalog/.Menu 09-17 14:17:07.155 I/art (17015): Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni 09-17 14:17:07.208 W/System (17015): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.sample.UICatalog-1/lib/arm64 09-17 14:17:07.408 I/Adreno (17015): QUALCOMM build : 74df444, I409c65498b 09-17 14:17:07.408 I/Adreno (17015): Build Date : 06/22/16 09-17 14:17:07.408 I/Adreno (17015): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.08.00.02 09-17 14:17:07.408 I/Adreno (17015): Local Branch : N16 09-17 14:17:07.408 I/Adreno (17015): Remote Branch : 09-17 14:17:07.408 I/Adreno (17015): Remote Branch : 09-17 14:17:07.408 I/Adreno (17015): Reconstruct Branch : 09-17 14:17:07.417 I/OpenGLRenderer(17015): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 09-17 14:17:07.417 D/OpenGLRenderer(17015): Swap behavior 1 09-17 14:17:07.577 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3160 09-17 14:17:07.578 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1829 09-17 14:17:07.596 I/ActivityManager( 863): Displayed com.sample.UICatalog/.Menu: +478ms 09-17 14:17:07.597 D/AndroidRuntime(17004): Shutting down VM 09-17 14:17:07.632 I/appium (16978): channel read: GET /wd/hub/session/3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039/appium/device/pixel_ratio 09-17 14:17:07.632 I/appium (16978): GetDevicePixelRatio command 09-17 14:17:07.632 I/appium (16978): Get device pixel ratio 09-17 14:17:07.634 I/appium (16978): AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039","value":2.625} 09-17 14:17:07.642 I/appium (16978): channel read: GET /wd/hub/session/3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039/appium/device/system_bars 09-17 14:17:07.643 I/appium (16978): GetSystemBars command 09-17 14:17:07.643 I/appium (16978): Get status bar height of the device 09-17 14:17:07.645 I/appium (16978): AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039","value":{"statusBar":63}} 09-17 14:17:07.654 I/appium (16978): channel read: GET /wd/hub/session/3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039/window/current/size 09-17 14:17:07.654 I/appium (16978): GetDeviceSize command 09-17 14:17:07.654 I/appium (16978): Get window size of the device 09-17 14:17:07.657 I/appium (16978): AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039","value":{"height":1794,"width":1080}} 09-17 14:17:07.740 I/appium (16978): channel read: GET /wd/hub/session/3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039 09-17 14:17:07.741 I/appium (16978): GetSessionDetails command 09-17 14:17:07.743 I/appium (16978): AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039","value":{"lastScrollData":null}} 09-17 14:17:07.768 I/appium (16978): channel read: GET /wd/hub/session/3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039 09-17 14:17:07.768 I/appium (16978): GetSessionDetails command 09-17 14:17:07.770 I/appium (16978): AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039","value":{"lastScrollData":null}} 09-17 14:17:07.808 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface(name=Starting com.sample.UICatalog) called by 09-17 14:17:08.028 I/PBSessionCacheImpl( 4398): Deleted sessionId[19344208866882227] from persistence. 09-17 14:17:08.044 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface( called by 09-17 14:17:08.048 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface( called by 09-17 14:17:08.085 W/SearchServiceCore( 4398): Abort, client detached. 09-17 14:17:08.088 I/StreamController( 4398): cleanUpControllerScope(nowcards-15-8d4fb0-a002) 09-17 14:17:08.374 D/AndroidRuntime(17035): >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<< 09-17 14:17:08.380 D/AndroidRuntime(17035): CheckJNI is OFF 09-17 14:17:08.430 D/ICU (17035): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat 09-17 14:17:08.457 I/Radio-JNI(17035): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE 09-17 14:17:08.470 D/AndroidRuntime(17035): Calling main entry 09-17 14:17:08.474 I/ActivityManager( 863): Force stopping com.sample.UICatalog appid=14941 user=0: from pid 17035 09-17 14:17:08.474 I/ActivityManager( 863): Killing 17015:com.sample.UICatalog/u0a4941 (adj 0): stop com.sample.UICatalog 09-17 14:17:08.474 D/ActivityManager( 863): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 17015 09-17 14:17:08.474 W/ActivityManager( 863): Force removing ActivityRecord{67e4111 u0 com.sample.UICatalog/.Menu t2228}: app died, no saved state 09-17 14:17:08.477 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface(name=com.sample.UICatalog/com.sample.UICatalog.Menu) called by 09-17 14:17:08.500 D/AndroidRuntime(17035): Shutting down VM 09-17 14:17:08.516 D/CarrierSvcBindHelper( 3486): No carrier app for: 0 09-17 14:17:08.531 D/GraphicsStats( 863): Buffer count: 7 09-17 14:17:08.539 D/RegisteredNfcFServicesCache( 4177): Service unchanged, not updating 09-17 14:17:08.576 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3160 09-17 14:17:08.578 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1829 09-17 14:17:08.585 W/ThreadPoolDumper( 4398): Queue length for executor EventBus is now 11. Perhaps some tasks are too long, or the pool is too small. 09-17 14:17:08.593 I/OptInChecker( 4398): Falling back to non-UDC sources 09-17 14:17:08.594 I/OptInChecker( 4398): Setting = LOCATION_HISTORY_AND_REPORTING, optedInt = false 09-17 14:17:08.594 W/LocationOracle( 4398): No location history returned by ContextManager 09-17 14:17:08.613 W/GCoreFlp( 3443): No location to return for getLastLocation() 09-17 14:17:08.625 I/StreamController( 4398): registerScope: nowcards-15-8d4fb0-a002 09-17 14:17:08.628 W/LocationOracle( 4398): No location returned by GMS core getLastLocation() 09-17 14:17:08.717 E/MDD ( 4398): DownloadProgressMonitor: Can't find file for uri: android:// 09-17 14:17:08.741 I/BgTaskExecutorImpl( 4398): Starting EXCLUSIVE background task TNG_MINUS_ONE_SYNC. 09-17 14:17:08.744 I/TngMinusOneSync( 4398): Syncing TNG:-1 09-17 14:17:08.795 I/NetworkScheduler.Stats( 3443): Task started execution. cause:4 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 12420 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 09-17 14:17:08.812 I/BgTaskExecutorImpl( 4398): Starting EXCLUSIVE background task TNG_VOICE_SEARCH_SYNC. 09-17 14:17:08.818 I/NetworkScheduler.Stats( 3443): Task finished executing. cause:4 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 56 uptime_millis: 56 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 12420 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 09-17 14:17:08.820 I/TngVoiceSearchSync( 4398): Syncing TNG:VoiceSearch 09-17 14:17:08.986 D/AndroidRuntime(17045): >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<< 09-17 14:17:08.989 D/AndroidRuntime(17045): CheckJNI is OFF 09-17 14:17:09.032 D/ICU (17045): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat 09-17 14:17:09.053 I/Radio-JNI(17045): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE 09-17 14:17:09.064 D/AndroidRuntime(17045): Calling main entry 09-17 14:17:09.070 I/ActivityManager( 863): Force stopping com.sample.UICatalog appid=14941 user=0: clear data 09-17 14:17:09.078 I/ActivityManager( 863): Force stopping com.sample.UICatalog appid=14941 user=-1: clearApplicationUserData 09-17 14:17:09.087 W/OpenGLRenderer( 4260): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer... 09-17 14:17:09.112 I/art (17045): System.exit called, status: 0 09-17 14:17:09.112 I/AndroidRuntime(17045): VM exiting with result code 0. 09-17 14:17:09.113 I/GeofencerStateMachine( 3443): removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_ALL packageName=com.sample.UICatalog] 09-17 14:17:09.114 D/CarrierSvcBindHelper( 3486): No carrier app for: 0 09-17 14:17:09.133 D/RegisteredNfcFServicesCache( 4177): Service unchanged, not updating 09-17 14:17:09.168 I/Icing ( 4316): doRemovePackageData com.sample.UICatalog 09-17 14:17:09.201 I/Fitness ( 3443): FitCleanupIntentOperation received Intent android.intent.action.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED [CONTEXT service_id=17 ] 09-17 14:17:09.586 D/AndroidRuntime(17070): >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<< 09-17 14:17:09.593 D/AndroidRuntime(17070): CheckJNI is OFF 09-17 14:17:09.646 D/ICU (17070): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat 09-17 14:17:09.673 I/Radio-JNI(17070): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE 09-17 14:17:09.686 D/AndroidRuntime(17070): Calling main entry 09-17 14:17:09.694 I/ActivityManager( 863): Force stopping com.sample.UICatalog appid=14941 user=0: from pid 17070 09-17 14:17:09.703 D/CarrierSvcBindHelper( 3486): No carrier app for: 0 09-17 14:17:09.734 D/RegisteredNfcFServicesCache( 4177): Service unchanged, not updating 09-17 14:17:09.950 I/ActivityManager( 863): START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.sample.UICatalog/.Menu} from uid 2000 on display 0 09-17 14:17:09.991 I/art (17080): Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni 09-17 14:17:09.992 I/ActivityManager( 863): Start proc 17080:com.sample.UICatalog/u0a4941 for activity com.sample.UICatalog/.Menu 09-17 14:17:10.054 W/System (17080): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.sample.UICatalog-1/lib/arm64 09-17 14:17:10.287 I/Adreno (17080): QUALCOMM build : 74df444, I409c65498b 09-17 14:17:10.287 I/Adreno (17080): Build Date : 06/22/16 09-17 14:17:10.287 I/Adreno (17080): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.08.00.02 09-17 14:17:10.287 I/Adreno (17080): Local Branch : N16 09-17 14:17:10.287 I/Adreno (17080): Remote Branch : 09-17 14:17:10.287 I/Adreno (17080): Remote Branch : 09-17 14:17:10.287 I/Adreno (17080): Reconstruct Branch : 09-17 14:17:10.296 I/OpenGLRenderer(17080): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 09-17 14:17:10.296 D/OpenGLRenderer(17080): Swap behavior 1 09-17 14:17:10.439 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3160 09-17 14:17:10.445 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1829 09-17 14:17:10.454 I/ActivityManager( 863): Displayed com.sample.UICatalog/.Menu: +494ms 09-17 14:17:10.457 D/AndroidRuntime(17070): Shutting down VM 09-17 14:17:10.689 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface(name=Starting com.sample.UICatalog) called by 09-17 14:17:10.866 I/PBSessionCacheImpl( 4398): Deleted sessionId[19344208866882232] from persistence. 09-17 14:17:10.877 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface( called by 09-17 14:17:10.878 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface( called by 09-17 14:17:10.917 W/SearchServiceCore( 4398): Abort, client detached. 09-17 14:17:10.919 I/StreamController( 4398): cleanUpControllerScope(nowcards-15-8d4fb0-a002) 09-17 14:17:16.315 I/art ( 4398): Waiting for a blocking GC DisableMovingGc 09-17 14:17:16.317 I/art ( 4398): Starting a blocking GC DisableMovingGc 09-17 14:17:17.031 I/appium (16978): channel read: POST /wd/hub/session/3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039/element 09-17 14:17:17.033 I/appium (16978): FindElement command 09-17 14:17:17.037 I/appium (16978): method: 'xpath', selector: '//android.widget.TextView[contains(@text,'TimeActivity')]', contextId: '' 09-17 14:17:17.043 I/appium (16978): Waiting up to 10000ms for device to be idle 09-17 14:17:17.255 I/appium (16978): Took 6ms to retrieve 1 matches for '//android.widget.TextView[contains(@text,'TimeActivity')]' XPath query 09-17 14:17:17.261 I/appium (16978): AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039","value":{"ELEMENT":"b0bd2071-fd8c-4558-8b65-a85fc9c7545e","element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf":"b0bd2071-fd8c-4558-8b65-a85fc9c7545e"}} 09-17 14:17:17.288 I/appium (16978): channel read: POST /wd/hub/session/3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039/element/b0bd2071-fd8c-4558-8b65-a85fc9c7545e/click 09-17 14:17:17.288 I/appium (16978): Click command 09-17 14:17:17.312 I/appium (16978): Waiting up to 10000ms for device to be idle 09-17 14:17:17.380 I/ActivityManager( 863): START u0 {cmp=com.sample.UICatalog/.TimeActivity} from uid 14941 on display 0 09-17 14:17:17.541 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3160 09-17 14:17:17.543 I/GoogleInputMethodServic( 3239): GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1829 09-17 14:17:17.652 I/ActivityManager( 863): Displayed com.sample.UICatalog/.TimeActivity: +258ms 09-17 14:17:18.072 I/WindowManager( 863): Destroying surface Surface(name=com.sample.UICatalog/com.sample.UICatalog.Menu) called by android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:286 09-17 14:17:18.494 I/appium (16978): AppiumResponse: {"sessionId":"3c95ccbb-9176-475e-93af-2bb1ba00e039","value":null} 09-17 14:17:24.182 D/AndroidRuntime(17102): >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<< 09-17 14:17:24.190 D/AndroidRuntime(17102): CheckJNI is OFF 09-17 14:17:24.240 D/ICU (17102): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat 09-17 14:17:24.276 I/Radio-JNI(17102): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE 09-17 14:17:24.289 D/AndroidRuntime(17102): Calling main entry 09-17 14:17:24.301 D/LocationInfoReceiver(16853): Getting current location 09-17 14:17:24.313 W/GCoreFlp( 3443): No location to return for getLastLocation() 09-17 14:17:24.334 D/LocationTracker(16853): Configuring the default Android location provider 09-17 14:17:24.344 I/GnssLocationProvider( 863): WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@efbf7f6) 09-17 14:17:24.345 D/LocationTracker(16853): GPS location provider is enabled. Getting FINE location 09-17 14:17:24.359 D/AndroidRuntime(17102): Shutting down VM 09-17 14:17:24.444 I/GnssLocationProvider( 863): WakeLock released by handleMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@efbf7f6) 09-17 14:17:26.327 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:17:27.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:17:28.327 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:17:29.324 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:17:30.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:17:31.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:17:32.325 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:17:33.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:17:34.326 W/GnssLocationProvider( 863): Invalid size of GpsSvStatus found: 0. 09-17 14:17:34.478 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ypl.onStartJob(3): SCH: onJobSchedulerWakeup with jobId 9004 09-17 14:17:34.490 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ykj.a(9): Scheduling fallback in 43199993 (absolute: 55646157) 09-17 14:17:34.498 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ykj.a(9): Scheduling fallback in 64799994 (absolute: 77246167) 09-17 14:17:34.801 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yks.handleMessage(8): SCH: DeviceState: DeviceState{currentTime=1600323454784, isCharging=true, isIdle=false, netAny=true, netNotRoaming=true, netUnmetered=true, batteryPercent=97.0} 09-17 14:17:34.822 I/Finsky (15848): [207] ynh.a(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-780 3-781 12-1 26-1414141414 34-199 34-200 34-201 09-17 14:17:34.846 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ykt.a(16): SCH: Running job: 12-1 09-17 14:17:34.847 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ContentSyncJob.a(16): [ContentSync] job started 09-17 14:17:34.849 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yks.handleMessage(61): SCH: RunningQueue size: 1, PendingQueue size: 0 09-17 14:17:34.849 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yks.handleMessage(64): SCH: Running queue: 12-1 09-17 14:17:35.016 I/Finsky (15848): [209] eds.a(22): Completed 0 account content syncs with 0 successful. 09-17 14:17:35.018 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ContentSyncJob.a(1): [ContentSync] Installation state replication succeeded. 09-17 14:17:35.020 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yme.a(13): SCH: jobFinished: 12-1. TimeElapsed: 173ms. 09-17 14:17:35.022 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ykt.a(36): SCH: Job 12-1 finished. Not rescheduling. 09-17 14:17:35.023 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yks.handleMessage(61): SCH: RunningQueue size: 0, PendingQueue size: 0 09-17 14:17:35.024 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yks.handleMessage(25): Executor finished 09-17 14:17:35.051 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ynh.a(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-780 3-781 26-1414141414 34-199 34-200 34-201 09-17 14:17:35.068 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-200, 1-1337, -> L: 19558422ms, D: 62758422ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 09-17 14:17:35.069 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-201, 34-199, 3-780, -> L: 0ms, D: 86118923ms, C: false, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:17:35.069 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-201, 34-199, 2-48879, 3-781, -> L: 0ms, D: 69032573ms, C: true, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:17:35.070 I/Finsky (15848): [1] yjb.a(56): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, -> L: 25933302ms, D: 26833302ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 09-17 14:17:35.080 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(34): Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9007 9006 9005 09-17 14:17:35.081 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9000, L: 19558422, D: 62758422, C: false, I: false, N: 1 09-17 14:17:35.084 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(10): Throttling wakeup for job 9001 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup 09-17 14:17:35.085 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9001, L: 30000, D: 86118923, C: false, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:17:35.101 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(10): Throttling wakeup for job 9002 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup 09-17 14:17:35.101 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9002, L: 30000, D: 69032573, C: true, I: true, N: 2 09-17 14:17:35.128 I/Finsky (15848): [1] ylr.a(27): Scheduling job Id: 9003, L: 25933302, D: 26833302, C: false, I: false, N: 0

PengJunchen commented 4 years ago

I have done some research on it. It seems that mGoogleApiClient could not get Location info after connected, then use 'gps' location manager to fetch the last location, it is also be null. Will you guys could provide some guidance about the causes? I am not so familiar with this part

KazuCocoa commented 8 months ago

Please try out the latest uia2 driver with the latest google play location module. It may work