appium / java-client

Java language binding for writing Appium Tests, conforms to W3C WebDriver Protocol
Apache License 2.0
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@parameters anonation through exception"BeforeSuite on method initializeAndroidDriver but has not been marked @Optional or defined" #2100

Closed asmayonis1 closed 5 months ago

asmayonis1 commented 5 months ago

Do I have the most recent component updates?

Is the component officially supported by the Appium team?

Is there an existing issue for this?

Current Behavior

@BeforeSuite @Parameters({"platformVersion", "platformName", "deviceName", "automationName"}) public void initializeAndroidDriver( String platformVersion, String platformName, String deviceName, String automationName) throws MalformedURLException { {

    URL url = new URL("");
    DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
    capabilities.setCapability("appium:platformVersion", platformVersion);
    capabilities.setCapability("appium:platformName", platformName);
    capabilities.setCapability("appium:deviceName", deviceName);
    capabilities.setCapability("appium:automationName", automationName );
    capabilities.setCapability("appPackage", "com.talabat");
    capabilities.setCapability("appActivity", "com.talabat.LandingScreen");
    capabilities.setCapability("appium:locationServicesAuthorized", false);
    capabilities.setCapability("appium:locationServicesEnabled", false);
    capabilities.setCapability("appium:autoDismissAlerts", true);
    capabilities.setCapability("appium:autoAcceptAlerts", false);

    androidDriver = new AndroidDriver(url, capabilities);
    wait = new WebDriverWait(androidDriver, Duration.ofSeconds(50));

and run testng xml file 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">

through exception org.testng.TestNGException: Parameter 'platformVersion' is required by BeforeSuite on method initializeAndroidDriver but has not been marked @Optional or defined in /private/var/folders/b5/936632353fj08k51cf78vm9jcn4crr/T/testng-eclipse-1114858715/testng-customsuite.xml

Expected Behavior

Android parameters should read from XML and run correctly

Minimal Reproducible Example

code has been attached


Link to Appium Logs

No response

Further Information

No response

mykola-mokhnach commented 5 months ago

Not sure this exception has to do anything with this client

amedvedjev commented 5 months ago

eeee. 1 you should move start Appium driver to @beforeMethod 2 this is not an appium bug. ask questions -> 3 error tells: you did not provide platformVersion you can add logs to see it:

    public void initializeAndroidDriver(
            String platformVersion,
            String platformName,
            String deviceName,
            String automationName) throws MalformedURLException {
        System.out.println("initializeAndroidDriver(): platformVersion: '" + platformVersion + "', platformName: '" + platformName + "', deviceName: '" + deviceName + "', automationName: '" + automationName + "'");
asmayonis1 commented 5 months ago

@amedvedjev platform provided in XML as

<test name="Test-OnePlus5">
        <parameter name="platformVersion" value="13.0"></parameter>
        <parameter name="platformName" value="android"></parameter>
        <parameter name="deviceName" value="RF8NA0W2YFM"></parameter>
        <parameter name="automationName" value="UiAutomator2" />

but I figured the issue is we need to import import org.testng.ITestContext;