appium / python-client

Python language bindings for Appium
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Getting a strange Python error which fails the entire suite: binascii.Error: Incorrect padding #978

Closed tking16 closed 2 months ago

tking16 commented 2 months ago

Not sure what's causing this, my suite runs perfectly fine with a singular iOS simulator, that error occurs when I use Selenium grid (but even if I use Grid with one simulator, this error still comes up!). The screenshot below is from my Github actions output

Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 12 06 03

The tests would take on average about 25 minutes to complete, but this error will usually fail everything about 15-18 minutes in.

selenium server version: 4.13.0.jar python version: 3.9 plugins: Pytest appium.log node.log selenium_grid.log appiumlogDevice3.log

mykola-mokhnach commented 2 months ago

not sure what the error has to do with Appium. The stacktrace mentions the pytest-html library

tking16 commented 2 months ago

Ah my mistake, thank you for pointing that out. The html plugin must be causing issues when a test fails 🤔