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Apps #11

Open Sarvistha opened 9 years ago

Sarvistha commented 9 years ago

Welcome to App design

Bhanvee commented 9 years ago

Please go through the following concern, that came up while deciding the content for App screens!


A session of say 10 candidates in audience. One speaker.

If every user puts up a question, as and when they wish.

There might be too many questions raised. As such, how will a user, go through all the upcoming questions, upvote /downvote or even comment? It might break the flow or concentration of the user while listening to the what the speaker is saying, if he repeatedly keeps checking the questions

So, what possibly could be

Solution 1- Either there is a predefined time intervals + predefined limit to number of questions. Let me explain through a example. Say the conference is of 60 minutes, and interval is set for each 5 minutes. So during each 5 minute interval, the first five questions that are raised will be valid for voting and comments.

concern here : what if a question comes to me, just after 5th minute of that interval, and I want to raise it! Do I save it on my side and upload it in the next interval?

Solution 2 - catering to the above concern, you get to save your questions as and when they come. Post it as and when you feel. But what about voting? There is a break given to the audience, to go through all the questions raised till yet, uproot and down vote.

Break either- in the middle of the session + at last as well (would divide the quantity and make it easier for each user to concentrate on each question equally well. OR - only at the last ( questions would sum up to maybe large numbers)

Solution 3 - a moderator decides relevant question. But that might bring in personal bias.


While jotting down the above, it came to mind, if for a certain question, the answer gets discussed among the audience, and the asking user is satisfied. So that question fades away or still goes for getting an answer from speaker?

Sarvistha commented 9 years ago

Regarding above concern some more questions raise- For solution 1: If users save the questions for next interval, you can't control the quantity of questions. In the next 5 interval there will be lot of questions, than also user had to read lot of questions (burden of questions).

For seminars and webinars solution 2 will work good but if 1-2 hr conferences than meeting has to modify in such manner (if they are using this app). So due to app, modifications in meeting. Have to think about it.

Sarvistha commented 9 years ago

APP details screen wise

Screen 1 (Loading Screen) As soon as user click on app logo The first screen will open with logo in the centre of screen and a tagline below it. This will remain for 3-5 seconds and automatically another screen will appear.

Screen 2 (Splash Screens) 2-3 sliding screens giving an overview what special our app is about. Also having login and create new account option + our logo.

Case 1: New user, just download an app. As soon as he click on the create new account button. Another screen for filling up new account details. Screen 3a (First time details requirement of new user) Screen should have name, id name, email id, password, confirm password and new account create button + Logo Case 2: User already had an account, click on login button. Screen 3b (First time details required of user) Screen asking user id and password will come + Logo

Screen 4 (Main screen) 1.Small profile icon 2.Indication whether you are available/visible/invisible 3.If the user new to an app, either he will send an invitation for joining an organization or owner of organization should send him request (Send request option to any organization) 4.Whatever contacts he had in his phone, he should have freedom of whom to give invitation and accept invitation 5.Recent activities option/ Notifications 6.Search option of people on Conq app 7.At bottom bar, in centre an icon indicating keypad, Another icon whose sub part will be - add people + add member to group + settings Center screen display will be empty if user is totally new to app. Center screen display there will be organizations name coming whom user has already accept invitation/member.

Already for invited person As soon as person click on organization, whose member he is (display on main screen) Screen 5 ( Content of Organization) 1.Active Conference 2.What is happening in the organization 3.Sessions name (If new user than only recent coming up session content will be activated) (If old user than also show old session, he had already attended + missed + recent coming up session) As soon as click on recent session, Name of the speaker for each session Topic (on which talk going to happen) a) Invitation link will be there. Options like Join/ May be or Not be will appear as soon as click on invitation. As soon as click on join, session details will start coming, number of people attending ,Not attending.After certain interval of time, get to know how many people attending session. Blocking of accepting the request. b)If user not invited, but interested in attending the discussion than (Sending request option, for attending the session). Request send to speaker or the person in organization responsible to send request. If user allow to attend. Than he will get notification that he is allowed to attend and invitation send to him But if not, than user get the notification that his request has not accepted.(Some secret talk) c) Session for all Than just join, and you become visible that you are attending the session.

Screen 6 Starting the video Step 1: Click on the organization at main screen. Step 2: Click on active conference. (already mention above) Step 3: Click on conference you have accept invitation. Mentioning the speaker name and topic. Step 4: Conference will start. Screen (video conferencing) Elements on screen a)Top bar Organization logo, Speaker name, Topic, number of people join the conversation, Sliding window from right side showing people joined the group for conversation, Questioning icon b)On the window Audio/Video/Mute c)Lower end bar keypad for typing, Gallery, links through any site, video etc. d)Slider from Left side Profile Log out Dismiss (If you want to leave the conference in between), As soon as click dismiss button speaker get notification. Give reason for leaving. And if reason will valid, than speaker will forward the recordings/updates to the user.

On this screen itself people can type their required questions and it will automatically updated on questioning screen, so no switching of screens. As user click on question icon, on top bar, he can see the status of questions people are putting up.

Screen (Questioning) Question screen (all people put up their questions, commenting and number of likes by taping the question by a user) Automatically arranging the questions on Question screen. Top 10 questions or number selected according to time available, the questions get highlighted and rest of the questions will fade. After answering the questions, the speaker swipe the question, it will get deleted from both the sides (speaker as well as user). Case 1: If the speaker is free after conference and want to answer some more questions, he is free to do that. After answering the questions, he will clear out the discussion, now conference is finished totally. If this is 1 day discussion. Case 2: If the speaker, do not want to answer questions further than he will clear out discussion, there and then. Case 3: If the conference is for 2-3 days, the speaker is free after conference and want to answer some more questions, he is free to do that. After answering the questions, he will clear out the discussion, now conference is finished totally or let it open for next day as well. Case 4: If the conference is for 2-3 days, the speaker, do not want to answer questions further than he will clear out discussion, there and then. User at end select logout or home option in left side sliding bar.

Bhanvee commented 9 years ago

A link to web conferencing reviews website that tells some essential features that should be allowed in online conferencing. Interesting read! Though something might not be valid for our concept..!

Sarvistha commented 9 years ago

Some questions which come in our mind while designing app:

  1. Active conference option, where we should include in app ? For now we have included active conference option on main screen as well as on organization screen. Main screen indicate all conferences on that day from all organizations. At organization screen, active conference indicate conferences of that organization.
  2. What all options to be included on main screen under three dashes on left side of screen? For now we thought of About(ConQ), New group (inside it will be contacts, or wants to create group with organizations or some particular members from organization), Sending invites, Block contacts/Organization, Sign out, Status, Settings, Help. Anything else to include or something to delete from above options.
  3. Is there a need of option, where we just type number and give a video call ? Or we select it from contacts and than a call?
  4. On video calling screen, while switching from one discussion to other discussion, one will miss what has happened during that time, so how to solve that? One solution which we include for now is that even if you are in other discussion for particular time, the whole discussion will either video recorded or the whole conversation will be seen like a chat, second option also enable person to know who says what in conversation.