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Story boarding for ConQ's Promotional video! #13

Open Sarvistha opened 9 years ago

Sarvistha commented 9 years ago

Finally, start up with story boarding.....

Bhanvee commented 9 years ago

Yo! Story ka Beta 1...

The story starts from a sad note of a guy named Monty who is walking out of the conference room, unsatisfied with himself as well as with the talk just held. The trouble is he has this truckload of questions in his mind that were left unanswered as he was too shy to stand up and ask. Also, he didn't wish to disturb the talk in between. That is his scenario in almost every talk that he attends. Though he truly loves talk sessions and attends them, but can never learn a thing out of it, as at times he has doubts with what the speaker is saying but thanks to his personality, that remain doubts forever and in turn affects his subsequent work in the office, where he is labelled as a 'dumbo'.. Once seeing his pathetic condition, the boss thinks it is something to do with his mental capacity and suggests a trusted therapist. Upon testing, therapist finds it is not the problem of Monty but the fact that he does not uses ConQ. He then shows Monty the app that he himself uses for discussion with therapist friends worldwide.Monty is now hopeful and starts using the app. Then, he becomes the ultimate discussion freak and has utmost clarity of thought after every discussion. His friends having seen Monty go through a wonderful transformation, also take up ConQ and enjoy effortless group discussion.

Bhanvee commented 9 years ago

Story ka beta 2 Speaker's side!

A very outgoing guy Sonty joined a new firm and had to deliver a presentation regarding what his past professional background was. As usual, he was keen to do it and had worked hard to give a nice presentation hoping it would end up in a great discussion. What he didn't realise that this firms' employees were way too curious about him. So when the presentation started and before he could establish his opinions, he got bogged down by crazy amount of questions from the audience. Some of them being obvious questions which could have been discussed amongst the audience themselves. So the presentation time stretched and since it was getting late and also, Sonty was already disheartened by that time, no longer anyone had any interest in the discussion and they left the session midway, deriving their own conclusions about Sonty. Sonty was helpless. He searched online if he could find anything that could help such a hassle of audience erupting in between and disturbing the flow. He found ConQ. And in next session, he made sure everyone uses it. And this time his presentation went well. Everyone understood what he had to say. And so they all appreciated Sonty :)

Sonty Maharaj... Zindabaad!

Sarvistha commented 9 years ago

One thing come to mind while reading stories. ConQ providing participatory discussion platform and multiple discussions at one point. We can include these points as well. As later one is important feature. What else????

Bhanvee commented 9 years ago

These were just an overall idea... of-course.. through the visuals it will be shown that they are having discussion within themselves as well... Next coming up is another story of Nonty! (Characters name can be changed... yessss! :))

Bhanvee commented 9 years ago

Okay.. so there is this young professional Nonty who has recently joined a firm and is all super excited! Since the company believes in regular discussions, their daily schedule is lined up with back to back discussions. Nonty being new to all this finds it hard to manage and cope up with information overload. Though she maintains notes but then what gets missed is the fact the other discussions and she usually misses the openings of the subsequent discussion and the overlapping discussions are anyways lost completely. Moreover, she can't maintain the schedule of all those discussions. This is not just her personal trouble, she realises the company though loves discussion but employees are not able to gain much. She tells her problem to her elder sister who seems to be completely fine with n number of discussions happening at any point of time. ConQ is the secret. Nonty downloads the app and gets onto usage. Now, she is able to schedule her discussions and can choose which one to attend and which one to not. Also, she can now attend overlapping discussions and if she finds other discussion better, she can go back to it, without changing her physical location... + she can have regular follow ups of other ongoing sessions!

Bhanvee commented 9 years ago

Here is another one...! Simpa is that over-powering employee who always tries hard to be personal favourite of the boss and does not realises the fact that any assignment, it is not just that he has to take up the task and enjoy the credits but others need to also get an equal chance to learn, and allow the whole team to succeed, with Boss knowing everyone's merits and demerits, rather than just having one disciple in the whole company. Simpa's such an attitude is overbearing and causes much disruptions in harmonious function of the office, especially in discussion sessions where he just takes advantage of his high pitched voice but what he says is hardly relevant. All other employees decide to take a stand and find ConQ, which could allow any discussion sessions to be equally open to now, they put up questions and which ever is upvoted by majority is answered first. Also, it no longer causes disruptions in between. The environment is now more harmonious and Simpa also realises his fault where he should have allowed others also to evolve and learn for the whole team to move forward. Everyone hail ConQ! :)

Sarvistha commented 9 years ago

Nonty story coveys Overlapping discussion, Simpa story conveys that anyone can put up their questions & get valid result and Monty story conveys that one is relaxed after discussion as he understood everything. We can have story depicting certain scenarios in sequential manner. We can also depict that how a person can use ConQ not only for discussion in organization but with different organization as well, participatory discussion among certain new group created. Even he can also continue to join discussion with people who are on Talky platform. Those are on ConQ platform can also able to accept their invitations and join the call.

Secondly, we can depict story in such manner that person is facing one or two problems as indicated in above story specially Monty, Nonty one and as soon as they come across the ConQ app, we can show them exploring app features and they themselves figure out how many things app is providing. And than how these people using the app in discussion.

Through this what is the problem and need for product, how it is useful and to what extend the target user, the whole promoting thing of product can be depicted.

If something else come to my mind, tell you soon.

Bhanvee commented 9 years ago

yes.. and all this would be shown through the visuals... so I didn't mention in the story..! As the story visuals should be able to convey all this.. about understanding the app features etc and how it is benefitting the people..! what do you all think? :)

kaustavdm commented 9 years ago

Good way of presenting it! I like the approach. Remove that "app" angle, and bring in a "discussion platform that can be used from anywhere".

P.S. Why Simpa? You broke the chain :-P

Bhanvee commented 9 years ago

That is one reason why I tried narrating it as a story, not app dictating its features. And for the name... let the Simpa, be Symphony then! Sounds better... :dart:

Sarvistha commented 9 years ago

Frame by frame story boarding, Frame 1: People are coming out from discussion room. Everyone was arguing on discussion held in conference room because of confusion. Monty is coming out and the one who is more confused.

Frame 2: Monty is frustrated with this truckload of questions in his mind that were left unanswered as he was too shy to stand up and ask. Also, he didn't wish to disturb the talk in between. That is his scenario in almost every talk that he attends. He is sharing with his friends.

Frame 3: While sharing his problem with friends, he got a call from boss. Boss call him to his cabin to talk about discussion recently held.

Frame 4: Monty enter boss room, very scared and thinking what will going to happen next?

Frame 5: Boss asked Monty to handle the project and asked some questions related to the recent discussions which Monty not able to respond. Boss observed that Monty is not able to focus on discussions.

Frame 6: Boss called the therapist and asked Monty to consult the therapist.

Frame 7: Monty goes to therapist. After check up, he realized that he is mentally fit. But therapist realized that there is no good discussion platform, so not able to understand properly.

Frame 8: Seeing this condition of Monty, Therapist suggest him to use ConQ as he used ConQ himself with therapist friend worldwide which results in smooth conversation.

Frame 9: Monty download the app and understands it. While exploring app, he realized that it can also be used with different other conversation platform.

Frame 10: After exploring app, he also suggest his friends to download it and enjoy smooth conversation in future.

Frame 11: He enters for other meeting. In this meeting, he and everyone is getting chance to upload their questions and gets valid answer. This is how everyone is getting clarity what is discussion all about.

Frame 12: Everyone is satisfied with the discussion and thanks Monty for suggestion.

Frame 13: Introducing ConQ for conversation, also help in company's increment.

Anything else to add, please let us know.

kaustavdm commented 9 years ago

@Sarvistha @Bhanvee: Here are some of the write-ups we had for ConQ:

ConQ's aim is to provide a threaded, real-time, contextual audio/video/textual discussion, which can be annotated, archived and revisited later. It'll allow participants to ask, up/downvote questions, that can be moderated, without interrupting the speaker – across form factors, using web as the platform.

ConQ is a selective mashup between Skype, Hangouts, Discourse & StackExchange; made entirely with web-technology that works across platforms.

kaustavdm commented 9 years ago

Here is the long 'un:

Problem statement


Most audio/video conferencing systems at the moment, including the web-based ones [see list] are geared towards having an audio/video chat. But the actual discussion tends to get lost. Usually, only a handful people end up actively participating in the meeting. The rest of the attendees often remain passive, for the lack of a better non-interrupting participation model, even though they might have interesting inputs.

Usually, conferences/meetings like these use a separate real-time text chat platform (seldom integrated) to take in questions from attendees. But, even then, there is no scope of contextual & threaded discussion on a particular topic or concern raised by a participant.

The discussion barrier

The problem that we've identified here, are:

That is where ConQ comes in.

Why ConQ?

The name "ConQ" is derived from "Conference & Questions". It aims to provide an integrated audio/video/textual discussion platform in a web browser, for desktops and handhelds, where participants can vote, discuss and talk. ConQ's aim is to keep meetings within their allotted times; efficiently.

In simple words, ConQ is a selective mashup between Skype, Hangouts, Discourse & StackExchange; made entirely with web-technology that works across platforms.

Bhanvee commented 9 years ago


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Sarvistha commented 9 years ago

Here is final sequence of promo video..... 2 1