apple / ARKitScenes

This repo accompanies the research paper, ARKitScenes - A Diverse Real-World Dataset for 3D Indoor Scene Understanding Using Mobile RGB-D Data and contains the data, scripts to visualize and process assets, and training code described in our paper.
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Why 2D bounding box mismatch the image? #66

Closed mrsempress closed 8 months ago

mrsempress commented 8 months ago

I use the following computation to get the position of the 2D bounding box, but it doesn't match the object in the image. img from lower_wide[time_id] intrinsics = lower_wide_intrinsics[time_id] extrinsics from lowres_wide.traj corners from the

I wonder whether the intrinsic matrix divides 1920/256(7.5) as a low resolution. And do I miss something operation?