apple / coremltools

Core ML tools contain supporting tools for Core ML model conversion, editing, and validation.
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conv_transpose2d Cannot be traced: Input weight must be const at compile time. #1858

Closed ConradoMateu closed 1 year ago

ConradoMateu commented 1 year ago

🐞Describing the bug

Stack Trace

Tuple detected at graph output. This will be flattened in the converted model. Converting PyTorch Frontend ==> MIL Ops: 84%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 518/619 [00:00<00:00, 3731.02 ops/s] Error during Core ML conversion: ('Op "706" (op_type: conv_transpose) Input weight must be const at compile time', 'weight', 'wi_center')

import torch
import coremltools as ct
import torch.nn.functional as F

pretrained = "pretrained/states_pt_places2.pth"
generator_state_dict = torch.load(pretrained, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))['G']

if 'stage1.conv1.conv.weight' in generator_state_dict.keys():
    from model.networks import Generator
    from model.networks_tf import Generator  

# Set up the network
generator = Generator(cnum_in=5, cnum=48, return_flow=False)
generator.load_state_dict(generator_state_dict, strict=True)

img = torch.rand([1, 5, 512, 512]).cpu() 
mask = torch.rand([1, 1, 512, 512]).cpu()


# Use JIT to compile the PyTorch model to TorchScript
example_inputs = (torch.rand(1, 5, 512, 512), torch.rand(1, 1, 512, 512))

traced_model = torch.jit.trace(generator, example_inputs)
# Create the Core ML input and output types
input_type = ct.TensorType(name="input", shape=img.shape)
mask_type = ct.TensorType(name="mask", shape=mask.shape)
output_type = ct.ImageType(name="output", color_layout="RGB")

# Convert the TorchScript model to Core ML
    # Convert the TorchScript model to Core ML
    coreml_model = ct.convert(
        inputs=[input_type, mask_type],

    # Save the Core ML model to a file"output.mlmodel")

    print(f'Successfully exported Core ML model')

except Exception as e:
    print(f"Error during Core ML conversion: {e}")

System environment:

Additional context

Here is the ContextualAttention class in that calls this conv_transpose2d and generates the bug. In this line yi = F.conv_transpose2d( yi, wi_center, stride=self.rate, padding=1) / 4.

class ContextualAttention(nn.Module):
    """ Contextual attention layer implementation. \\
        Contextual attention is first introduced in publication: \\
        `Generative Image Inpainting with Contextual Attention`, Yu et al \\
            ksize: Kernel size for contextual attention
            stride: Stride for extracting patches from b
            rate: Dilation for matching
            softmax_scale: Scaled softmax for attention

    def __init__(self,
        super(ContextualAttention, self).__init__()
        self.ksize = ksize
        self.stride = stride
        self.rate = rate
        self.fuse_k = fuse_k
        self.softmax_scale = softmax_scale
        self.fuse = fuse
        self.device_ids = device_ids
        self.n_down = n_down
        self.return_flow = return_flow
        self.register_buffer('fuse_weight', torch.eye(
            fuse_k).view(1, 1, fuse_k, fuse_k))

    def forward(self, f, b, mask=None):
            f: Input feature to match (foreground).
            b: Input feature for match (background).
            mask: Input mask for b, indicating patches not available.
        device = f.device
        # get shapes
        raw_int_fs, raw_int_bs = list(f.size()), list(b.size())   # b*c*h*w

        # extract patches from background with stride and rate
        kernel = 2 * self.rate
        # raw_w is extracted for reconstruction
        raw_w = extract_image_patches(b, ksize=kernel,
                                      rate=1, padding='auto')  # [N, C*k*k, L]
        # raw_shape: [N, C, k, k, L]
        raw_w = raw_w.view(raw_int_bs[0], raw_int_bs[1], kernel, kernel, -1)
        raw_w = raw_w.permute(0, 4, 1, 2, 3)    # raw_shape: [N, L, C, k, k]
        raw_w_groups = torch.split(raw_w, 1, dim=0)

        # downscaling foreground option: downscaling both foreground and
        # background for matching and use original background for reconstruction.
        f = F.interpolate(f, scale_factor=1./self.rate,
                          mode='nearest', recompute_scale_factor=False)
        b = F.interpolate(b, scale_factor=1./self.rate,
                          mode='nearest', recompute_scale_factor=False)
        int_fs, int_bs = list(f.size()), list(b.size())   # b*c*h*w
        # split tensors along the batch dimension
        f_groups = torch.split(f, 1, dim=0)
        # w shape: [N, C*k*k, L]
        w = extract_image_patches(b, ksize=self.ksize,
                                  rate=1, padding='auto')
        # w shape: [N, C, k, k, L]
        w = w.view(int_bs[0], int_bs[1], self.ksize, self.ksize, -1)
        w = w.permute(0, 4, 1, 2, 3)    # w shape: [N, L, C, k, k]
        w_groups = torch.split(w, 1, dim=0)

        # process mask
        if mask is None:
            mask = torch.zeros(
                [int_bs[0], 1, int_bs[2], int_bs[3]], device=device)
            mask = F.interpolate(
                mask, scale_factor=1./((2**self.n_down)*self.rate), mode='nearest', recompute_scale_factor=False)
        int_ms = list(mask.size())
        # m shape: [N, C*k*k, L]
        m = extract_image_patches(mask, ksize=self.ksize,
                                  rate=1, padding='auto')
        # m shape: [N, C, k, k, L]
        m = m.view(int_ms[0], int_ms[1], self.ksize, self.ksize, -1)
        m = m.permute(0, 4, 1, 2, 3)    # m shape: [N, L, C, k, k]
        m = m[0]    # m shape: [L, C, k, k]
        # mm shape: [L, 1, 1, 1]

        mm = (torch.mean(m, dim=[1, 2, 3], keepdim=True) == 0.).to(
        mm = mm.permute(1, 0, 2, 3)  # mm shape: [1, L, 1, 1]

        y = []
        offsets = []
        scale = self.softmax_scale    # to fit the PyTorch tensor image value range

        for xi, wi, raw_wi in zip(f_groups, w_groups, raw_w_groups):
            O => output channel as a conv filter
            I => input channel as a conv filter
            xi : separated tensor along batch dimension of front; (B=1, C=128, H=32, W=32)
            wi : separated patch tensor along batch dimension of back; (B=1, O=32*32, I=128, KH=3, KW=3)
            raw_wi : separated tensor along batch dimension of back; (B=1, I=32*32, O=128, KH=4, KW=4)
            # conv for compare
            wi = wi[0]  # [L, C, k, k]
            max_wi = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(torch.square(wi), dim=[
                                1, 2, 3], keepdim=True)).clamp_min(1e-4)
            wi_normed = wi / max_wi
            # xi shape: [1, C, H, W], yi shape: [1, L, H, W]
            yi = F.conv2d(xi, wi_normed, stride=1, padding=(
                self.ksize-1)//2)   # [1, L, H, W]
            # conv implementation for fuse scores to encourage large patches
            if self.fuse:
                # make all of depth to spatial resolution
                # (B=1, I=1, H=32*32, W=32*32)
                yi = yi.view(1, 1, int_bs[2]*int_bs[3], int_fs[2]*int_fs[3])
                # (B=1, C=1, H=32*32, W=32*32)
                yi = F.conv2d(yi, self.fuse_weight, stride=1,
                # (B=1, 32, 32, 32, 32)
                yi = yi.contiguous().view(
                    1, int_bs[2], int_bs[3], int_fs[2], int_fs[3])
                yi = yi.permute(0, 2, 1, 4, 3)

                yi = yi.contiguous().view(
                    1, 1, int_bs[2]*int_bs[3], int_fs[2]*int_fs[3])
                yi = F.conv2d(yi, self.fuse_weight, stride=1,
                yi = yi.contiguous().view(
                    1, int_bs[3], int_bs[2], int_fs[3], int_fs[2])
                yi = yi.permute(0, 2, 1, 4, 3).contiguous()

            # (B=1, C=32*32, H=32, W=32)
            yi = yi.view(1, int_bs[2] * int_bs[3], int_fs[2], int_fs[3])
            # softmax to match
            yi = yi * mm
            yi = F.softmax(yi*scale, dim=1)
            yi = yi * mm  # [1, L, H, W]

            if self.return_flow:
                offset = torch.argmax(yi, dim=1, keepdim=True)  # 1*1*H*W

                if int_bs != int_fs:
                    # Normalize the offset value to match foreground dimension
                    times = (int_fs[2]*int_fs[3])/(int_bs[2]*int_bs[3])
                    offset = ((offset + 1).float() * times - 1).to(torch.int64)
                offset =[torch.div(offset, int_fs[3], rounding_mode='trunc'),
                                    offset % int_fs[3]], dim=1)  # 1*2*H*W

            # deconv for patch pasting
            wi_center = raw_wi[0]
            yi = F.conv_transpose2d(
                yi, wi_center, stride=self.rate, padding=1) / 4.  # (B=1, C=128, H=64, W=64)

        y =, dim=0)  # back to the mini-batch
        y = y.contiguous().view(raw_int_fs)

        if not self.return_flow:
            return y, None

        offsets =, dim=0)
        offsets = offsets.view(int_fs[0], 2, *int_fs[2:])

        # case1: visualize optical flow: minus current position
        h_add = torch.arange(int_fs[2], device=device).view(
            [1, 1, int_fs[2], 1]).expand(int_fs[0], -1, -1, int_fs[3])
        w_add = torch.arange(int_fs[3], device=device).view(
            [1, 1, 1, int_fs[3]]).expand(int_fs[0], -1, int_fs[2], -1)
        offsets = offsets -[h_add, w_add], dim=1)
        # to flow image
        flow = torch.from_numpy(flow_to_image(
            offsets.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).cpu().data.numpy())) / 255.
        flow = flow.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
        # case2: visualize which pixels are attended
        # flow = torch.from_numpy(highlight_flow((offsets * mask.long()).cpu().data.numpy()))

        if self.rate != 1:
            flow = F.interpolate(flow, scale_factor=self.rate,
                                 mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)

        return y, flow

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TobyRoseman commented 1 year ago

How is this different from #853?

As I've explained before, this issue can not be fixed in the coremltools repository. Submit this issue using the Feedback Assistant.

ConradoMateu commented 1 year ago

I opened this issue to give some visibility and provide a way to reproduce it, documented step by step.

I Already submitted it using Feedback Assistant. but this bug has been happening for Long Time ago. Is there a way that you can give some visibility to the issue, that would be really helpful.

Here is the feedback ID: FB12180874 (CoreML: conv_transpose2d Cannot be traced: Input weight must be const at compile time.)


Thanks in advance.

TobyRoseman commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback id. I've looked up the internal issue and am now following it. I've also added further details to it. I'll do what I can to get that MIL op extended so the weight parameter doesn't need to be a constant.

I'm going to close this issues as a duplicate. #853 has much more concise code to reproduce the issue.