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Apple CUPS Sources
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Add jobs' original hostname indication in the Jobs table #6147

Open StarterCraft opened 8 months ago

StarterCraft commented 8 months ago

Not all drivers allow to view the job's origin hostname, they often only provide the username. This is for fixing the issue.

StarterCraft commented 8 months ago

I am using a Canon MF4550d MFU. Upon installation on Windows, there are two different drivers I can use: Microsoft IPP Class Driver and Canon MF4550D URFII LT Driver.

The first one, should it be called Microsoft driver for short, reports usernames in HOSTNAME\USERNAME format. But as the standard driver, it only has basic functionality and so I prefer to use the Canon driver.

The other driver (Canon MF4550d URFII LT) reports just the user name. It can be a problem if an user uses the same username on different computers, which often happens on Windows PCs.

This is the reasoning behind the changes I made. It would be great to also add an option to choose whether the hostname should be displayed or not. But my knowledge in C++ doesn't allow me to do that.