apple / ml-stable-diffusion

Stable Diffusion with Core ML on Apple Silicon
MIT License
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Image to image - Support for for other sizes/dimensions than 512 x 512 #140

Closed alelordelo closed 1 year ago

alelordelo commented 1 year ago

From what I understand, we currently can only generate 512 x 512 images?

On a model that was trained for 704x960, we still need to be constrained by 512 x 512, or can we generate 704x960?


Zabriskije commented 1 year ago

The only option right now is to hardcore the resolution during conversion, and it only works with the ORIGINAL implementation. To do so, you can use the --latent-w <size> and --latent-h <size> flags. For example:

python -m python_coreml_stable_diffusion.torch2coreml --latent-w 64 --latent-h 96 --compute-unit CPU_AND_GPU --convert-vae-decoder --convert-vae-encoder --convert-unet --convert-text-encoder --model-version <model-name>_diffusers --bundle-resources-for-swift-cli --attention-implementation ORIGINAL -o <model-name>_original_512x768

You have to choose a resolution that is divisible by 64. Also, you have to specify it divided by 8 (e.g. 768/8=96). In the example above, the model will always output images at a resolution of 512x768.

alelordelo commented 1 year ago

Thanks @Zabriskije! Would this also work for image to image?

Zabriskije commented 1 year ago

I don't have direct experience with that, but from what I know, it's not supported yet.

alelordelo commented 1 year ago

Thanks again @Zabriskije , will try to convert a custom size model and run inference with image to image to test. Will post results here if I can make it

jo32 commented 1 year ago

@Zabriskije I tried image to image using this model:

but when I pass a 512X768 image as starting input, I got error from this line:

It turns out that the shape of Encoder accepted is: [1, 3, 768, 512] but the shape of image is [1, 3, 512, 768].

And the Model description of VAEEncoder.modelc:

    "shortDescription" : "Stable Diffusion generates images conditioned on text and\/or other images as input through the diffusion process. Please refer to https:\/\/\/abs\/2112.10752 for details.",
    "metadataOutputVersion" : "3.0",
    "outputSchema" : [
        "hasShapeFlexibility" : "0",
        "isOptional" : "0",
        "dataType" : "Float32",
        "formattedType" : "MultiArray (Float32)",
        "shortDescription" : "The latent embeddings from the unet model from the input image.",
        "shape" : "[]",
        "name" : "latent_dist",
        "type" : "MultiArray"
    "version" : ".\/diffusers",
    "modelParameters" : [

    "author" : "Please refer to the Model Card available at\/.\/diffusers",
    "specificationVersion" : 7,
    "storagePrecision" : "Float16",
    "license" : "OpenRAIL (https:\/\/\/spaces\/CompVis\/stable-diffusion-license)",
    "mlProgramOperationTypeHistogram" : {
      "Transpose" : 7,
      "Ios16.exp" : 1,
      "Ios16.reduceMean" : 44,
      "Ios16.softmax" : 1,
      "Split" : 1,
      "Ios16.linear" : 4,
      "Ios16.add" : 35,
      "Ios16.realDiv" : 22,
      "Ios16.square" : 22,
      "Pad" : 3,
      "Ios16.sub" : 22,
      "Ios16.cast" : 1,
      "Ios16.clip" : 1,
      "Ios16.conv" : 28,
      "Ios16.matmul" : 2,
      "Ios16.reshape" : 54,
      "Ios16.batchNorm" : 22,
      "Ios16.silu" : 21,
      "Ios16.sqrt" : 22,
      "Ios16.mul" : 6
    "computePrecision" : "Mixed (Float32, Float16, Int32)",
    "isUpdatable" : "0",
    "availability" : {
      "macOS" : "13.0",
      "tvOS" : "16.0",
      "watchOS" : "9.0",
      "iOS" : "16.0",
      "macCatalyst" : "16.0"
    "modelType" : {
      "name" : "MLModelType_mlProgram"
    "inputSchema" : [
        "hasShapeFlexibility" : "0",
        "isOptional" : "0",
        "dataType" : "Float16",
        "formattedType" : "MultiArray (Float16 1 × 3 × 768 × 512)",
        "shortDescription" : "An image of the correct size to create the latent space with, image2image and in-painting.",
        "shape" : "[1, 3, 768, 512]",
        "name" : "sample",
        "type" : "MultiArray"
        "hasShapeFlexibility" : "0",
        "isOptional" : "0",
        "dataType" : "Float16",
        "formattedType" : "MultiArray (Float16 1 × 4 × 96 × 64)",
        "shortDescription" : "Latent noise for `DiagonalGaussianDistribution` operation.",
        "shape" : "[1, 4, 96, 64]",
        "name" : "diagonal_noise",
        "type" : "MultiArray"
        "hasShapeFlexibility" : "0",
        "isOptional" : "0",
        "dataType" : "Float16",
        "formattedType" : "MultiArray (Float16 1 × 4 × 96 × 64)",
        "shortDescription" : "Latent noise for use with strength parameter of image2image",
        "shape" : "[1, 4, 96, 64]",
        "name" : "noise",
        "type" : "MultiArray"
        "hasShapeFlexibility" : "0",
        "isOptional" : "0",
        "dataType" : "Float16",
        "formattedType" : "MultiArray (Float16 1 × 1)",
        "shortDescription" : "Precalculated `sqrt_alphas_cumprod` value based on strength and the current schedular's alphasCumprod values",
        "shape" : "[1, 1]",
        "name" : "sqrt_alphas_cumprod",
        "type" : "MultiArray"
        "hasShapeFlexibility" : "0",
        "isOptional" : "0",
        "dataType" : "Float16",
        "formattedType" : "MultiArray (Float16 1 × 1)",
        "shortDescription" : "Precalculated `sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod` value based on strength and the current schedular's alphasCumprod values",
        "shape" : "[1, 1]",
        "name" : "sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod",
        "type" : "MultiArray"
    "userDefinedMetadata" : {
      "" : "6.2",
      "" : "torch==1.13.1"
    "generatedClassName" : "Stable_Diffusion_version___diffusers_vae_encoder",
    "method" : "predict"

"formattedType" : "MultiArray (Float16 1 × 3 × 768 × 512)",

Zabriskije commented 1 year ago

@jo32 Looks like width and height are switched In the json files

jo32 commented 1 year ago

@Zabriskije I am not sure whether it is a problem of model converted or a problem of code in current repo ml-stable-diffusion. Because the model works fine in text to image mode.

Zabriskije commented 1 year ago

@jo32 I think it's not even a problem, they just put height first. It's a bit strange reading it when you talk about resolution since normally width comes first (e.g. 1920x1080), but it may have a "code sense" that I'm unaware of. Since text-to-image works fine, the resolution is correctly called from the JSON file. The only problem, in this case, would be if the resolution gets called invertedly while using image-to-image.

jo32 commented 1 year ago

@Zabriskije Agreed.

jiangdi0924 commented 1 year ago

I have tested several models, for example: for txt2txt, the size is 512768; however, in img2img mode, need to submit start image with a size of 768512. This is likely a bug.

biois commented 1 year ago

Thanks @Zabriskije