apple / password-manager-resources

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Added in password-rules #748

Open amalgopal2015 opened 5 months ago

amalgopal2015 commented 5 months ago

Overall Checklist

for password-rules.json

amalgopal2015 commented 5 months ago

Added in password-rules

Screenshot 2024-02-19 020512

rmondello commented 5 months ago

Hi @amalgopal2015! How did you come up with that list of special characters? Did the website list them, or did you try experimentally?

kiddailey commented 3 months ago

I took a look at this by verifying each character individually (the site highlights when the requirement has been met) and the commit is not quite correct. The site requires at least one of the 0-8 number key symbols [!@#$%^&*]. The change submitted is missing the asterisk character.

The 9 and 0 key open and close parenthesis do NOT fulfill the symbol requirement. Nor do any of the other keyboard symbols ~`-_=+[{]}|;:'",<.>/? However, any of these symbols are allowed -- they just don't fulfill the requirement.