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[k8s.contrib] Convert K8sResources within the K8sResource #62

Open Avarei opened 3 weeks ago

Avarei commented 3 weeks ago

I have a CRD Object, which is used to create Kubernetes Resources in Remote Clusters. This CRD has a Field called manifest, which contains a full Kubernetes Manifest, which is to be deployed on the target Cluster.

While this field is not typesafe in the CRD itself, i would like it to be in Pkl. Here is a a simplified representation of the CRD as a Pkl Module.

What I tried

I created the following files and converted the yaml manifest to Pkl.


// this is simplified from the actual CRD
module io.crossplane.kubernetes.v1alpha2.Object
extends "package://"
import "package://"
import "package://"

fixed apiVersion: ""
fixed kind: "Object"

metadata: ObjectMeta?
spec: Spec
status: Status?
class Spec {
  manifest: K8sResource

class Status {
  manifest: K8sResource?


amends "package://"
customResourceTemplates {
  ["Object"] {
    [""] = import("Object.pkl")


kind: Object
  name: hey
  namespace: world
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: foo
      namespace: bar
      exampleKey: exampleValue


I ran the following command to convert from yaml to pkl.

pkl eval -p "input=object.yaml" -o object-actual.pkl convert.pkl

What I got

import "package://"
import "Object.pkl" // <snipped absolute path>

resources: Listing<K8sResource> = new {
  new Object {
    metadata {
      name = "hey"
      namespace = "world"
    spec {
      manifest {
        apiVersion = "v1"
        kind = "ConfigMap"
        metadata {
          name = "foo"
          namespace = "bar"
        data {
          exampleKey = "exampleValue"

output {
  value = resources
  renderer = (K8sResource.output.renderer as YamlRenderer) {
    isStream = true

What I want

import "package://"
import "package://"
import "Object.pkl"

resources: Listing<K8sResource> = new {
  new Object {
    metadata {
      name = "hey"
      namespace = "world"
    spec {
      manifest = (ConfigMap) {
        metadata {
          name = "foo"
          namespace = "bar"
        data {
          ["exampleKey"] = "exampleValue"

output {
  value = resources
  renderer = (K8sResource.output.renderer as YamlRenderer) {
    isStream = true