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Async Algorithms for Swift
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Send and receive only channels #170

Open paulofaria opened 2 years ago

paulofaria commented 2 years ago

An important ability when passing around channels is to limit sending/receiving by passing a send-only or a receive-only channel. Right now, it is possible to erase receiving, since AsyncChannel is just an AsyncSequence. However, there's currently no mechanism to create a send-only version of a channel. The simplest solution I think is to create a wrapper type called SendingChannel or something. I think this is a good reason to rename AsyncChannel to just Channel (#47). Otherwise we would have SendingAsyncChannel, which is not too bad, but I really think the Async part doesn't help us much.

paulofaria commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure if it's worth creating a wrapper type for ReceivingChannel, but one advantage would be symmetry.

phausler commented 2 years ago

Once the language can support some AsyncSequence<T> then the ReceivingChannel is just the opaque AsyncChannel.

Sajjon commented 2 years ago

@paulofaria @phausler Would this be a reasonable implementation of ReceivingChannel and ReceivingThrowingChannel respectively do you think?

If so I could create a PR.


//  ReceivingChannel.swift
//  Created by Alexander Cyon on 2022-09-12.

import Foundation
import AsyncAlgorithms

public final class ReceivingChannel<Element: Sendable>: Sendable, AsyncSequence {
    public typealias Base = AsyncChannel<Element>

    public struct Iterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol {
        var iterator: Base.Iterator?

        init(_ iterator: Base.Iterator) {
            self.iterator = iterator

        public mutating func next() async -> Base.Element? {
            if !Task.isCancelled, let value = await iterator?.next() {
                return value
            } else {
                iterator = nil
                return nil

    let base: Base

    init(_ base: Base) {
        self.base = base

    public func makeAsyncIterator() -> Iterator {

    /// Send a finish to all awaiting iterations.
    /// All subsequent calls to `next(_:)` will resume immediately.
    public func finish() {

public extension AsyncChannel {
    func receivingOnly() -> ReceivingChannel<Element> {


//  ReceivingThrowingChannel.swift
//  Created by Alexander Cyon on 2022-09-12.

import Foundation
import AsyncAlgorithms

public final class ReceivingThrowingChannel<Element: Sendable, Failure: Error>: Sendable, AsyncSequence {
    public typealias Base = AsyncThrowingChannel<Element, Failure>

    public struct Iterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol {
        var iterator: Base.Iterator?

        init(_ iterator: Base.Iterator) {
            self.iterator = iterator

        public mutating func next() async throws -> Base.Element? {
            if !Task.isCancelled, let value = try await iterator?.next() {
                return value
            } else {
                iterator = nil
                return nil

    let base: Base

    init(_ base: Base) {
        self.base = base

    public func makeAsyncIterator() -> Iterator {

    /// Send a finish to all awaiting iterations.
    /// All subsequent calls to `next(_:)` will resume immediately.
    public func finish() {

public extension AsyncThrowingChannel {
    func receivingThrowingOnly() -> ReceivingThrowingChannel<Element, Failure> {

Unit tests

Tests which are copy-paste of TestChannel but without tests requiring non public ManagedCriticalState - modified to send values on AsyncChannel and AsyncThroingChannel but which use makeAsyncIterator on let receivingChannel = asyncChannel.receivingOnly().

//  ReceivingChannelTests.swift
//  Created by Alexander Cyon on 2022-09-12.

import Foundation
import XCTest
import AsyncAlgorithmExtensions
import AsyncAlgorithms

struct Failure: Error, Equatable { }

final class ReceivingChannelTests: XCTestCase {

    func test_asyncChannel_delivers_values_when_two_producers_and_two_consumers() async {
        let (sentFromProducer1, sentFromProducer2) = ("test1", "test2")
        let expected = Set([sentFromProducer1, sentFromProducer2])

        let asyncChannel = AsyncChannel<String>()
        Task {
            await asyncChannel.send(sentFromProducer1)
        Task {
            await asyncChannel.send(sentFromProducer2)
        let receivingChannel = asyncChannel.receivingOnly()
        let t: Task<String?, Never> = Task {
            var iterator = receivingChannel.makeAsyncIterator()
            let value = await
            return value
        var iterator = receivingChannel.makeAsyncIterator()

        let (collectedFromConsumer1, collectedFromConsumer2) = (await t.value, await
        let collected = Set([collectedFromConsumer1, collectedFromConsumer2])

        XCTAssertEqual(collected, expected)

    func test_asyncThrowingChannel_delivers_values_when_two_producers_and_two_consumers() async throws {
        let (sentFromProducer1, sentFromProducer2) = ("test1", "test2")
        let expected = Set([sentFromProducer1, sentFromProducer2])

        let asyncChannel = AsyncThrowingChannel<String, Error>()
        Task {
            await asyncChannel.send("test1")
        Task {
            await asyncChannel.send("test2")
        let receivingChannel = asyncChannel.receivingThrowingOnly()
        let t: Task<String?, Error> = Task {
            var iterator = receivingChannel.makeAsyncIterator()
            let value = try await
            return value
        var iterator = receivingChannel.makeAsyncIterator()

        let (collectedFromConsumer1, collectedFromConsumer2) = (try await t.value, try await
        let collected = Set([collectedFromConsumer1, collectedFromConsumer2])

        XCTAssertEqual(collected, expected)

    func test_asyncThrowingChannel_throws_and_discards_additional_sent_values_when_fail_is_called() async {
        let sendImmediatelyResumes = expectation(description: "Send immediately resumes after fail")

        let asyncChannel = AsyncThrowingChannel<String, Error>()

        let receivingChannel = asyncChannel.receivingThrowingOnly()
        var iterator = receivingChannel.makeAsyncIterator()
        do {
            let _ = try await
            XCTFail("The AsyncThrowingChannel should have thrown")
        } catch {
            XCTAssertEqual(error as? Failure, Failure())

        do {
            let pastFailure = try await
        } catch {
            XCTFail("The AsyncThrowingChannel should not fail when failure has already been fired")

        await asyncChannel.send("send")
        wait(for: [sendImmediatelyResumes], timeout: 1.0)

    func test_asyncChannel_ends_iterator_when_task_is_cancelled() async {
        let asyncChannel = AsyncChannel<String>()
        let receivingChannel = asyncChannel.receivingOnly()
        let ready = expectation(description: "ready")
        let task: Task<String?, Never> = Task {
            var iterator = receivingChannel.makeAsyncIterator()
            return await
        wait(for: [ready], timeout: 1.0)
        let value = await task.value

    func test_asyncThrowingChannel_ends_iterator_when_task_is_cancelled() async throws {
        let asyncChannel = AsyncThrowingChannel<String, Error>()
        let receivingChannel = asyncChannel.receivingThrowingOnly()
        let ready = expectation(description: "ready")
        let task: Task<String?, Error> = Task {
            var iterator = receivingChannel.makeAsyncIterator()
            return try await
        wait(for: [ready], timeout: 1.0)
        let value = try await task.value

twittemb commented 2 years ago

100% agree with the previous comment from @phausler. We could perhaps have a SendingChannel protocol that AsyncChannel conforms to.

protocol SendingChannel<Element> {
  associatedtype Element: Sendable

  func send(_:) async
  func finish()

It could make sense if there are several types of Channels in the future.

Sajjon commented 2 years ago

Yes, but if we do not want to wait for Async types to get Primary Associated Type (PRAT) support, might be nice to get something in the mean time?

It sound as if AsyncSequences getting PRAT support might take some time since it is effectively blocked by Precise Error Typing (just asked for status update) - from Swift Forums thread:

(1) AsyncSequence and AsyncIteratorProtocol logically ought to have Element as their primary associated type. However, we have ongoing evolution discussions 14 about adding a precise error type to these. If those discussions bear fruit, then the new Error associated type would need to also be marked primary. To prevent source compatibility complications, adding primary associated types to these two protocols is deferred to a future proposal.

FranzBusch commented 2 years ago

I think what AsyncChannel could benefit from is having a nested type called Source which is the type you can write to. We have been doing this in our swift-nio async sequence as well.

The benefit of doing this is that it not only allows you to vend a specific interface to only the write side of things, it also allows you to implement logic inside AsyncChannel to finish the sequence if nobody is holding onto the Source anymore.

For the places where you want to both write and consume the channel you can just pass both types. This way you also don't need a Receiving/ or SendingChannel but just an AsyncChannel and an AsyncChannel.Source.