apple / swift-collections

Commonly used data structures for Swift
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Persistent collections updates (part 4) #177

Closed lorentey closed 1 year ago

lorentey commented 1 year ago

This is the first in a series of subsequent PRs with large-scale logic changes. This first one concentrates on the representation of node storage, and the patterns of accessing it:

The implementation of dictionary operations remain conceptually unchanged for now (although the details look superficially different now) -- future updates will start tweaking things in earnest.


lorentey commented 1 year ago
Tasks with difference scores larger than 1.05:
  Score   Sum     Improvements Regressions  Name
  23.10   23.10   23.10(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> sequential iteration, indices (*)
  21.88   21.88   21.88(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> indexing subscript (*)
  21.36   21.36   21.36(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int>.Keys sequential iteration (*)
  21.34   21.34   21.34(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int>.Values sequential iteration (*)
  8.054   8.054   8.054(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> unsuccessful index(forKey:) (*)
  5.866   5.866   5.866(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> successful index(forKey:) (*)
  1.821   1.821   1.821(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> random removals (missing keys) (*)
  1.817   1.817   1.817(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> subscript, noop setter (*)
  1.798   1.798   1.798(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> subscript, remove missing (*)
  1.751   1.751   1.751(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> updateValue(_:forKey:), existing (*)
  1.736   1.736   1.736(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> subscript, remove existing, unique (*)
  1.732   1.732   1.732(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> random removals (existing keys) (*)
  1.720   1.720   1.720(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> subscript, set existing (*)
  1.554   1.554   1.554(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> subscript, _modify (*)
  1.538   1.538   1.538(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> defaulted subscript, _modify existing (*)
  1.481   1.481   1.496(#74)   0.9846(#2)   PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> defaulted subscript, _modify missing (*)
  1.458   1.458   1.471(#74)   0.9867(#2)   PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> updateValue(_:forKey:), insert (*)
  1.240   1.240   1.240(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> sequential iteration (*)
  1.186   1.186   1.187(#74)   0.9987(#2)   PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> defaulted subscript, unsuccessful lookups (*)
  1.172   1.172   1.175(#75)   0.9966(#1)   PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> defaulted subscript, successful lookups (*)
  1.172   1.172   1.172(#75)   0.9996(#1)   PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> subscript, unsuccessful lookups (*)
  1.162   1.162   1.162(#76)   1.000(#0)    PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> subscript, successful lookups (*)
  1.138   1.138   1.179(#64)   0.9590(#12)  PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> init(uniqueKeysWithValues:) (*)
  1.137   1.137   1.177(#64)   0.9595(#12)  PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> subscript, insert, unique (*)
  1.114   1.114   1.122(#54)   0.9921(#22)  PersistentDictionary<Int, Int> subscript, insert, shared (*)
lorentey commented 1 year ago

Performance highight: indexing operations benefit greatly from moving subtree counts into parent nodes:

01 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  sequential iteration, indices 02 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  indexing subscript 05 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  unsuccessful index(forKey:) 06 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  successful index(forKey:)
lorentey commented 1 year ago

The iterator is largely unchanged (I expect I'll have to soon slow it down somewhat, as the current implementation isn't legal Swift) -- but for some reason the current (dummy) Keys and Values implementations got a remarkable improvement.

03 PersistentDictionary Int, Int Keys sequential iteration 04 PersistentDictionary Int, Int Values sequential iteration 18 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  sequential iteration
lorentey commented 1 year ago

Removals and updates got a 1.5x-1.7x speed boost from the storage layout & access improvements:

07 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  random removals (missing keys) 08 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  subscript, noop setter 09 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  subscript, remove missing 10 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  updateValue(_:forKey:), existing 11 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  subscript, remove existing, unique 12 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  random removals (existing keys) 13 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  subscript, set existing 14 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  subscript, _modify 15 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  defaulted subscript, _modify existing
lorentey commented 1 year ago

Insertions to unique storage exhibit some unusual changes, resulting in some rather unique charts. Explaining this is a fun puzzle -- what I think is happening is that the new code has better allocation/resizing behavior.

The repeating pattern at 32x size increments is simply due to the size of each node (32 buckets) -- each time we increase the input size by 32x, we are effectively adding a new layer of nodes to the hash tree.

The old code used to have two separate buffers for items & children, so when a collision happened, upgrading an item to a child node sometimes required a bunch of reallocations to resize them. The new code uses a shared buffer for both regions, and the new child can simply make use of the space that was previously occupied by the old item, eliminating most of these. This probably explains why the humps in the before curve turn into valleys on after -- I suspect these humps/valleys might correspond to sizes at which the tree is busy introducing new nodes. If so, the stable spots in between are probably periods where the tree tends to just add new items to preexisting nodes.

A closer analysis would probably be interesting here, but for now I'm happy with these results.

16 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  defaulted subscript, _modify missing 17 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  updateValue(_:forKey:), insert 24 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  subscript, insert, unique 23 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  init(uniqueKeysWithValues:)
lorentey commented 1 year ago

Simple key lookups were already quite fast, so they only see (relatively) minor 16-18% improvements, perhaps due to reduced retain/release traffic. (The new code is quite careful to avoid copying node references.)

I feel this is getting close to optimal, although perhaps there is still some room for marginal improvements by rolling find back into the lookup implementation.

19 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  defaulted subscript, unsuccessful lookups 20 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  defaulted subscript, successful lookups 21 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  subscript, unsuccessful lookups 22 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  subscript, successful lookups
lorentey commented 1 year ago

Finally, insertions/removals into shared nodes are somewhat of a mixed bag -- we have minor 1-5% slowdowns at low sizes, but quite significant wins at the high end.

26 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  subscript, remove existing, shared 25 PersistentDictionary Int, Int  subscript, insert, shared
lorentey commented 1 year ago

(These charts need to be taken with a grain of salt -- the new results have far greater variance because I finally remembered to re-run them several times to get new hash seeds. I collected the old results over (maybe) one or two separate runs, so they mostly ended up creating and re-creating the exact same tree. I don't think it matters much, though: the effects of the random hash seeds only seem to be significant up to about 64 or so items -- beyond that the volume of data tends to smooth out the noise. (Until around 128k-256k items, when some caching or context switching artifacts start to (consistently) destabilize measurements again.)

pyrtsa commented 1 year ago

Out of curiosity, how do these charts compare to the corresponding non-persistent Swift collections?

Additionally, are you ultimately going to add or update the recorded benchmark charts under Documentation (such as here)?

lorentey commented 1 year ago

Out of curiosity, how do these charts compare to the corresponding non-persistent Swift collections?

It's a bit too early to advertise such comparisons at this point, or to draw huge conclusions from them. These will be more meaningful when we've fleshed out the implementation a bit more.

(If you're eager to get a picture of the current state, the benchmark library named PersistentDictionary generates such reference comparisons, so you can get such data. You just need to run ./Utils/ library run --library "./Benchmarks/Libraries/PeristentDictionary.json" results.json, then render them with the library render command).

Additionally, are you ultimately going to add or update the recorded benchmark charts under Documentation (such as here)?

Yes, I expect we'll have a similar arrangement for these new types. It would also be nice to integrate these into the API docs to a certain extent at least -- DocC integration would let us do that (and more).

lorentey commented 1 year ago

Insertions to unique storage exhibit some unusual changes, resulting in some rather unique charts. Explaining this is a fun puzzle -- what I think is happening is that the new code has better allocation/resizing behavior.


@msteindorfer kindly noted that the behavior is for more plausibly explained by the allocation behavior getting horizontally shifted across the two implementations (plus a 1.5-2x general speedup). That makes far more sense! 😅

lorentey commented 1 year ago

The iterator is largely unchanged (I expect I'll have to soon slow it down somewhat, as the current implementation isn't legal Swift) -- but for some reason the current (dummy) Keys and Values implementations got a remarkable improvement.

Huh, TIL the stdlib defines a custom map implementation for Collection that uses indexing instead of the iterator. That's rather silly!

lorentey commented 1 year ago

Latest commits apply some improvements uncovered during code review.

@swift-ci test